Let's Talk About DS (Hold off on the pitchforks)

Hi there, honestly my first post on the forums, so just try to deal with me here.

I'll be completely honest: I'm absolutely biased towards killer as I have next to no time on survivor. That aside, I feel like DS combined with other super meta perks have just been sapping the fun out of the game.

Right as you reach the conclusion of your chase with all the gens completed, after being looped through windows or having SWF teams all shine flashlights at you, you finally go to pick up that pesky survivor...only to get stabbed in the back...literally.

I played five matches tonight, each one the same thing happened: I managed to hook every survivor at least once, they gen-rush and finish before I can go and get anymore hooks. No problem, that's not an issue. What is the issue is when 60 seconds still hasn't passed between the time it took to finish the other....we'll say 3 gens. People with DS active literally throw themselves in front of you to hit, won't leave until you pick them up, and then just DS you when you finally do and escape.

Combine this all with a well coordinated team, and it's just DS back-to-back. On one match in particular, I ate 3 DS's in stride and had them all escape since the person that opened the gate had already dipped (bless their soul for not teabagging at the gate)

Now, this is the part where I complain about how fair it is and start whining about the game being too hard for killers. At least, that's what it should be, but I actually did something else. After one of these matches, I actually messaged a few of the survivors from the SWF teams and asked them what they thought a killer should do when faced with these circumstances, here's what they had to say (These are all real responses I got):

Survivor 1: DS is an anti-tunneling perk, while you weren't tunneling, you still should have gone and hooked the first person you had hooked to begin with, their DS would have been off by then

Survivor 2: Just slug and start a timer for 60 seconds. Stand over their body and make sure they don't get healed by a teammate

Survivor 3: Give up and walk away from the gate. Go get a glass of water.

I dunno guys, option #3 is sounding mighty fine at this point. Then again, it's nearly 3AM here, and I might just be rambling before I pass out. What do you all think? Should survivors be getting DS's off near the gates and escaping? Should SWF teams be able to safely shield their teammates without having to worry about getting hung up on a hook? Again, this is all probably completely mindless rambling of a tired dude with nothing better to do, but I'm honestly open to hearing your suggestions. Think you can top mighty option #3?


  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    Dont forget about unbreakable,you dont even need to be healed by someone else,just ds unbreakable you cant go wrong with it.Add bt to the mix too,you're invincible.

  • Jejune
    Jejune Member Posts: 795

    I don't like "DS talks" because 99% of the time "killer mains" say it should deactivate after you hook somebody else and to me its like saying killer should only be allowed to attack 24 times because that's all you need to down 4 survivors 3 times. It doesn't make any sense right? So dont have ridiculous suggestions.

    A real anti tunnel perk wouldn't be a perk, it would be a base-kit. Which you could change as you please because you wouldnt be changing something that i have to bring into a game.

    If you really want to talk about changing the DS:

    1. If you get fully healed or start working on generator. I dont think that unhooking or doing totems should remove the effect since if i am injured and not going to risk dying for an unhook or doing hex totem so killer goes after me.
    2. If killer downs you DS should stay active until you get picked up or killer picks you up in which case you can escape.
    3. Since it would have so limitations it would have to either be a basekit or you should be able to use it up to 3 times (token based stats with one token gains token for every unhook.)

    Would it be perfect? No. Would you want to play against it? Probably also not.

    Remember this, If you dont tunnel DS never gets used and suvivors play with only 3 perks.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    The short answer, yes and yes.

    Yes, survivors should get to use perks they brought to counter that exact situation.

    Yes, survivors should be able to shield their teammates without "worrying" about getting hooked when their DS is active. Its intent is to allow for bolder game play. Its indicated in the perk quote itself, "There's nothing to be scared of."

    Your description of what happened isn't very clear. But If you are consistently only getting 4 hooks before end-game starts and not killing anyone, you really need to re-evaluate your strategy, killer selection, and/or perks. The problem is not DS. All killers, with the exception of the nurse, statistically have an average kill rate over 50% or 2 survivors per match.