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What tips can you give someone who just started

Okay so I downloaded dbd last week and played about 5-7 games and i only play as the shape because I’m a huge Halloween fan and the other killers don’t really catch my attention. Do I NEED to play as other killers or can I just continue how I am? Also my style is to find survivors and hook them and pretty much camp so I know they die and this has gotten me wins but one game I only got one kill which is a first and afterwards I got some salty guy in my messages. 


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Camp if you think it's the right strategy. If you win, then it's the right strategy.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    As a side note, some of the best perks to use on Myers come from other killers. Monitor & Abuse from The Doctor is probably the #1 perk on Myers, and Ruin from The Hag is very helpful as well.
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    1. Don't play killer if you want to still like this game.
    2. Survivors are overpowered, and just can run in circles for the 2-3 gens till you catch them.
    3. Devs are nerfing killers for 2 years, while catering to survivors.
    4. The higher you go in ranking eith the killer, the more toxic and entitled survivors are.
    5. You will face thousands of entitled survivors with made up rules, like "do not tunnel" or "do not camp", snd will flame you even if you did not do duch things.
    6. They will rush to the hook the same second you hooked domeone, and call you a camper for it.
    7. Prepare for spam of insults on your profile, survivors are the most toxic things on internet thanks to pedophiles like ochido (currently I have 34 pages of insults on my profile, I enjoy collecting them)
    8. Always kill them, do not have mercy, because if you let them alive, they will spam with "EZEZEZEZ NOOB KILLER ######### #########"
    9. Run Ruin, because it is almost mandatory on killers.
    10. This game is not fair for killers (fir example hex perks, some survivor perks, some mechsnics etc) - get used to it.
  • diamonddabs
    diamonddabs Member Posts: 21
    Hey guys thanks for the tips. I do want to get better in general so I am going to try these tactics. I have tough skin so the hate messages won’t bother me and actually motivate me to keep doing it lol. 
    And I only camp after I hook a survivor. The rest of the time I’m trying to flank around the map and try to damage generators but I obviously know my play style can’t be that great since I don’t have experience. Also I play cod ww2 if anyone else does as well. 
  • Strider
    Strider Member Posts: 94

    I would highly discourage sticking to camping as your go-to strategy to secure kills. Not only is it not fun at all to watch one person die, you're giving the rest of their team an opportunity to complete generators while you essentially AFK.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @diamonddabs said:
    Okay so I downloaded dbd last week and played about 5-7 games and i only play as the shape because I’m a huge Halloween fan and the other killers don’t really catch my attention. Do I NEED to play as other killers or can I just continue how I am? Also my style is to find survivors and hook them and pretty much camp so I know they die and this has gotten me wins but one game I only got one kill which is a first and afterwards I got some salty guy in my messages. 

    1. Play how you want to play, don't let the survivors bully you, you can only be reported for hacking and verbal harassing, not by how you play.
    2. Try some of the other killers out some are fun and you get useful perks for maxing them.
    3. You don't need to camp to win, but 'patrolling' or being active around the hook are (breaking stuff, hunting) is recommended so they don't just get free saves, you can tunnel one survivor and kill quick so you can get a 2-4k fast. Survivors don't often know what to do so use this to your advantage.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Playing as both sides survivor and killer will help you improve on both sides. Don't let the frustration from not "winning" get to you. You don't have the experience or the perk build to match up against the killer or survivors, but you will eventually.

  • Albireo
    Albireo Member Posts: 15
    edited August 2018

    Only camp hooked people if others are rushing for rescues. If you down someone near a hooked Survivor let him lay on the ground if no hook is near and keep an eye on him.

    You should keep an eye out for perks in the store, here are some ratings on perks for The Shape

    I can't give specific's on The Shape because I haven't gotten the DLC yet, lol

    Here's a guide that isn't that popular so you might not find it on your own, it's worth checking out:

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Yes - play some survivor as well. Know thy enemy.

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    Also monitor and abuse and the dead rabbit add-on is a winning combination.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    edited August 2018

    @RSB said:
    1. Don't play killer if you want to still like this game.
    2. Survivors are overpowered, and just can run in circles for the 2-3 gens till you catch them.
    3. Devs are nerfing killers for 2 years, while catering to survivors.
    4. The higher you go in ranking eith the killer, the more toxic and entitled survivors are.
    5. You will face thousands of entitled survivors with made up rules, like "do not tunnel" or "do not camp", snd will flame you even if you did not do duch things.
    6. They will rush to the hook the same second you hooked domeone, and call you a camper for it.
    7. Prepare for spam of insults on your profile, survivors are the most toxic things on internet thanks to pedophiles like ochido (currently I have 34 pages of insults on my profile, I enjoy collecting them)
    8. Always kill them, do not have mercy, because if you let them alive, they will spam with "EZEZEZEZ NOOB KILLER [BAD WORD] #########"
    9. Run Ruin, because it is almost mandatory on killers.
    10. This game is not fair for killers (fir example hex perks, some survivor perks, some mechsnics etc) - get used to it.

    I love your drama posts.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Play the way you feel best fits you, if its camping, go for it. Have fun. Do not worry if you do not get a kill every match, that comes with experience. Try other killers, they may offer a play style you enjoy. Try survivor, it will help to become a better killer.

  • switch
    switch Member Posts: 489


  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    @diamonddabs said:
    Okay so I downloaded dbd last week and played about 5-7 games and i only play as the shape because I’m a huge Halloween fan and the other killers don’t really catch my attention. Do I NEED to play as other killers or can I just continue how I am? Also my style is to find survivors and hook them and pretty much camp so I know they die and this has gotten me wins but one game I only got one kill which is a first and afterwards I got some salty guy in my messages. 

    Ignore salt or revel in it
    99% your Evil Within 2 and then tap it to go to Evil Within 3 if you're playing Myers
    Only camp when exit gates are open, if the survivors are altruistic, if there are multiple hooked survivors, and if there are survivors are nearby
    Learn how to mindgame (moonwalking and stuff)
    P L A Y - B O T H - S I D E S

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @diamonddabs said:
    Okay so I downloaded dbd last week and played about 5-7 games and i only play as the shape because I’m a huge Halloween fan and the other killers don’t really catch my attention. Do I NEED to play as other killers or can I just continue how I am? Also my style is to find survivors and hook them and pretty much camp so I know they die and this has gotten me wins but one game I only got one kill which is a first and afterwards I got some salty guy in my messages. 

    You can only play 1 killer if you want to do that, might become boring though.
    I suggest a healthy rotation between 3-4 killers.

    camping works in low ranks because survivors dont know what to do, but once you face more experuienced survivors it doesnt work anymore

    Just enjoy the salt, thats part of the game :wink:

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    I'd love to tell you some tips and help. Just add me man.



    In short... play other killers, but you don't have to try them all. Myers being in this game is what drew me to it also. It was a really cool thing.

    Some people will act like camping is just the worst thing ever. It isn't.

    Camping in certain times is very helpful to you. They act like camping is cheating.

    While it makes the game not that much fun for the person that got "caught"... they other survivors are free to do gens if you are camping. It's a trade.

    So camping isn't ideal, but in certain situations it is vital. Survivors aren't entitled to survive.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    If you are playing killer lots, close the end game chat :+1:

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Strongest and most OP build on Myers is Hex Ruin (Hag), Dying Light (Myers), Play With Your Food (Myers), and Whispers (universal killer perk), with Fragrant Tuft of Hair and Judith's Tombstone. You will need to stalk A LOT but never need to hook anyone. Once you get enough EW to just about get to tier 3, look for the obsession. Chases them 3 times, pop EW, then tombstone them ASAP (tombstone is a standing mori special to Myers). If you kill this person before Ruin goes down, the game will stop because DL+Ruin basically stops gens completely. Use Whispers to find the rest.

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    Go here and watch everything! Then start playing.

  • WeraRaptor
    WeraRaptor Member Posts: 18

    You got some great tips, so here's something NOT to do that The Shape once did to me:

    I was last in the game, dying state, so The Shape didn't even pick me up, he just chilled in front of me, letting me bleed. Funny story, it was my first time using the perk that allowed me to recover from the dying state once per game--so I did, and he was AFK.

    I died that game, it was t e r r i f y i n g seeing Michael appear behind a corner in his Evil Within III and stabbing me and hooking me this time, but I did repair +1 generators and tried to find the hatch (failed). So, long story short, don't go AFK!

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115
    Make sure to play survivor that way you’ll get a better understanding as a killer what survivor may do so you’ll be able to play better as any killer 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    I find it interesting how many people recommend you to also play survivor in order to get better as killer. This is how it should be.
    But sadly, those players get called out by diehard survivor mains, because they are "killer biased".

    So I recommend you to also play survivor and Survive With Friends. This'll give you a more realistic view on how the game is balanced.
  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,522
    edited August 2018

    You don't need to play as other killers. But I would recommend investing some of the bloodpoints you earn into the others. Each killer (and survivor) has "teachable" perks. These are perks that are unique to them, but once you level them up enough, you can unlock a teachable version which allows you to get them in the bloodwebs of other killers. So if you really like Myers, for example, you might want to level up the doctor to unlock Monitor and Abuse (a perk that makes your terror radius smaller).

    Best tip I can give you is to just play as both sides. The way to become a better killer is to become a better survivor and vice versa. If you know what a survivor is thinking, you can predict what they're going to do and play around that. Know what works, figure out how the good survivors/killers you go up against counter that. Also, always keep an open mind. Rather than thinking, "That's no fair", think, "How could I have prevented that?"

  • Unit
    Unit Member Posts: 190
    You have to play other killers to be good
  • diamonddabs
    diamonddabs Member Posts: 21
    Hey guys thanks for all the advise. Since my post I’m rank 15 survivor and 17 killer because I was either escaping or living long enough to earn 660,000 blood points but I’m only up to 20 doctor and 15 Myers. I upgraded survivors cus i was winning games with only one perk and no add ons so I assume I’ll do a lot better with some. 
  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761
    My advice is to get two perks as fast as possible. "We're gonna live forever" for survivors, "BBQ and Chili" for killers. Without these, the bloodpoint grind really is quite tedious
  • Sandt21
    Sandt21 Member Posts: 761

    Strongest and most OP build on Myers is Hex Ruin (Hag), Dying Light (Myers), Play With Your Food (Myers), and Whispers (universal killer perk), with Fragrant Tuft of Hair and Judith's Tombstone. You will need to stalk A LOT but never need to hook anyone. Once you get enough EW to just about get to tier 3, look for the obsession. Chases them 3 times, pop EW, then tombstone them ASAP (tombstone is a standing mori special to Myers). If you kill this person before Ruin goes down, the game will stop because DL+Ruin basically stops gens completely. Use Whispers to find the rest.

    Awesome build! I'm doing this first chance I get
  • diamonddabs
    diamonddabs Member Posts: 21
    Hey guys not sure if you can see this but I’m rank 6 now and I think im a lot better and it’s very helpful what you guys told me. 
    Btw if anyone wants to swf with me my ps4 is diamonddabs. 
  • HuN7r3sS
    HuN7r3sS Member Posts: 211
    In order to gain knowledge on how survivors work, playing a little bit of survival is essential. I started out as a Huntress main, but in time I branched out to playing The Spirit, Michael, and The Pig until I mastered their abilities. In terms of Michael, the most effective perks for my playstyle are Hex: Ruin, Overcharge, Hex: Haunted Ground, and Make your Choice (you do have to be a certain distance from hook for it to activate though). If you want to find and down more than one survivor then you must keep in mind to do gen rotations after chases. If you think a chase is taking to long, just abandon it and go back to patrol. Survivors rely on gens, so make them your priority as well.
  • steezo_de
    steezo_de Member Posts: 1,196

    @diamonddabs said:
    Hey guys not sure if you can see this but I’m rank 6 now and I think im a lot better and it’s very helpful what you guys told me. 
    Btw if anyone wants to swf with me my ps4 is diamonddabs. 

    Good to see you stick through it.

  • Timebomb0800
    Timebomb0800 Member Posts: 80

    @Orion said:
    Camp if you think it's the right strategy. If you win, then it's the right strategy.

    Ignore this. Camping is a horrible strategy and will only work against bad survivors who still try and save without Borrowed Time. Might get a win but you'll always be in low ranks. Also, it's not fun for you as the killer or the survivors. I'm a killer main who's hit rank 1 every season since I started playing 6months ago and I never camp. It's unnecessary to win, and again, not fun for anyone. Even as a killer, it's a lot more fun (and rewarding in terms of both bloodpoints and personal satisfaction) when you do well and secure 4k's without camping. You also won't learn anything about the game mechanics and killer/survivor strats by doing so.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited November 2018

    @Timebomb0800 said:

    @Orion said:
    Camp if you think it's the right strategy. If you win, then it's the right strategy.

    Ignore this. Camping is a horrible strategy and will only work against bad survivors who still try and save without Borrowed Time. Might get a win but you'll always be in low ranks. Also, it's not fun for you as the killer or the survivors. I'm a killer main who's hit rank 1 every season since I started playing 6months ago and I never camp. It's unnecessary to win, and again, not fun for anyone. Even as a killer, it's a lot more fun (and rewarding in terms of both bloodpoints and personal satisfaction) when you do well and secure 4k's without camping. You also won't learn anything about the game mechanics and killer/survivor strats by doing so.

    Camping is inherently bad because it puts the power in the Survivors' hands, but they decide to misuse that power and reward camping, which makes it the best strategy for getting kills nine times out of ten.

  • Timebomb0800
    Timebomb0800 Member Posts: 80

    @Orion said:
    Camping is inherently bad because it puts the power in the Survivors' hands, but they decide to misuse that power and reward camping, which makes it the best strategy for getting kills nine times out of ten.

    Or you know... being a good killer is the best strategy 9 times out of 10....
    If the survivors are bad enough to make dumb saves/misuse that power when the killer is camping, then the survivors are bad enough for the killer to beat them easily without camping...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Timebomb0800 said:

    @Orion said:
    Camping is inherently bad because it puts the power in the Survivors' hands, but they decide to misuse that power and reward camping, which makes it the best strategy for getting kills nine times out of ten.

    Or you know... being a good killer is the best strategy 9 times out of 10....
    If the survivors are bad enough to make dumb saves/misuse that power when the killer is camping, then the survivors are bad enough for the killer to beat them easily without camping...

    Most people will flock to what gets the best result for the least amount of effort. If you want to purposefully handicap yourself and always allow for free hook rescues so that you have to work more for your kills, that's up to you. Other people will actually defend the hook from would-be rescuers or even use it as bait, and it works just as well.

  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Hey guys thanks for the tips. I do want to get better in general so I am going to try these tactics. I have tough skin so the hate messages won’t bother me and actually motivate me to keep doing it lol. 
    And I only camp after I hook a survivor. The rest of the time I’m trying to flank around the map and try to damage generators but I obviously know my play style can’t be that great since I don’t have experience. Also I play cod ww2 if anyone else does as well. 
    Redsopine1 is my ps4 I play cod ww2 as well I play mountainer
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    You might wanna level up other killers to get the teachables. As for camping you are not gonna get much bp this way

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    ok so because your camping gens are your big problem i recommend this camp a survivor until their stage 2 hook that way if theyre hooked again they die. then if a loop goes on for to long its an bullshit unwinnable chase and you need to let them go or maybe play trapper with your style though i do agree myers is the most fun if you play only myers stalk pile lots and lots of addons i currently have like 30 of each