Why is this community so toxic?

This community is so toxic. I can't even share an opinion without people getting mad. It seems like some of you just like to argue. I just wish this was a fun and safe community for everyone.
I ANGRILY DISAGREE!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!11!!!
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That's just a given.
People here tend to dismiss other people's opinions because what they think is fine for the game is different to what everyone else thinks is fine.
There's sometimes no reasoning with those people, so it's best to just ignore them.
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I consider DBD the US Politics of Gaming.
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Because people let their bad side get the better of them.
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You got that right.
Even when I give people evidence showing the game is survivor-sided, those people will still call you an entitled killer main lol.
Like you said, it's best to ignore them.
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It's easy to be nasty online when no one can call you out with severe consequences.
People tend to be a lot more understanding and open when they have an axe over their head.
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i just find it funny
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Entity + Killers = Trump and his followers
Survivors = Democrats, who will ######### at each other, instead of focussing on the other side?
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I wouldn't make the comparison directly to actual US Politics (because I rather not talk about politics in a Gaming Forum).
But the polarization is there.
Both sides cannot understand or is unwilling to understand each other, and the ones in the middle tends to get run over.
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What? XD
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Because some people only play one side, and they develop an "US VS THEM" mentality. They have zero empathy for the other side. They don't try to see things from both sides. Mostly because they only care about the side they play, and they probably think they're better than they actually are. (This is pretty common in video games)
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Yeah, we are here because we want to discuss about a game we like, but the comparison was just to good to let it go unnoticed :D
We've been bamboozled!
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Lol love all the comments you guys
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It's just like any pvp game. Not especially toxic imo.
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It shocks me how many people ask why this community is so toxic. I've seen people ask the same question in a lot of different groups. It's not exclusive, it's a humans problem.
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You toxic (insert main here) how dare you have an opinion
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Because anonymity gives people the “right” to be absolute jerks. In games, on forums people act like they never would irl.
Because you DAREd to disagree with them on THEIR game. It’s theirs. Not yours. It’s only here so they can beat you and give their life some meaning before dropping out of art school.
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Yeah well it sucks to say the least.
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I mean, do you know how entitled survivors act nowadays?? They don't think killers are people and humiliate these "snowflakes". "Bo-hoo, got triggered because I pressed the crouch button a few times, thicken up." They think it was better with back when there were the crazy amount of pallets and god-like items and add-ons. C'mon, they know pretty well that SWF is unhealthy but "it's their right to keep the option because they have friends".
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I can't honestly say I disagree. Some people in this community are great, though.
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This is a competitive game, and people just don't have anything to do, so they take to curing their boredom by wasting other people's time. It's a big ego boost for them as well.
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Exactly how I feel
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Why? Cause devs allow it (esp. on killers).
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Entitled is definitely the word. I honestly think there's too many survivors who don't even want to get hit by the killer, let alone hooked or even sacrificed. Some people really just need to relax.
Something else that I don't see get spoken about a lot is just how toxic a lot of survivors are too other survivors, let alone the killers.
As examples I've had people abuse me for not running DS and in their words running "garbage perks", and for accidentally cleansing a Haunted Ground totem when I was looking for Ruin. It's even worse when I have friends at my house who don't play this game a lot and let them have a go. A couple of times my account got bombarded with abuse because my friend dared to open the exit gates whilst the rest of the team (definitely a SWF from the coordinated messages I got post match) were too busy trolling the killer and got caught with NOED and in another game because he actually focused on gens whilst the rest of the team just traded hooks and spent their time clicking flashlights.
Obviously sometimes when I play with friends (in person I mean) I do understand that if I'm a decent rank and I give my controller to someone who's very new my teammates may feel like having a teammate who doesn't correspond with the rank is unfair to them and jeopardises their chance of escaping. I sympathise with that position. Up to a point. But it is just a game, it's supposed to be fun right? So if someone wants to just chill with their friends, try out different perks and just play casually that should be absolutely fine. My friend was still trying his best, he was playing normally.
The problem is too many people (and it is mostly survivors) only enjoy the game when they win. And not just win- I mean absolutely steamroll the killer. If I'm in a game and the killer gets one hook, no kills and people bully them then that's not fun to me. Similarly I don't honestly care about winning in a video game or reaching rank 1 if it means I have to play "optimally" (meaning like a tryhard), stress myself out and only select four perks from around 10 because they're "meta". That's boring.
I do get that taking the position that winning=fun is something which an individual is personally entitled to argue. But does winning at all costs even if it means playing like an aggressive, bullying individual really equal fun? Unfortunately I guess it does.
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Every time someone says DBD is toxic and mean it, I just know they never played online games before 2010. lol
This game isn't really toxic, not in a way that you think it is. Its more trash talking then anything else.
"You bad", "You suck at the game", "Could you sweat any harder". People get upset because they don't get their 4k because they tunneled the guy with a flashlight or crouched at a pallet. Or they get upset because they got downed first and kill themselves on hook at 5 gens. So basically the killer wins that round now, because 3 people cant really do 5 gens unless they are just the best of the best and the killer makes 1000 mistakes.
Trash Talk isn't toxic, dying on hook isn't toxic, using DS isn't toxic, tunneling and camping aren't toxic. They are all just unfun but not really toxic. People just see these things as toxic because its against their moral code, not the games.
Please be aware, I do realize there are some people that say some really beyond terrible crap in the game, but that is more so the outlier then the average player. Those people are toxic and bad for the community, but someone calling you basic, or swearing, or just being annoyed because you played in a way that broke their moral code doesn't make them toxic or you toxic. It just a little trash talking to let out the annoyance from a game they felt cheated in.
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I feel you, mate.
This forum is clearly not the place to express opinions.
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Person makes outrageous statement or something odd sounding.
Person disagrees heavily and says something different.
Me vs. Them, Them vs. Me, most the people making an argument are people with less than 5 hours of playtime.
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Need to find something like a discord, where that type of behavior isn't tolerated.
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If people think DBD is so toxic go out to other games like FPS ones where voice chat is pretty much mandatory and you'll be harassed if revealed to be a woman, gay, or some other minority, to the point where it makes you uncomfortable to play.
On DBD you can censor all toxicity by muting chat if you so like. That doesn't mean DBD is beyond reproach but it is to just put things in perspective.
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Welcome to the internet? Getting flamed for sharing an opinion has become, sadly, the new standard of interaction within this medium. It isn't localized to DbD Forums.
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Yeah, this game is really bad with the toxicity. I once shut off my messages on PS because some survivors would spam the inbox after a game (or during if they died early), so they resorted to trying to add me as a friend just to get through lol. I've seen streamers regularly harassed in their chats after games which is crazy.
I just have fun with it now. They're going to be toxic anyway, so I'll proxy camp, tunnel, use noed, whatever. I'm not going to play by a made-up rulebook just to get teabagged and messaged "lol get good". I now view hate mail and other toxic behavior as a fun part of the game and revel in it.
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A lot of things are wrong in the world today, and people are not happy. This is reflected also in the gaming community. It's not the games fault.