People complaining about killers..

I’ve seen arguments about iridescent head, NOED, Moris...
but why is no one talking about the two ultra rare addons for Myers? One gives him tier 3 infinitely, and the other allows him to instantly Mori healthy/injured survivors - the only counter being vaulting/lockers to make him swing.
am I the only one that thinks his ultra rates are insanely OP? lol
It really doesn’t take that long but ok buddy
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Have you ever combined these two addons? It takes about 2 days to reach T3, but I assume you are talking about the two addons separately. Perma T3 is actually really good, but not really insanely strong. The other addon is actually quite weak. Myers has this tombstone piece(?) which, if you ask me, is much better than the ultra rare one.
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Myers is extremely weak and outdated.
His entire power is built around minimizing score in chases and injuries, making him a hassle to rank up. His power is also finite, despite many other killers having infinite insta-down options. To top this off, his ultra-rares are the same, they are just meme goodies to give him a really messed-up game where he definitely can't rank up.
The entire game is extremely fast now due to survivor efficiency, and Myers is forced to just severely prolong his chases and typically gains almost no score for chasing whilst stalking. myers was also crippled further by the hex ruin nerf.
Myers is also banned from getting bloodlust at T1 of Evil Within, and many maps have effectively-infinite loops where T1 myers cannot stalk you nor can he catch you, because map design is just horrendous here. To top that off, Stalking is one of the buggiest systems in the game, not hard to find youtubers and streamers looking at a survivor 5 meters away and stalking just isn't working today.
On top of this, the actual buffs of T3 outside of exposed are weak. He gives people extreme amounts of space between them and him to get to T3 and then ends up not being particularly better at chases. Pallets are every 10m on all maps at this point and it's realistic to keep myers locked behind pallets for a full minute at a time if needed unless he specifically brings spirit fury and enduring.
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I am a Myers main who rarely uses that add on, but I can tell you it takes long enough that if survivors know what they are doing (not letting him stalk them) it will take time to even get to T3.
So the difference is that Huntress gets Iri head from the start, Michael has to work to expose survivors. His expose is on a timer while Huntress' iri heads are not.
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Difference is, a base game Myers still has an instant knockdown - even if he has to “gain it” whereas base game huntress doesn’t have that. Iridescent Head doesn’t make her faster either (if I’m not mistaken?) and she will usually have one hatchet, meaning she has to go to a locker each time if she’s dedicating to her throws.
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Both addons aren't great with infinite T3 being the better one. Judith Tombstone is only useable with infinite T3 tho.
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Infinite T3 isn't that good, if you want instadowns go play Plague, she gets them quicker than Myers. Neither is the tombstone, it drastically slows you down in every possible way and is super avoidable because the Devs like "counterplay". Like jumping into a locker.
And they have an achievement tied to using both of these, TOGETHER. How smart. What an intelligent decision. Make an achievement based around 2 ultra-rare add-ons that you cannot get because some prick will fast-vault into a locker every time you get close.
Now, the tombstone piece? THATS an OP add-on, you just pop your T3 and murder someone. A 3v1 against an m1 killer is still a bloody 3v1, AND you can do it again, AND you don't get slowed down.
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Infinite Tier 3 is the stronger one and can MAYBE seen a little bit too strong. It does not take that long to get it and once aquired it is pretty powerful.
The Tombstone is kinda weak. Sure it can get someone, but it takes long to get the required Evil AND it has a significant Movement Speed Debuff. The Tombstone Piece (his purple Add On) is superior for killing people.
And both Add Ons together requires almost 4 full Stalks. PLUS the Downside of the Tombstone. There is a reason why the Achievement to get 4 Kills with EW3 is one of the harder achievements to get.
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Ah, but you have forgotten the increased lunge! This alone makes Myers the best m1 killer in the...
Nope. I can't do it. It's so bad. And extra metre on your lunge? YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO LUNGE IN DBD! The only time it was useful was catching people vaulting, but the new vault makes it borderline impossible!
That alone makes him outdated, but including everything you mentioned it's like... Wow. This guy was NOT designed for this patch of DBD. He's still serviceable, especially since they've mostly fixed his stalking, but they didn't even customise his emblem gains when the system came out. Plague has the same issue, but at least that's because the Devs thought people would cleanse against her. What's the reason for Myers?
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Only boobs lose to that.
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Except he's awful at chases no matter what, and his lunge means nothing because there is a pallet every 10m. They tried to fob us off by saying the maps are smaller but it's just crammed the pallets closer together. Myers is just doomed to run super loops of pallets all day.
And once again, his power is finite, which is actually rare in a killer. He becomes only ever so slightly better at chasing by being okay at vaulting in T3, and otherwise he's still stuck in 100 pallet loops all day, and if you just run a decent set of pallets, all his power is gone.
They won't even let stalking slowly recharge or something on survivors,it's just if you get bad luck, all your power is wasted on pallet loops and gg.
But he's not a recent DLC so he's not gonna get a fix.
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What do you mean by "not being able to stalk in evil within 3?
Myers can stalk when hes tier 3?
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Perma tier 3 can almost just be NOED, depending on the survivors you get. If you run both at the same time? People will just get into a locker and that's that.
They used to be alot more powerful when ruin did something for low mobility killers.
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While these add-ons can be annoying (especially if the infinite tier 3 is being used on a slug build), I rarely see them compared to the others. I will see a mori used at least twice every time I play (I play for about an hour or two a day and couple days a week). I see NOED almost every match at lower ranks and every 5 matches or so at higher ranks. 90 percent of the time when I see Huntress, she is running the instadown hatchets with the infantry belt
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What's dumb about the Kill ones is that he can TAP the stalk and kill me after harvesting enough Evil from my potato teammates. And I'll lose rank because he did it quickly. I feel like there should be a minimum stalk requirement before he can kill you.
And before anyone else mentions it, he may have got some of his power from me, but nowhere near enough to level up. I was able to dodge him for a good while and break line of sight easily.
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He can at base. It doesn't increase the bar, but he still sees the outlines of stalked survivors. That's disabled with Tombstone.
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putting aside the infinite tier 3, tombstone Myers can put all of that progress in the bin by simply getting a touch of a survivor in a chase. Not to mention that tier 3 doesn’t have to get popped immediately as he can harvest it until he is in good range of the survivor.
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It should. If it doesn't, your team isn't paying attention or they aren't being productive.
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For what it's worth, they're more tame than they let on. If you just stand there and let him stalk you for the entire match, sure, you're going to have a rough time. But it takes a ridiculously long time for him to reach tier 3 like that, so if you keep breaking line of sight, it's going to take him most of the match to get his power. That goes double early on when he's moving at 4.2m/s and it's very easy to keep that distance. Granted, you've also gotta' pray that your teammates don't just stand there and let him stalk them.
As for the Tombstone specifically, all you really have to do to completely negate that is hop in a locker. It doesn't let him mori you on the ground, so they either have to hook you or slug you.
That compared to something like the Iridescent Head where all you've gotta' do is throw a hatchet like you would normally do anyway and it instantly downs someone. There's no setup, there's nothing you can do to hard counter it.