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What is your ideal perk set-up and why?

Nospar Member Posts: 8

Curious about this from both a survivor and a killer point of view. I can't seem to decide which to run and it'd be nice to hear some imput regarding your own perk choices and synergies.

At the moment, I'm running Sprint Burst, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike and Kindred.

I quite like playing altruistic so they're all really helpful for that. I'm not too set on Sprint Burst as I have a tendancy to accidentally use it when I'm moving around the map, so sometimes switch it out for Lithe. Kindred just helps avoid the killer when trying risky hook saves, and is good information if I need a heal.


  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    All depends on your play style really. I like object of obsession, dead hard, inner strength, and detectives hunch.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I agree with goat. Go with what works for you.

    I'm more of a casual player and usually run some combination of: Inner strength, spine chill, bond, kindred, prove thyself, detectives hunch, iron will, windows, empathy, stakeout, borrowed time. I tend to lean toward information perks over exhaustion. Just personal preference.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
    edited May 2020

    Currently: DS / BT / Iron Will / Inner Strength

    DS: Because I like to have a chance to play the game.

    BT: Because I like others to have a chance to play the game.

    Iron Will: Idk why at the moment, it doesn't seem to be working. :|

    Inner Strength: The heal is fast AF and it incentives doing totems.

    I typically change out my Inner Strength spot, depending on how the matches have been going, for Kindered - so I have more info, especially when playing solo, or Unbreakable - because slugging. :|

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    For survivor I run an exhaustion perk, a staple perk, a utility perk, and an altruism perk.

    For killer I run 2 chase perks, an information perk, and a synergy perk.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited May 2020

    Bond, Spine Chill, Dead Hard, Iron will/Quick and Quiet

    Bond - Great way to see which gens are being worked on, see who is in a Chase, who needs a heal, and who can heal you. It's a fantastic info perk.

    Spine Chill - works well to tell you when the killer is coming to you and beats stealth. I'm not a headphone player so this helps a lot

    Dead Hard - a get out of jail free card and the reason I like this over other exhaustion perks is it's on demand

    Iron Will - good Spirit counter and let's you mind game better, especially in corn

    Quick and Quiet - let's you mind game and escape quickly

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    As a survivor I run, iron will, kindred, adrenaline, dead hard.

    Iron will allows you to make plays in chase you can't do without it, such as leaving scratches one way and sneaking the other.

    Kindred is my addiction, I just like to know what is going on with hook saves and I swf. It is just so strong.

    Adrenaline because it's the best exhaustion perk in the game, and I run a build where I am injured a lot, so a free heal at end game is nice.

    Dead Hard, because I am still trying to get better at looping and this gives me a chance to extend chase, plus I am injured a lot so it is a big help.

    As killer it changes a lot depending on who I play.

    But I like lethality and a constant pressure play style. So l run discordance, make your choice, sloppy and bbq on spirit.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Bond, Decisive Strike, Inner Strength, Tenacity

    Bond because of so much information, DS because it's DS. IS because it heals me fast and counters Nurses, Tenacity because it saves me from hook a lot, very underrated perk. Yes I mostly play without exhaustion perk and I'm doing fine, solo rank 1.

    Killer build well I play all killers so depends on killer.

  • Doc
    Doc Member Posts: 94

    Spine chill, resilience, dead hard, iron will.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I personally enjoy using Iron Will, Kindred, Dead Hard, and Bond/Lucky Break/Lightweight.

    Lightweight is one of those perks that I always used when I first starting playing the game and I still enjoy using it to this day. It makes me feel more comfortable running around the map and I've actually been able to lose killers by making enough distance on chases with it. Going off of my own experience playing killer, I've been able to find/track survivors easily by just following their blood trail, so I love using Lucky Break to take away that information from killers. It also synergizes perfectly with Iron Will and allows you to walk to hide behind things without leaving tracks. And Bond is just a plain good perk--it helps me find teammates who can heal me up, helps me keep an eye on survivors who are being chased nearby and helps me avoid running into teammates on chases of my own (and it lets me see the goofball following me around with a flashlight trying to get a save....).

    I switch out perks often, since I like to have fun with different perks and builds whether I'm playing survivor or killer, but for general play I just go with the above build!