Ghostface in corn is one sided

I was playing ghostface the other day and I was able to completely stalk people through corn with no problems whatsoever but the survivors were literally 2 feet from me and still couldn't reveal me. I know I shouldn't be complaining because it helped me, but for the sake of balance, why is this in the game?
GhostFace is definitely a functioning killer with a working power. Yes sir, definitely not broken in any way.
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LMAO. Killer always want the corn removed. We see through you attempt here.
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Not even gonna bother having this discussion with you. I've seen you make nothing but bait threads/posts
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So i was right. Got it
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People actually stalk with him? I just go for stealth hits.
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I guess that's one of the Ghostface's skills. :)
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It was a ritual I had. Otherwise I don't play him
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Shouldn't be like that though. Michael can't really stalk through the corn, so the fact that Ghostface can do it is already kinda bs. But the reveal shouldn't be one sided like that. Either make it so he can stalk and be revealed in corn or neither.
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I enjoy playing him with the Sloppy Butcher build, which obviously doesn't require that I stalk them. But yeah, I only stalk when I am down to two Survivors and plenty of gens or if I have a ritual.
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Yea the inconsistency between survivors revealing him and him stalking them is really questionable because the devs have said the former is using a system similar to the latter's. I think this feature is okay balance-wise but admittedly it doesn't make sense logically.
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Thats pretty much what i do. If i see 2 ill stalk but thats because i can go after one, run into the other, pop my power and expose them during the chase.
It does feel inconsistent sometimes. When i play survivor i have trouble revealing him. Playing as gf, people dont seem to have trouble revealing me. Ive been revealed while standing behind a tree completely blocking los.
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I've never been able to stalk through corn, I don't know how people are able to do that.
I have however been able to stalk through gaps in the wall.
I think the reason Ghostface can theoretically stalk through corn though is because any part of the body of the Survivor is still visible to the camera/game. And the reason revealing him out of Nightshroud while being chased in corn is rough is because you need to see the majority of his body, which corn deflects.
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yeah gabs work fine, if you like ghostface try the opposite side of the shack window ;) crowch at the little gabs and enjoy your sneaky stalk :D
GF is perfect and absolutely not bugged. /s
Dunno but I feel like it was more consistent a few patches after his release (they changed detection range etc) and got pretty incosistent after some more patches. :/
Just like they did with michaels stalk.
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I feel like people don't know how to reveal ghostface. A lot of people just look at him with the top of their screen, over obstacles and so on.
You have to look at him with the CENTER of your screen, use a crosshair, put some tape on the middle of the screen and try revealing him that way, it will work
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Except, it doesn't work that way 100% of the time. There are many cases where you look at them "the right way" as people say, and many other different ways - and it just simply doesn't work a lot of the time.
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Well, you have to look at him for atleast 0.25 sec to start revealing, if he hides and less than 20% of his body is visible, you can't reveal him
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I like playing with OoO even without SWF. Now OoO against Ghostface is arguably one sided, but that doesn't mean Ghostface should be nerfed or OoO buffed because of it.
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wait you guys are able to stalk through corn!?