Will the devs every change noed?

declan88 Member Posts: 14

Listen killers can say all day to just cleanse all 5 totems. I see a problem with this under some circumstances. I also don’t get why killers don’t take into consideration how the perk rewards you. The killers I come across always just say do totems.

first of all if your on a indoor map good luck getting them all. It almost impossible. You would have to use small game, a map, or dective hutch.

second of all if your the only survivor doing totems it takes time to find them all. You are not doing a gen. In some games you just don’t have enough time to hunt them all down.

i play both sides and I have always considered noed unfair.

the way I see it as a killer there are things you should be punished for. Pallet stuns (which is why I think spirit fury is unhealthy for the game) and losing all your gens. If a killer gets to that point in the game they lose there objectives which was to defend gens. You have the exit gates but let’s be real that’s end game. Most killers get 1 or maybe 2 kills during that time. It is always possible but having a perk reward for getting to that pint I think is unfair.

the issues I see with noed are you don’t have to do anything to gain it’s effect. It stays inactive until the last gen is done. Once it’s done you get it and it never goes away unless cleansed. While the survivors either try to find it or just leave is what usually happens. With the change to ruin j see noed way more often. It feels really dumb that the killer can basically facecamp you and your basically dead. End game saves are always risky but noed completely ruins that fun.

is it really fair to a killer who plays bad and finds a survivor who they have never hooked to noed them then camp them and your dead? To me that fells really dumb and I got outplayed by one perk. I also find it very irritating that if you do 4 totems let’s say noed still activates. It’s like doing those four totems did nothing and you missed one.

if you think I’m a survivor main after reading this I’m not. I refuse to use it on killer and I find it a lot in survivor and it feels so unrewarding to the killer. I have a similar issue with rancor. (Personally if you have at leased hooked the obsession then you can insta down and mori)

I write this as I feel the devs have no plan to changed noed, it is very unhealthy to the game and I feel the same about moris. Undeserved mechanics.


  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Nope. Dev's will never change NOED because DBD is never meant to be a competitive game. It's a party game, or late night game to play when you are drunk.

  • pizzamess11
    pizzamess11 Member Posts: 149

    I hope so it's a poorly designed perk that rewards killer for letting the game get into endgame. Snowballing is the most consistent way to win in dbd so I'd far prefer perks and killers that play into that style of play, like oni with infectious and corrupt. Obviously I dont always get 4ks and games get to endgame atleast every couple matches but if the gens get powered then noed only helps so much. I do much better and far more consistent with a full perk set up that's in use the entire match or can be used the entire match.

  • infinity_on_switch
    infinity_on_switch Member Posts: 34

    NoED is amazing on ghostface and spirit. I can't count how many butt dance parties I have crashed with it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    They already did, several times. NOED used to be permanent once the last generator was repaired. Then it was brought down to 2 minutes. Then it became a Hex perk.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    NOED is honestly fine the way it is.

    I just don't like it on already 1 shot killers.

  • SeeYoureWrong
    SeeYoureWrong Member Posts: 88

    For one, it isn't poorly designed. It's the same as Unbreakable and DS, except worse, a second chance perk because of a bad play. Except you can get rid of it quicker than the killer can catch up to someone who just DS'ed the killer and ran in a straight line. Killer and Survivor aren't the same thing either. It doesn't reward them either. It's the extra push they need to get back on their feet and win. Same argument with Unbreakable, it fixes a bad situation you got into, so you have a perk to clean it up. Except you have all game to use Unbreakable and NOED activates only if theres still a dull totem and can still get removed when someone sees it. Don't mean to sound like a broken record but if you don't like it, just do bones. You could also get rid of things like Devour Hope in the process

  • runneratmidnight
    runneratmidnight Member Posts: 3

    Survivor main here and I have to say I disagree with OP. I find NOED fun to play against and is a needed perk in the game to make the second survivor objective, cleansing totems, worth doing.

    Since the ruin change, I have found about half the games I go into the killer is running NOED. To counter this, one of my favourite builds at the moment is defective hunch with inner strength. Every time a gen pops, I check where the totems are and try and cleanse as many as possible. Usually by the end of the game I have got all of them. Inner strength just means I can heal fast because I am doing this.

    I get some satisfaction at the post game screen when I see the killer was running NOED and survivors escaped because it never activated. Especially like getting hook rescues with camping killers that would not have been possible with NOED! Also the fact that the killer has wasted one of their perk slots as they have got no use out of it in that game.

    Without NOED or if it was nerf’d it would make cleansing dull totems pointless.

  • pizzamess11
    pizzamess11 Member Posts: 149

    Uhh I'm talking from a killers perspective here and I rarely like 1 in 10 games ever even have to deal with noed as a survivor let alone get hit by it. Also i think second chance perks are also usually poorly designed at least ds is although i dont really run into it much either since I just always treat survs like they have it unless theres no obsession in the game. Unbreakable is kinda wierd not really sure how I think about it as a killer, I guess I just dont think you should be able to stack second chance perks like DS, unbreakable, dead hard, and BT. Individually I dont find them as that much of an issue but when all of them are stacked or atleast multiple it just feels like you're going to get punished one way or another.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    For real I used NOED on huntress whenever I wanna be toxic and then I just basement camp people lol I’ll always get kills no matter what

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    They shouldn't nerf noed but indirectly nerf it. The game should have a totem counter and they should add a perk that makes less people run it.

    This perk was my idea to lessen the usage of noed.

    Killers will need to choose between early game slowdown or late game instadowns.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2020

    See a totem, break a totem. NOED is already pathetically weak. If you "know" killers have NOED and don't counter it, that's on you. I make sure to rub those totems good until they explode.

  • zkelvln
    zkelvln Member Posts: 54

    Considering how many second chance perks survivors have (adrenaline, Decisive, borrowed time, dead hard, unbreakable. self-care, etc) id say leave it the way it is. Noed can be avoided without knowing the killer even has it, survivor perks cannot.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Hey Orion are we having parallel conversations over multiple discussions? Lol

    Noed doesn't bother me since I play swf and we know roughly if every totem is destroyed or not. However a solo team doesn't have that info so I think they would benefit with a totem counter.

    Also the perk idea would give these noed users who complain that they need to run noed a reason not too. It would give a new proper objective to do before doing gens. This would also encourage teams to run more perks like small game.

  • Ancheri
    Ancheri Member Posts: 157

    I feel like noed is at its peek right now - absolute meta. And that's why I don't even expect killers to not run it. Changed my mindset to "killers have instadown after the last gen is powered all the time basically".

    And I don't think killers need to justify running noed. Just like any meta perk really it is simply better than others.

    Btw I don't play it myself, because I know the frustration of some people that comes with it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Listen, on the rare occasions I played solo, I always broke the totems. Guess what? No NOED. I reiterate my previous point: if you "know" the killer has NOED and don't take any steps to prevent it, that's on you. Risk assessment, people. Is the risk of getting hit with NOED worth the time saved by not making those totems explode in your face whenever you find them?

  • pizzamess11
    pizzamess11 Member Posts: 149

    Uhh I'm talking from a killer mains perspective. And as a survivor I rarely get hit with NOED admittedly though I rarely play survivor. Also I do think DS is also poorly designed but only in the way that survivors use it stacked with other second chance perks like unbreakable BT, and dead hard. Individually I dont really mind most of these perks but when stacked together it just feels cheap. An easy fix to DS would just be to just make it so that if another person is hooked while you have DS active it should shorten the timer or make it so that it completely deactivates if another survivor is hooked unless they were in the downed state when the other survivor was hooked, I've heard these and a couple other suggestions from other people and thought they would be a good ideas.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210
    edited May 2020

    Why should it be reworked? The killer plays with 3 perks all game just for a chance of getting a really good reward at the end. High risk high reward, I don't know why it should be changed tbh.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I think you don't realise that I have no problems with noed. I'm one of the few that doesn't think it needs a nerf. I just know that a lot of people do. I reiterate noed doesn't affect me and doesn't bother me.

    I'm just trying to fix two problems in 1. Early game slowdown and people who do hate noed will see it less.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    People who hate NOED are often those who refuse to counter it. I don't consider that to be a "real problem", dismissive as it may seem. People are responsible for their own actions. They can't both demand to be exempt from using the counter and the consequences of not countering.

  • megansnotcreative
    megansnotcreative Member Posts: 23

    I don’t think NoED needs a nerf, as someone who plays both killer and survivor. Killers go against 4 survivors - most games will end up leading into end-game. At endgame, there is very little to do as killer, considering most gates are 99% and survivors are ready to escape at any given time. Killers need some type of advantage or assistance in this time, which is why it comes in “clutch.”

    i do think there should be a totem counter, similarly to gens at the bottom of the screen (we most teams aren’t SWF and can’t communicate if totems are cleansed), but the perk itself should not be nerfed.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I understand that. But imagine trying to tell a new player, who doesn't know all the totem spawns to find all the totems. Maps like Lerys and the saloon could prove a bit much for those players.

    I don't think a totem counter would prove to be much of problem since swf teams usually break every totem and solo players usually don't make it to end game.

    I also want to deter killers from using noed since I feel it makes them a worse player. There's a reason every really good killer doesn't use it unless they have a build for it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    New players will learn. Should we completely simplify the game so there's no learning curve whatsoever?

    Good killers use whatever the ######### they want. Don't try to shame people for using perks you claim not to have a problem with.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Most killers adapt to D-Strike by slugging.

    Why can't survivors adapt to the increased use of Noed? There are perks and items for it.

    I use Inner Strenght as survivor, so i force and reward myself at the same time by looking for totems.

    And if you keep attention during the game, you know which perks the killer is using. If you count 4 perks before the last gen is done, congrats, you can now stop looking for totems.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    I doubt they will ever acknowledge that NOED is the worst designed perk in game.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Ok that escalated fast, I thought we were having a good conversation there. I'm not trying to shame anyone and I think it's unfair that your trying to portray me like that.

    An example I'd give is before the ruin change I became reliant on it. I thought if ruin was destroyed early then it was pretty much game over for me. However since the change I feel like I've improved as a killer. I would have panicked if one or two gens were done before I got a hook whereas now I'm not too bothered.

    After the ruin change I used noed on some of the killers I didn't feel confident with such as legion and clown. I always had the belief noed was my "second chance perk" incase I got a bad map or didn't play well. Now I wouldn't run noed since I feel like most of my games won't reach the endgame. If they do then I would like to think I've already gotten 1 or 2 killed.

    I don't want noed nerfed but I know a lot do. I'm just trying to find a nice compromise to help everyone out.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
    edited May 2020

    NOED is really not that big of a deal. And this is coming from someone who was downed by NOED and basement camped to death on my first hook tonight, after doing 3 totems myself. It is more/less fair in some circumstances, sure. But its counter is straight forward if EVERYONE simply makes the effort to scout their area for a totem and cleanse it while they're doing gens/sneaking around.

    Since killers pat gens at the beginning of a match, and I run Inner Strength, my first mission when I start a match is to find my closest totem and cleanse it. Imagine if everyone did that...80% of the totems would be gone in the first 60 seconds of the match.

    I also don't really know why everyone needs a totem counter. Totem locations are varied but somewhat predictable. Its not that hard to tally them up as you go around the map.

    I also find it to be a little hypocritical that survivors would ask for a totem counter to ensure they get NOED down before the end of a match, but are opposed to a DS indicator/timer. Tit for tat, folks. I dont want a DS timer, so I'm down to live without a totem counter.

    The matches where I worry most about NOED, or find it the most problematic, is when the Killer isn't very good (these Killers tend to be high utilizers of NOED) and gens are getting done too quickly. When survivors just M1 the match down because there's no gen pressure, they open themselves up for a world of hurt in the NOED department. Unfortunately that includes me, since you can't stop your teammates from focusing down gens instead of doing a quick totem sweep.

    The other is a face-camping killer...since the best recourse is to focus gens and that leaves no time for totems before end-game. But ######### killers gonna be #########...that match is a wash from the start anyway.