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PC - Nurse Blink Power Not Functioning Properly.

Turretcube Member Posts: 513
edited May 2020 in Bug Reporting

Something's gone wrong with nurse from the latest update making her power heavily unusable.

To recreate just play Nurse.

*Nurse Cannot Blink Up or Down - Map's experienced this on, Father Campbell's Chapel (The Chapel itself), The Game, Disturbed Ward (The ward), Haddonfield (Houses+Basement). I would hazard the other maps with multi-storied buildings are affected as well.

-Nurse can blink down with a fully charged blink, however this only work's if aiming directly down, aiming it on an angle tends to make her do a standing blink.

*Nurse cannot blink through walls - Have had this happen every game since, however its not consistent. The issue here is there's nothing on the other side of the wall to prevent a blink. It just acts as if you cant blink there, and forces a standing blink. For example the L/T tile, trying to blink through the wall to the centre just doesn't work sometimes. This also includes smaller thing's such as loop's designed of a long low wall+pallet+ a large short object, You cannot blink through these even at point blank.

-Some of the newer loop designs from Plague's+Legion's+Spirit's release are the most consistent so far.

-Edit *Forgot to mention, the gate wall's cannot be blinked through either.

*Random "Dead-Zones" - Best way i can describe it is you try to blink through the corn on rotten fields, no obstructions at all, yet nurse does a standing blink.

*Lastly a small but not heavy issue, the camera seem's to flick randomly after landing a blink hit. It's small but noticeable enough.

4 votes

Duplicate · Last Updated


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600
    edited May 2020

    I can second this. I've been rubberbanding at the end of blinks since the hotfix by ~0.5 meters, but it's not consistent. The hit registration on blink lunges doesn't feel right at all anymore. My weapon is passing through survivors on low ping but miraculously hits survivors well out of my range on higher pings.

    Specifically to the things OP listed:

    I can confirm buildings have become problematic again. The main building on Ormond has blink deadzones at every doorway since the hotfix.

    T-walls have become deadzones again, as well as random junk tiles.

    It seems like her specific hotfix was accidentally reverted with the most recent update. She's playing like she immediately post rework before her bug fix.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Temple of pergation is unplayable

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I can confirm this, including the maps mentioned in the op and the replies.

    The basement bug also seems to be back.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Tested on Father Campbell's Chapel this afternoon. Every blink near the basement of the main building put me into the basement. I also could not blink up to the second level of the building. I have 1600 hours overall and I'm a Nurse main. Something is very, very wrong with her since the hotfix on Tuesday.

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