Light born and camping solutions or ideas, what ever you think



  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    And campers don’t really get punished at all, no one cares about the crest system at all besides people trying to pip, and it’s only one crest that’s affected by camping, and it’s only due to being close to a hooked survivor, a killer can still get 20,000 and camp all 4 survivor as billy, like I just died to and that’s the sad part is they are still rewarding, I didn’t go near hooked survivors because of it and I did the gens but again face camping and lack of pallets

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Lightborn is fine as-is, considering survivors can blind a killer in a 180 radius of their vision, even if they don't see the survivor in their FOV. Flashlights are also not an integral part of the game. Can they be useful? Yes. Can they be fun? Yes. Does it significantly change the outcome of the match if you can't use one? It shouldn't.

    Camping is a BS ######### play style that aggravates me daily. I felt at least somewhat enthused by the Dev's comments in the latest Q&A that they are looking into ways to make it less appealing. I welcome those changes.

  • TheCursedTitan
    TheCursedTitan Member Posts: 177

    I’ve played this game for 3 years, and it’s gotten a bit worse than it was 3 years ago, don’t get me wrong I love the killers and I respect the work, but there is an imbalance between killers and survivors it is way easier playing as killer even against a survive with friends because with a SWF you just gotta get rid of them right off the bat