Dailies and The Rift Pass has made the game worse. Here's why

Traslogan Member Posts: 283
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

I strongly believe that daily rituals and the rift pass objectives have made the game so much worse than it needs to be.

Game after game now is people who have no intention of playing properly, because their only goal is a daily ritual or a rift objective for a fat stack of BP. I play 60% killer 40% survivor these days (not that fun being killer anymore), and on both sides this has become extremely prevalent.

The example that finally convinced me to do this post was a demogorgon today who just chased everyone but never did a hook and only attacked once or twice during the whole game, even just watching as people healed so he could follow around in a chase a while longer:

The problem here is that the tiny penalty of potential derank (which is barely an issue for survivors when compared to what killers have to do to sustain their rank) is constantly seen as meaningless compared to getting a lovely 5-digit sum of BP that is far more than one game typically gives, or at least is as good-as.

You can find survivors who won't do gens until they're convinced they got all the totems for the sake of their totem rift objective, or they're sabotaging a couple hooks and then just suiciding out when they finally get hooked once, and this holds true even at higher ranks, it's not an issue exclusive to some rank 20s.

I'm not even here to suggest what could change, only to bring notice to it. This focus on big fat rewards for going into a game with the intention of doing one thing and nothing else is ruining a lot of games.

I think at the very least, objectives need to come with a catch like some amount of pips or something (e.g. all objectives require you get at least silver in all 4 pips), you already treat killer achievements like this, where killers must have merciless killer wins to get their achievements (e.g. shape's achievement for winning with just his own perks), so it doesn't seem like a far stretch to extend that system.


  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    I actually like having tome challenges. Helps keep me interested and gets me try gameplay I don't normally do. I do very much dislike the grind ones like 15 totem cleansed. Like holy crap that's a lot of work. Dailies I'm meh on. Usually it's stuff I'd do anyway and if it isn't I usually reroll it.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283
    edited May 2020

    The criticism here isn't really the flavour of them though. I like having challenges too, but the problem is many of them encourage people to just go in and only focus on a challenge instead of playing the game. Survivors who just want 2 sabotage actions and then they're getting a free 20k, or 30k for a rift obj or something, and they don't care about playing properly. Even killers who just want a ton of chase time because it's worth 35k to them or something.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    dailies have been in it since the start though, yeah people farm rift challenges but thats only because people always wanna rush to finish them instead of just playing the game. every challenge can be earned just by normal play, alot of people just dont think like that, its no different to people who wont do totems and then complain about NOED. rank means nothing, you can be red rank and just be terrible at the game, i dont mean that in a horrible way but its just true, you will have survivors that cant lead a chase and killer that will chase one survivor for 5gens even at red ranks which shouldnt be the case, but i notice quite often people moan about the BP grind and sure it can take awhile for new players but those new players arent aiming for every perk on every person, people can easily use the perks "we`re gonna live forever" which everyone can get just by leveling david but instead people will run full meta builds.... its a choice, theres multiple ways to get lots of BP and the challenges keep the game alive, id get bored as hell if i didnt have extra challenges, its nice for the game to make you use different killers/survivors to mix it up instead of the same one with the same perks over and over

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    No matter what you do as far as rewards people will try to optimize it. Afking for shards, farming teammates to death, being dumb about challenges, it's human nature, best not to concern yourself with it too much.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    Yeah I know they've been in since the start, but I think the issue they induce is compounded by the introduction of the rift pass.

    And yeah if it was me ranking should be far more difficult, especially for survivors who don't have to be anywhere near as efficient as killers to sustain their rank. I remember early DBD when it was actually quite tough to get out of the rank 15-20 zone.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910


  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Well you can hit that 180 secs easy just playing the game normally, as with most dailies and challanges. Its not bhvrs fault people play stupid. 180 seconds of chase is nothing

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    So because the rituals are easy, the fact they're causing tons of thrown or wasted games is fine?

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    No, because people are atupid its causing ton of thrown games

  • infinity_on_switch
    infinity_on_switch Member Posts: 34

    I find the challenges fun and gives me a goal other than just survive or kill. Actually it has caused me to use some perks and strategies that I never would have used before. I have learned a lot about the game because of them.

  • Traslogan
    Traslogan Member Posts: 283

    I like the challenges themselves, the problem is the sheer amount of games that get derailed because killer is just wanting their huge daily ritual rewards or rift objective rewards and some just won't even hook people because they're just wanting chase time or something.

  • Milord
    Milord Member Posts: 273

    I don't think this is something that can be solved by the devs. Any kind of extra objectives has the potential to cause this. The only option is to remove extra objectives completely, but I don't think people would want that.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I like the rift and the challenges. They need to work on some of the challenges tho.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    The only rift challenges I have issue with are the ones promoting toxic game play. I tagged out on the flashlighting one, I never use flashlights because I know they are universally hated. I also think the kill everyone in the basement and such is not cool. But most are benign and add a little extra flavor. I do see the original point though, that it may distract folks from doing the actual objectives. And can cause some bad blood when it says in one trial and multiple players are vying over a limited resource. I have no issues with Dailies, except maybe that I am a survivor main and get only killer dailies. I get a survivor daily like once every 6 weeks.

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    The challenges for this rift aren't that bad. I feel like most of the frustration would be eliminated if they got rid of the "do X during this match" ones. Make them universal and maybe people wouldn't have an issue. I know for sure that for the first tome, I had to play very dirty as killer to get some of those done which I dislike.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Sadly the challenges don't make me come back to the game. I'm still at T2 rift after all this time..

    Probably gonna stay away from it for another months or so..