Fix the hit radius on the killers

I have owned the Game for a little while and it’s not bad. It’s irritating And dumb when I am already over a wall or past the killer hit radius and I am still being hit. That needs to be fixed seriously are you guys trying make it easy. It should be if they hit one way that’s it. not shake the aim back and forth and there you go a free hit. Lame. Fix it. Everyone agrees well the players I play with it shouldn’t be that easy for a killer especially hitting
What you're describing is a latency issue, and it is being worked on. However, contrary to popular belief, auto-aim is not a thing in DBD. Killers can sometimes hit survivors from further away than they ought to because of latency, but they can't hit a survivor by swinging in a totally different direction and having the game readjust the hit for them.
This was all explained in detail a few months ago in a developer livestream. If you're interested, I can link you to the summary post I made on that stream, which also contains links to the stream itself if you'd prefer to watch it instead of reading:
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Only part of what he is describing it latency. I seem to remember the game used to make killers commit to the direction they were swinging and then out came a 360 degree hits during the swing animation to help mitigate survivor 360s, I assume. It would be nice to go back to the way it was, but alas, not going to happen.
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@Fibijean they said they fixed it. But that’s a hard no. I literally seen players not even in front of the killer and get hit, they completely juked the killer and it still gave them the hit. Latency has nothing to do with that. And yes I have seen killers swing then move side to side and get a hit for that. They need to just fix the hit range make it one way....
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Latency has everything to do with it because hit detection is killer-side. Could you link me to where they said they had fixed the problem you're describing? The last I heard of it was that livestream I linked you to, where they said they were working on a solution.
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@Fibijean I was watching your video they. Have no idea what they are doing. If you really listen they screwed up royal. By making the hit box on the character bigger then the player and they are not going to fix that. Ally why did was fix the hit range well they said they are and that was even more screwed up for killers have a shorter hit range because of there weapon they get a lung to make up for the small weapon and with the bigger weapons it pulls back that doesn’t make sense even with the cone hit range that is ask screwed up no wonder you get hit at a ridiculous way they have to parts they say ones for miss and the red is for hit no I have a player not even in the hit range and still get hit that wasn’t latency that was the yellow hit range they said supposed to be a miss and that was false. They need to go back through there coding as well. Because they said they made the coding to were the killer cannot hit through objects that’s false I am always getting hit through trees and pallets and windows when I am on the other side way before the killer is ever there. So yeah the Tech dude doesn’t know what he is saying. They may have explained how everything should work but they sure heck don’t know how to do it
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You seem fairly new to the game, that's the reason killers got an easy time on ya. Trust me, if you will get better at survivor you will leave most killers in the dust.
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@NursesBootie I have left a few in the dust, the others I can see how they are good, but I am just talking about when I juke a killer out and I am behind him or the right or left of them and I am hit that was doesn’t make sense. Or completely vaulted over a pallet or window that’s what I am talking about. That’s the bull crap part they need to fix I understand latency and lag. I am just talking about the forgiveness this game really does give to killers that shouldn’t be the case.
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Sometimes on the killers screen you didn't even completed the vaulting action. it's mostly server related issues, you can see that really good because grabs from gens/totems/chests doesn't work properly atm.
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I played the killer Before and i did swim and the player was out of my view and it still hit