What happened to the crows?

Why are there so little crows on some of the maps? Just got out of a match on Autohaven where there was only two crows on the map. Two! I thought they were more abundant. Is it just RNG or is the crow challenge messing with the number of crows that spawn?
I haven't noticed that, but if there are less crows I am all for it. If BHVR gave survivors weapons that could only hurt crows I would spend the next month doing nothing but trying to kill crows. They are the most annoying element in the whole game for me persoanally.
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I didn't notice until you said this, but I agree crows are kinda sparse in this new update. I know there are more because of the crow challenge, but it def doesn't seem as such.
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I think the Autohaven maps are just lacking crows for some reason.... I played on Haddonfield and Lery's and there were plenty of crows on those maps, but I've been to Autohaven several times and there were no crows whatsoever! I even went around the outskirts and through the middle.... nothing. Wacky!
It must have something to do with the recent hotfix.... I can't remember it being like this when the big patch was released.
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They saw the challenge and opted out
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I tried the "Disturb 50 crows" challenge yesterday, was playing on autohaven map two times, never saw a single crow on Autohaven (Blood Lodge and Wretched Shop). And no, I didn't run calm spirit.
On the other hand, there's a crow almost everywhere on Yamaoka Estate - Sanctum of Wrath. Disturbed 42 crows on that one.
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This, so much this.
50 crows should be easy as hell! Nah, they just peaced the frick out.
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I can just imagine patrolling gens as killer when you hear some crows somewhere off, you go there and all survs are teabagging the crows while attacking them with slingshots XD
(also make it possible to attack your teammates for the extra toxic ones)
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I approve of that idea too
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I burned the Swamp realm offering and abused the crow bomb (both Swamp maps have one). Easily got the challenge done in one match.