Some data on which killers see the most play

hannibal322 Member Posts: 17
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

So I was curious about which killer sees the most play(most popular/most powerful) so starting on April 26th I started recording which killers I saw in my games. I'm a littler over 50 games now so I figured I would post my results. The list is in the order they were encountered. Also I am a rank 2 survivor for what tier I am seeing this at.

edit updated again on the 23rd. Finally saw a nurse. Doctor is far out in the lead for most popular.

Ghostface - 4

Doctor - 15

Shape - 4

Wraith - 3

Spirit - 8

Clown - 3

Huntress - 7

Hillbilly - 7

Deathslinger - 8

Plague - 3

Legion - 9

Demogorgon - 2

Hag - 1

Cannibal - 8

Pig - 2

Trapper - 2

Nightmare - 3

Oni - 3

Nurse - 1

There were also some games were the killer farmed or was afk that I didn't include in that list. They were a Clown, Deathslinger, cannibal, and Legion.

I am going to keep recording to see how the results change over time. Like I noticed the uptick in huntress right near the release of Tome 3.

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