Matchmaking locked / ban.

Hi, so I recently bought DBD just over a week ago and have been playing it non-stop pretty much. I recently received a 48hr ban. Whilst in game, somebody else disconnected and as I was getting unhooked, I was frozen in spot for 2 minutes and then the game cut off to the loading screen. I continued to reload the game and then I had a rank error message, and then noticed my 48hr ban. This came not even 2 hours after my 24hr ban reset, which again was out of my control.
I do admit that I have been purposely disconnecting before these two over the top extreme-prolonged bans, as I have just not been enjoying the game. Whether that's because in almost every match, I'll get unhooked by a survivor right next to the killer then I'll be hit straight away again, or that I've been tunnelled creating a extremely horrible gameplay experience. I also have disconnected a couple of times playing killer as I'm barely a green rank facing almost full red rank SWF players. As a new player, and after paying for a game, you expect to have fun and to enjoy the experience rather than be placed in games where you are completely outranked and out-skilled. Or to be placed in games where you have no control because you're being unhooked beside a killer, or other similar scenarios.
I think the team need to reconsider the prolonged ban because anything longer than one hour is completely unnecessary and ruins the game. It makes me want to uninstall and to not want to buy any of the DLC or cosmetics, and to just stick to watching streamers play it instead. If someone pays for a game they should not be punished for leaving a match that they weren't enjoying and that they were getting agitated in, and they especially shouldn't be banned for a disconnect out of their control.
I agree that it affects other players in game but surely there are things that could be done. If someone disconnects just minus one generator that needs to be done or something or double the blood points of other players. Or keep matchmaking bans to a maximum of 30 minutes, not 48 hours. When I'm allowed to play again, and if something happens out of my control again, what will my next ban time be? Also just a side-note to all of this, not everybody wants to play ranked and to play like it's a competition, so why isn't there such a thing as ranked & quick play.
Anyway... I know this was a lot of writing and I know some players will get triggered by this and be like "well don't disconnect then", truth is people get annoyed and it is a normal reaction whilst playing a game. Especially playing such a competitive one. I just hope the team do something about this because I'm not willing to spend any more money on this game until things like this are fixed.
I stated in that post that I purposely left a handful of matches, the ones before I received the 24hr and the 48hr. You have to accept that this isn't reality and is just a game. If a game isn't fun, and new players like me are getting agitated, they should be allowed to leave and to not face a repercussion as long as a 48 hour ban. A ban is acceptable but not one that long. A game is supposed to relieve stress and to be something that you enjoy, not something that you get agitated with constantly. I know a lot of players feel this way and it's probably why the game is doing so poorly. There are better ways around this.
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I agree. You shouldn't be banned for DCing. If the game weren't a raging dumpster fire at the moment then I could see why people would get salty at you. As it stands the devs need to fix the many issues in the game that actually justify DCing.
I like the idea of quick play vs ranked matches but the quick play is basically what we have now, you just get a random mix of ranks in every match, mostly red ranks for some weird reason. To me it seems like those lobbies are just passed on by a lot of killers so the red rank squads end up with the longest queue times and then just end up in everyone's lobbies as the system struggles to find someone willing to be teabagged by them.
The game is way too competitive and toxic for people who just enjoy casual play tho
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There is absolutely no reason to DC aside from a real life emergency. Even then you could AFK and not screw over the rest of the people that also paid for this game. As you say you are new to this game you probably don't know what things were like before the DC penalty became a thing. As Entity_Hugs pointed out, before the penalty survivors would DC for the most ridiculous reasons. People ran around with "whatever makes me mad"=DC for names if that helps you to understand why things are the way they are now. Getting "annoyed" while playing a game doesn't mean you should DC. That just means you should get better at the game to prevent being "annoyed" by whatever nonsense triggers you. Welcome to DBD btw. I wish you well and that you get great games. Please try to not be a sore loser and make everyone else pay for your rage fits.
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if you hadn't been dcing a lot before those two accidental disconnections the penalty would've been 5 minutes and it wouldn't be a big deal.
i'd recommend taking dbd a little less seriously, it's much more casual than people seem to pretend. you're gonna lose some games or have garbage allies who ruin your fun. it's just how this community can be sometimes, unfortunately. die on hook and take a break so you're not just imposing your own dc spree and suffering the consequences.
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"just over a week ago and have been playing it non-stop pretty much"
"This came not even 2 hours after my 24hr ban reset, which again was out of my control."
"I do admit that I have been purposely disconnecting before these two over the top extreme-prolonged bans, as I have just not been enjoying the game"
"I also have disconnected a couple of times playing killer as I'm barely a green rank facing almost full red rank SWF players."
"I think the team need to reconsider the prolonged ban because anything longer than one hour is completely unnecessary and ruins the game."
"If someone pays for a game they should not be punished for leaving a match that they weren't enjoying and that they were getting agitated in"
"truth is people get annoyed and it is a normal reaction whilst playing a game. Especially playing such a competitive one."
1) You are the exact reason the ban system needed to be and got implemented.
2) The normal reaction when people are playing competitive Pvp games is to COMPETE. If they get frazzled and get off their game, they stop playing until they get their head straight. What you are doing is a normal reaction for children. You take you ball away and go see if you can find some smaller kids who you can beat easier.
The entitlement and self delusion throughout this post speaks for itself. You paid for a game you don't enjoy. You watch streamers of said game, so you knew what you were walking into.
Pvp games don't owe you "enjoyment", or not getting your ass handed to you. They owe their entire player base their best efforts to provide a stable and level playing field in which to compete. You get punished for actively sabotaging that.
A game that owes you a guaranteed enjoyable experience and doesn't care how crappy your internet is being is called "single player". All multi-player games carry a caveat of "online experiences and interactions cannot be fully controlled". Persistent ones like EVE can be 100x worse, since your opponents can be literally too far beyond your power and skill for you to even dent them.
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Know what else ruins the game, a lot worse? Players purposely disconnecting in the middle of it just because they feel like it.
It should not be capped at 30 minutes or even 1 hour, it should extend to 24 or 48 hours. A week, or even a perma ban if they have to. Whatever gets people to stop blatantly disconnecting as you claim to have, I'll take that penalty.
If you paid for a multiplayer game, no that doesn't automatically mean that you get to just do whatever you want. You can pay to get into a fancy restaurant but if you act like a complete trash can once you're in there, they have every right to kick you out if they want. If you have commitment problems, or so many things out of your control that you can't settle down and sit through one game of something, then you probably should be sticking to single player games, where you can quit whenever you want.
You say it yourself: you know it can affect the other players in the game. So why do it? The only answer I can think of, other than an extreme emergency like a natural disaster or somebody giving birth or something, is selfishness.
I don't like hearing that other people aren't enjoying the game, but there's certain things you need to really take a step back and examine. You might not realize why they can't "just fix it" by giving other players extra bloodpoints, or taking away a gen that needs completing, or whatever, because you're a new player. But as I said, you just need to take a step back and look at why things might be the way they are. Just like the DC penalty is the way it is, because people can't get it through their head that you shouldn't randomly quit in a loosely team based game.