Dbd on ps4 is unplayable

jiguiri Member Posts: 124

so i have been having some good games and aome bad hames recently but most unfair. But like 2 were fine. So i play plague mostly and sometimes spirit and legion. But on to the point. I have played these last few days and its almost impossible to play. This game as spirit i literlly didnt get a single hook cause the game was literlly paying like a slideshow and im not joking ask any console player it happens alot. O kept on missing hits cause the game was being weird all the time. And when i play as plague i mostly win but sometimes when i lose as her im fina cause i get atleast like 2 kills. But most of the games i have with her were fair. Im purple ranks and get matches up with other people in purple ranka. Thats fair. Whats not fair is getting a maybe 100 hour killer agaisnt 1000 hour survivor. They have alot more skill and technique that the killer for sure. Either the hames are good and balanced and get matches up with people of the same level or a killer gets stopped because i get matched up with higher level survivors. Its not fair. And for those who say rank doesnt matter, lemme give you an example. It it fair for a highschooler to get matched up in a basketball 1v1 agaisnt michael jordan? Didnt think so. And if you say its not the same you are a bit incorrect. Aure it may not be the same game but the gap is still very noticeable
