
One thing that I don't understand why killers get mad when they get flash on the face Everytime especially with swf and red ranks like now days survivors will use flashlight and is simpler to stop them just use lightborn because honest I use it for couples time on wraith and it save my life and it work well with bubba and some other Killers but it sad that killers think underated perks like lightborn it not necessary but think about it without it and you get flashlight that will take a lot of your time and also not getting any kill and I see this on some videos from YouTubers so again this is just a tip to survive against flashlight.


  • HelloThere
    HelloThere Member Posts: 59

    It's annoying for killer, especially for new killers that can't hear the survivors through the blind or they don't have lightborn.

    But i think that most killer's don't like flashlights because they don't know if it's a normal or toxic survivor, that will abuse the power they have.

    Again that's what i think.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Because you have ######### that will do nothing but follow you trying to blind you. And the hit box for the light is way to big im getting blinded looking at walls, with my back turned, from the side, etc.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Flashlights got a freaking high skillfloor and skillcap. They're fine imo.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    I think the reason killers don't like them is that if you have a survivor spamming their flashlight, it can interfere with tracking through sound. Also playing as killer at red ranks can be stressful, as one single mistake can you cost you the game. Even a simple miss swing can you cost you the game against optimal survivors. So if a survivor is able to make a flashlight save it can cost you the game.

    Although, I personally don't mind facing flashlights as a killer. If I have a survivor chasing me with a flashlight (they normally stop once they realize that I'm a somewhat decent killer) or hovering around trying to make a flashlight save, then that's one survivor not working on a generator.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    The people who hate flashlights are the ones who don't make sure an area is clear before they pick someone up, or don't know how to face a wall.... even simply facing away from where you believe a survivor is lurking can easily help you avoid the flashlight save! I only take in Lightborn if I see more than two flashlights on the survivors.

    The only thing that I ACTUALLY dislike are the double blinds. They're pretty cheesy and should probably be addressed. Being able to blind the killer twice with ease is a rather annoying.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838
    edited May 2020

    The whole post was a run-on sentence.

    On a side note, I couldn't read the post.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Which is great. Chasing one Survivor while another Survivor is chasing the Killer means that there are two people not on Gens instead of only one.

    And most Survivors are bad with Flashlights anyway. Those 200 IQ Moves like "I will blind the Killer at this Pallet" are a good example for this.

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    Same go for bamboozle if you don't wanna waste time with the loops just use the perks to stop them and get them right away but again two of the best underrated perks but people don't use it but they don't understand that it do save your life and time and piss them off as well and it is even better than using corrupt like I never use it because it suck and it boring like survivors now days know killers will use it but they don't expect killers to use perks like lightborn and bamboozle which again it better and people need to try it.