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Question for people who complain about being tunneled

CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

How are you still getting caught? Surely if you're being tunneled every other game you should be in chases the majority of the time. So why are you so bad at looping that you still end up dying?



  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    God loops are not gone. There's still quite a few left, if you have the eye for them.

    "DS doesn't give enough time" you can literally go sit in a locker for 1 minute, using no resources, and that in theory is close to 3 gens done by the rest of your team. Or, they open the locker, and you get a completely free extra life if you are not a potato and can hit a huge skillcheck.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    A good Huntress, Doctor and Nurse won’t let you loop them at all. There’s no mindgaming. It’s all in the killers control with those guys if you’re good. People go down. Killers aren’t that difficult to play yet people whine 😂 then they buff. There’s the Unjustified doctor buff. Huge Disregard for the fact that huntress doesn’t need 3 iri heads lol Still no word on those darn Ebony Mori’s.

    listen, I main Plague, one of the lower tier killers and still do fine against red rank survivors. and this is on console. If any side needs help it’s survivor in terms of making it more enjoyable. What better way to fix DC problems than adding a DC penalty rather than making it more fun by .... well... idk maybe not making RIGHT BUMPER literally used for every interaction in the game 😂

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    They’re hiding in the basement with an insidious Bubba waiting for someone to loot a chest. Or maybe just straight up face camping because they didn’t like getting denied a hook from a flashlight save or body block. No pressure, no problem lol

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    People have been moaning about it LONG before loops got nerfed, and the only killer that has an uncounterable antiloop is Nurse

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    You can't pressure your way out of a gen popping in the time it takes to cross the map. You can, however, learn to predict what a killer will do next, conserve pallets, etc

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,482
    edited May 2020

    It's hard to get better when the survivor queues are so long I only play like a couple survivor matches a month. By the time I play another match, I've forgotten which button is for "run" and which is for "crouch" (not exaggerating, I get those mixed up every time I get around to playing survivor, now). I get caught immediately, I get tunneled out, and then I move on to something else because the queue time was longer than the match.

    Edit: I just want to point out I'm not complaining about being tunneled, just explaining how it still happens to me after I've been playing the game for so long.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Learn to loop, like I said. If you're getting tunneled, you should be getting more than enough practice in chases to improve.

  • TraitorousLeopard
    TraitorousLeopard Member Posts: 156

    It's almost like injured survivors have visual and audio cues to give them away that healthy survivors don't have. Pretty common where a Killer will return to the hook, see no one, and then hear the injured guy who just got unhooked. To ask the killer, who spent time walking back there, to ignore them when no other targets are present, is basically asking them to throw games.

    Unfortunately, a lot of the time the answer to "why are people who were just unhooked being targeted" is because the game is literally designed around it, and Perks are basically all that keeps tunneling from being the smart approach 100% of the time.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    That's why the other 3 survivors are doing generators while you hopefully keep a chase for more than 5 seconds

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I've complained about tunneling but it's usually a combined act between my team mate and the killer. Just today I had a game against a Freddy where I got found near the beginning, only got to work a little on a gen before I had to start running. I ran and looped him a little, but then when I pallet stunned him, he landed on the side I was on, so I vaulted over, and then he literally just rubberbanded back. Then of course he downs me and hooks me. Then, as I get unhooked he's coming back my way, so I'm already having to get back on the run because he ignores my team mates and goes for me. I get to the opposite end of the map where he finally just spams snares around a pallet and downs me from that of course, for a 2nd time. So while I'm struggling, the Fred just patrols the area and ends up catching a Zarina that came after a little bit, and starts chasing her. A Jake also saw she started getting chased, so he too tried to come over to me and unhook me before I got sacrificed, but Freddy just came right back once again and Jake unhooked me right in front of him. Not sure he had much of a choice anyway, but he didn't bother taking a hit so once again Freddy just downs me a 3rd time, picks me right back up, and I'm out of a game where all I did is just run around and get chased down by the killer, not to mention a boring killer.

    I don't just complain about tunneling just because I can't loop or anything because I can, but it's just so boring to just not be left alone for even a second, and get all the killer's attention, while the team mates just kind of get to run around and do whatever. I'm not saying that I have no impact of the game because of course I do, but with how boring it is I think it's kind of obvious why I'd complain in a situation like that. It's not unfair, just stupid to go against. Especially when I only get to get hooked twice or even only 1 time before dying because the killer just won't leave.

    Not everybody who eventually gets downed is "bad at looping."

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Huntess: Look behind you, learn to juke

    Doctor: Don't be greedy, drop/vault early. His shock in chases is literally identical to his old version

    Nurse is so difficult to properly learn to the point of shutting down all the loops, that they frankly deserve the hit. Dead Hard also completely ######### her

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2020

    Yeah I agree. There are a lot of times you can’t really do anything to defend yourself in this game as survivor. DS doesn’t always really do anything to keep you in the game 🤣 a one time 5s stun isn’t much at all if someone’s tunneling you. BT? Nah, that’s not gonna do anything if it’s a silent killer. Even then, you’ll get slugged. Fun fun fun! Yet killers complain they need more 🤦🏽

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Were your teammates injured or healthy, and were they even visible to the Freddy?

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    If you can loop properly, tunneling benefits you. Since you're moaning about how it sucks, you probably suck at looping

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    My dude. When a killer's perk gets nerfed, then survivors say "no it's only fair" both sides get nerfed. Your post is pretty bias and gives me self entitled vibes

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    You have 2 hooks, and there's 4 of you. If you can't run a killer for at LEAST one gen, you're doing it wrong

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2020

    huntress: no the hitbox is too big. I can record the times I’ve seen a hatchet fly into the top left corner of the screen and my guy goes down. But my point was, they don’t need 3 iri heads when they don’t have to earn them. Oooh you paid for them. Psssh. Yeah but survivors can’t reload their ultra rare items somewhere? Yeah okay.

    doctor: a good doctors not gonna let you drop the pallet at all in time to cut him off 🤣 The stun lasts too long. He’s got really good anti loop no matter the excuses you try come up with.

    nurse: but it’s still possible to be An unavoidable hit. That’s my point. Is that there’s not a lot you can do sometimes.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    If you are referring to when I was hooked to be put into struggle phase, I was on one end of the map and pretty much everybody else was a pretty far range away, at least far enough to be detected by BBQ. Everybody but me was healthy. Nobody made it super obvious they were coming, in my opinion. Zarina came pretty quickly but she was being careful (walking) and trying to hide behind things. Fred just happened to be checking around the area like I said and ran into her, so she ran, and Jake saw that and start coming over. Fred dropped chase, probably because he was expecting somebody to come once another person got hit, and like I said he just went straight for me as I got unhooked and put me right back up for the 3rd time.

    So they were all healthy, being relatively careful, and no they wouldn't have been visible to Freddy by line of sight. Only if you're counting being seen by BBQ because as I said, when I got hooked they were all a decent distance away (and Fred could have easily gone after one of them with how he can TP to any unfinished gen.)

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I can run a killer for 5 gens but my potato teammates self care in the corner of the map against legion with sloppy, thanta and dying light. Only way to deal with potato teammates is by playing swf but swf is "op and toxic" as people claim. If a killer tunnles the rank 20 meghead thanks to Amazing matchmaking and takes her out in the first 5 seconds of the game how is that my fault? Your arguments logic only works with a swf in solo q your argument is 100% invalid.

    Have you ever played solo q?

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've been to red ranks twice, and you know how I did it? STEALTH.

    There are very few people in this game who can run a killer for 5 full gens and escape. Most of them also have builds specifically for that, and have every perk on every character, as well as play this game religiously.

    How am I also meant to practice my running/looping when I only have one health state before dying and about two seconds after an unhook to do something with it, huh? How am I meant to improve on a skill when I don't have a chance to do so? I COULD run DS, but no wait. That's toxic now since I won't let the killer get away with his BS and I'm a baby for using a "crutch perk", so they'll just slug me and wait it out.

    Maybe I also don't WANT to have to run a fecking marathon every game and want to play all elements of survivor. If I want to play a specific role or just one part of the game, then I'll go into customs with friends who are all going to run stupid meme builds. In regular games, I want to have a hand in everything.

    There's also the issue of the fact that survivor wait times are WAY LONGER than killer ones at all levels at the moment, so I have to wait longer for less game time. Now why would that be considered frustrating, huh? I payed money for a game I cannot now play because someone playing the other role decided that "no, nobody should have fun in this GAME that they are playing FOR FUN."

    So, why do YOU think people complain, huh? Why should I have to devote my ENTIRE EXPERIENCE to trying to deal with your crappy playstyle? Because you got beat by a group and got mad? Because I held you off at the start as 2 generators got popped and now you feel like you can't beat me normally?

    I'm with @toxicnancymain and @KingFrost and their original comments. The exact same thing could be said to killers, but then the lecturers will come out how killers have to balance everything and all that and they shouldn't have to cater to the survivors and their playstyle..... So why the double standard? I'm going to throw this on you. Why should I adapt for YOU every game?

    I hate these "just git gud" style threads because they don't help anyone. And people like you are only further distancing the divide between Killer and Survivor that I am working so hard on here to close. Go and play 10 games of survivor, get tunnelled and camped for 8 or more, then come back and tell us to "just loop better."

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Nah, I think killer was way easier in the days of 5 blink or omegablink nurse. Or maybe during 15m lunge range spirit. Ruin + Pop was just so brutal on every killer. Being able to dribble DS or ignore it with enduring almost made up for double the pallets.

    These days though, I see survivors with less than 100 hours in red ranks. All they gotta do is level up 4x second chance perks and they will waste a good amount of time even if they can't loop and camp every pallet. I saw a baby Laurie the other day with almost the full combo leveled to 3 already. BT/DS/DH/Unbreakable.

    So it's not much of a surprise that veteran players can slay most lobbies even at red ranks. But will a veteran slay another lobby of veterans? Ehhhh, depends on the map and what killer you are playing mainly.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Oh and she had a purple key, was rank 4, and had about 75 hours in the game. Not even a few days in and she's already got the full meta combo, OP items, and is apparently winning most games. That's about how easy survivor is unless you are hitting the thousand hour+ killers who actually know how to play the tiles.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    This question just illustrates that you either don't know what tunneling is, or you don't understand the base mechanics of the game.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I'm not whining. I'm saying if you get tunneled off the hook ain't shitt you can do about it in reality. If you're a killer tunneling off the hook, you probably suck at playing killer.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    What are you talking about? Why are you going on a tangent about survivor being easy? I never implied, or even stated that survivor is somehow hard, both sides are easy so I'm not entirely sure what your point is, and yea sure nurse was easy when she had omegablink / 3 blinks, but how was killer, as a whole easier just because nurse had omega?

    It's like if survivors said killer got easier because doc was buffed recently, doesn't really make much sense, if any at all.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Then enlighten me on what you believe tunneling is, oh wise one

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    BS hitboxes on hatchets are far less common then they're made out to be. I definitely agre that Iri Heads should not stack with extra hatchets(seriously, who tf thought that was a good idea?)

    The reason Docs arent letting you drop the pallet is because you're too greedy with them. DROP. EARLY.

    If you've played Nurse for more than 5 minutes you would know that the "unavoidable hits" are the result of tens, if not hundreds of hours of practice.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    Are you REALLY trying to say that learning to loop for longer than 30 seconds instead of Urban Evading in the corner of the map? Get over yourself. There's no counter to slamming out generators in 5 minutes flat, but there IS a counter to tunneling: learn to loop and get a free escape with adrenawin

  • NeaMainNON_TOXIC3
    NeaMainNON_TOXIC3 Member Posts: 260

    1.) You sound like you've never played Solo Q

    2.) It's hard to loop when you're farmed and then downed

    3.) The killer only needs to hit you once, not really give you much of a chance

    4.) If you're not running Iron Will or any meta perk. You're screwed.

    5.) Potato survivors

    6.) Yes, I have learned to loop better. Does that mean I will survive being tunneled? NO! The killer will gain bloodlust and I will eventually block the window and use up the pallet. After that I am most likely dead. Unless I use a perk to give me a chance to make distance.

  • profrog
    profrog Member Posts: 20

    A good doctor won't let you drop a pallet because they can shock therapy any pallet area before you can get around the straight or corner to drop it early. Or should I just be 11 metres ahead of them at all times? Only then can I drop early and watch them walk around the pallet as well

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    You assume my perk build because of my name? Because of my preferred playstyle?

    Here's the build that I JUST got to red with: Lithe, Dance with Me, Quick and Quiet and Self-Care.

    You ASSUME things about me, and that's the problem. I can loop, but not godly like you're telling everyone who get tunnelled to. I don't use Adrenaline, and ever will. I HATE one-use perks, and the only reason I ever used Decisive Strike was literally as an anti-tunnelling perk. You know nothing about me, so don't even try.

    Next time, actually look at my points rather than assuming the worst stereotype of the month.

    Maybe I'm not the one who needs to get over themselves. And yes, there are several counters to gen-rushing. NoED seems to be a popular pick apparently. Same with Ruin, Pop Goes the Weasel, Corrupt Intervention, Thrilling Tremors, or just running a killer like Hillbilly. As a Pig main, I also find RBT's very effective at stalling out games, when survivors aren't luck enough to remove them on the first attempt.

    Play more than one side, and all of a sudden things become a lot clearer too.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Because survivor is so easy since the ruin nerf that every boosted potato and their mom is a red rank survivor these days. So for killers who were used to playing against the good survivors, rolling the new generation of gen rushers rocking who can barely loop isn't particularly hard. So that's why saying "ooo I 4k at red ranks I am good killer" means almost nothing.

    You can get red ranks who camp the shack pallet, or red ranks who know how to run every tile. And it really only takes 1 or 2 bad survivors to sink a team if the killer is good.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,525

    I've been 4k average since I started playing 3 years ago, and if there's all these potatos in red ranks like you imply why are all the killer on the forum in their collective group trying to nerf everything under the sun?

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I would say there is an equal amount of complaints from both sides. For every thread I see complaining about DS, there is another thread complaining about NOED. For every post whining about mori's, there is another post crying about keys. Probably way more threads (rightfully, in my opinion) complaining about spirit, freddy, huntress hitboxes, etc, than I see killers (rightfully, in my opinion) complaining about the plethora of second chance perks survivors have.

    Could also be because anyone trying to learn killer at this point in time is getting stomped on by red ranks and SWF even when they are rank 20, as evidenced by screenshots on these forums, due to the lack of killer players.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    My question for people whom complain about being tunneled:

    Do you stop repairing a gen at 33%, move on to the next gen and repair it to 33%, and so on until all the gens are equal, before moving back around to get them all to 66%, and then finally to 100% after that?

    If not, then you're not giving the killer a fair shake; you're tunneling the killer (their life pool). If that gen is finished, there is no bringing it back into play, just like if a survivor is sacrificed.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    It's not about what I believe. It's about what it is. And as much as you are used to being spoon fed as a killer these days, it's also not my responsibility to 'enlighten' you. Seek your own enlightment, young grasshopper. Because it's clear, if this is your position, that you need it.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    This can not be a legit inquiry. The whole premises of the game is hook and offhook, the majority of the score system is built around this mechanic. There is never going to be a round with players 18 or under that result in zero hooks. So just asking survivor to not get hooked is ridiculous. Also the survivor is not at fault for the tunnel, they are just hanging there. This question seems to somehow place the killers behavior on the abilities of the survivor, which have no direct correlation.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah i don't know what the op means then they say tunneling but when i hear the term. I think of tunnel version, going after one target above and beyond any reason, that it harms you to purely focus on them, rather than going after someone else. That and it seems like it would benefit the killer more, to slug the person who just got unhook or force them to mend thanks to burrow time, than go after the saver. Making them have an idea case of three survivors not doing gens, rather than just two. Tunneling just seems to be a rather poor plan, more like one that makes the killer lose while destroying the fun of a survivor by employing a tactic that is questionable if it works. Since it leaves the three other survivors to freely do gens as they please. With maybe one getting off gens, to save the hooked person from time to time. So that still leaves two doing gens. Unless it's a group that swarm the hook, the minute someone goes down.

    That and as you say, the person getting unhooked has no say over things. So a team mate could farm them, by unhooking them right in front of the killer without burrow time, not taking a protection hit. Which in this case is the fault of your fellow team mates or at least partly their fault. That and the place you get unhook in, might not have any loops nearby or all pallets have been used up. With the nearest loop being a far distance away, even if you have something like dead hard or spirit burst, you can only get so far while injured, before going down. For your choices are far more limited than a healthy survivor. Going with the idea it's a standard m1 one killer and not someone with one shot powers. Sure it possible the killer might be far away when your team mates unhook. Yet if they are truly focus on tunneling you, odds are they will come right back to you. So it possible you might not even have time to heal up. Which the op idea to counter it, is just get good. Which i think would be hard to do so, if you end up back on the ground, shortly after getting unhooked.