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Several Issues With Obsession As Hag

Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

SEVERAL ISSUES with obsession as hag


While playing a match on Lampkin lane as the hag, with obsession perks, the game acted very weird around the obsession. First issue I noticed, after downing the obsession, I tried to hook him. I pressed space bar, but the obsession didnt get hooked. Instead, I slid from side to side and couldnt manually move. When I regained control, i tried again and had the same issue. On the third attempt, I was successfully able to hook the obsession. This issue persisted until the initial obsession had been fully sacrificed. The obsession did change partway through the match, but I only had issues with the original obsession. It's hard to tell if the issue would be had with the new obsession, as I wasnt able to down him at all. Second issue occured twice in the match. The obsession would vault onto a balcony. After I vaulted as well, he would run off the side of the balcony, fall, and then vanish and reappear at the window back on the balcony. This specific issue occured twice, although I can remember vaugely a third time where he just vanished into thin air. The final issue only occured once. I placed a trap outside the basement window, between the house and the shrubs. At some point, the obsession ran over this trap. However, it did not trigger. When I tried to follow, I could not move forward. Something invisible was physically blocking me from moving forward. I wasn't stuck, I just couldnt move past that one specific trap.

The issues listed above only occured with the original obsession, a Dwight.


  • Character played: The Hag
  • Perks played: Corrupt Intervention, Hex: Retribution, Hex: The Third Seal, Save The Best For Last
  • Map: Lampkin Lane
  • Frequency of the issue: Unable to hook issue: ~6 times. Balcony issue: twice. Can't go over trap: once.


I hope the file above is in fact the log file. I wasn't able to find any .log files in the listed address, but i did find a few text documents.

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