Whoever makes Meg cosmetics should be fired.

It's utter embarrassing to release it without testing it... Charging $10 for a 1 boob outfit and it still didn't get fixed today?! I know of a handful of people who are done buying cosmetics after that last piece. I've shoveled out over $100 on outfits, but I can say I'm done helping the Devs out with money. Whoever made the Meg outfit should be fired, huge bug.
Ayyy bruh leave breast cancer awareness meg outta dis ,cuzz
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Wait what? Anyone got a pic I need to see this
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Ctfu bro you made me spit my drink out. But my girlfriend said the same exact thing on Reddit and omg people were whining because she said breast cancer awareness Meg 😂😂😂
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Omg that's absolutely hilarious! How does something like that get through xD
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Bro... Exactly. That's why they should be utterly embarrassed. I'm over here rocking one boob Meg because it's my favorite outfit in this game. Jokes on me though, all the messages I get getting called a idiot for liking the outfit etc it's hilarious that people get upset about someone wearing a specific outfit. 😂
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It’s just like people who argue over weather a tomato is a fruit or vegetable 😏.
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A pretty good boob so far? Maybe you unlock the other one on tier 70 on the next rift
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😂😂😂 I'm dead. Probably knowing the Devs
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What’s next a man with big ones 😱 I’d be👌 with that.
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LOL!! I just can't believe such a bug got released. I can understand some clipping with other cosmetics, which it does. But ONE boob?! Geesh 😂
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Oh I know 😊 now let’s make a man with some. Where’s Fabio at 😂 Or Lou ferrigno.
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Still waiting for shark clown with jaws theme chase music