"Rank doesn't matter"

This is used by whoever it helps most. Killer, survivor, forum user, youtuber, commenter, I've seen it everywhere.

Most commonly, though, i'll hear it from a red rank player when i point out that, when im a green rank and their a red, and i/my team gets curb stomped, that it was an unfair match from the get go. Commonly they get defensive, calling me/my team boosted, pointing out flaws in our play, even being "nice" and giving me "pointers."

Look, i get it, the rank/emblem system is a steaming heap and its easy to work it to give you pips by playing badly or lose pips by playing well. I understand that there are some real ######### players in red ranks and some real stars in green/yellow.

But the fact is that i only hear this phrase from people who are clearly better than me, matched up with me because matchmaking is bad, but almost exclusively because a red rank is swf with 1 or more green or yellow ranks. I have a hard time believing its solely matchmaking (though there is a third at least of it being the only reason) that causes these rainbow matches.

Make your own assumptions on what i've said, when/if you personally say it, but at this point it doesn't matter why people say it. What matters is at the end of the day, rank does matter. Yes, there are bad players high ranked and good players low ranked, intentional or otherwise. But a rank 10 killer should never go against a rank 1 survivor, let alone 3 of them. It should just literally never happen, theres no reason, theres no excuse. you should not be able to swf with someone 6 or something ranks higher than you, becasue then the game has to choose: give them a crazy good killer who destroys the low rank and gives the rest a good game, or give them a baby killer who they'll destroy in an instant, least of all because they're on coms.

SWF is important, it's required for a game like this, and i personally play, as a rank 2 survivor, with a rank 6-7 friend from time to time. But then 2 matches in they've either been destroyed by the red rank killers im used to, or i destroy the rank 10 killer that the game gives us, and we stop playing in a group.

TL;DR: While yes, rank is not inherently indicitive of skill, its a general enough assessment of how well you are and who you should be facing, and the phrase "Rank doesn't matter" is only ever used to justify a red rank beating a green rank, on either side.


  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Rank really is pointless though.Of course one can assume the better players will be red ranks and really bad players are yellow or brown ranks.But that isn't the reality unfurtunately.

    If you play the game at red ranks,where pretty much all the high level players are supposed to be you will see A LOT of players that simply don't belong to those ranks at all it's amazing and really sad to see honestly.On the other hand the amount of good players on red ranks is very small.

    Rank today is only an indicator to how much you played this month nothing else.It says nothing about your skill,it only translates your playtime of DBD this month.

    So regarding that the gap of different ranks in the lobby shouldn't be too big because otherwise one would verse players with way more or less play time than the other.

    But the devs already said that they are working on a change to the rank system anyway so we have to wait how this change will turn out at the end.

  • ThePetDetective
    ThePetDetective Member Posts: 28

    I appreciate your insight, and i share a fair bit of the opinions youve put. the fact is, though, is that 1: conceptually, in a perfect world, where rank did mean how good you are, its insane that they built the system, again, with that perfect rank in mind, where a rank 10 could fight 3 rank 1s and a rank 11 just cause they swf.

    and 2: this thread is mostly (though i admit i got sidetracked) about the "rank means nothing" excuse. Frankly, unless i get told that by someone under my rank (under as in im rank 10 and them rank 16 or something), who escaped, put up a great game, and was cool, i do not think that argument holds any water besides the fact that awesome crazy good players dont wanna feel bad that they taunted and tbagged a baby killer.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    First point you mentioned doesn't have to do anything with rank.And currently SWF works like that if 3 friends (All rank 20) look for a match with a friend that is rank 1 the matchmaking will try to get a rank 1 killer regardless.What is happening to you is caused by awful matchmaking

    To the second point,the statement "rank doesn't matter" isn't used as an excuse when players completely destroy a someone that is way less skilled than themself.It is used when people say something like read ranks are the best players or something similiar.

    And like i said,when you played on red rank you will see how many really bad players there are.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited May 2020

    Here, I'm apparently first to tell you: I'm constantly reaching red ranks (also before the crappy rank reset) and I don't consider myself red rank because I can't 360, hug walls and optimize pathing, meaning I'm just average in looping. And "rank doesn't matter" can also be used as an argument when a full red rank group gets stomped by a rank 12 killer because people are over altruistic, gifting away triple downs and throwing the game for example. Maybe you are a bit unlucky or just remember the scenes you dislike, but for my part both scenarios are pretty common.

    Beneath that, I heard that matchmaking is disabled and more or less first-come-first-served, but can't really confirm that.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You were saying?

    The devs themselves said the only thing that rank is indicative of is how much somebody plays.

    And no, as the picture shown up above, this is not just coming from some rank one beating down on a lower rank player: Rank doesn't matter. You can put away the whole "it's only ever used to justify a red rank beating a green rank" act now.

  • Calmnic
    Calmnic Member Posts: 5

    I have played games (as a killer) recently where the post game chat is very toxic because I am playing <insert any killer> and they and their perks are OP and I am bad. I still consider myself pretty new to this game overall and am currently in purple ranks for the first time. Pointing out that the survivors being toxic are all red ranks does typically get me the "rank doesn't matter" line from people who have been obviously playing the game for a lot longer than I have. Then again, it clearly doesn't matter that much since I am beating these people who are complaining but it doesn't feel good to finally have a good game against players ranked higher than you and then getting flamed out in the post chat.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    There are 2 thought behind this:

    1. Rank is not an indicator of skill -> meaningless

    2. Reaching rank 1 gives you no rewards -> meaningless

    Imo dbd lacks in both aspects. In the second definetly more since there was never a reward ever. For 4 years now.

    About the first aspect. Well, a true rank 1 player is definetly better than a true beginner at rank 19. However, the skill difference within rank 1 is so huge that you get real potatoes with veterans in the same lobby. Therefore it's kinda meaningless.