"Injuries Healed" penalty on Malicious Emblem needs to be lowered or even removed

The Malicious Emblem as it is currently is a huge pain in the ass and pretty much encourages tunneling. Healing is often times outside of your control, especially with Purple Medkits/We'll Make It. The usual advice of "spread the damage out" often times seems to result in MORE points deducted and even Sloppy Butcher doesn't seem to help.
Furthermore, why are Killers punished for making survivors heal? Survivors healing aren't doing gens, their objective, giving Killer more time to chase and kick gens. This is only a good thing.
Honeslty, I never really understood that one myself.If you want me to hit a survivor more times, surely that means theyre healing inbetween the hits. Either I never get the points because I downed them in minimum hits, or the points I DID get just get removed because theyre healing inbetween hits. Maybe I'm overlooking something though. Not saying I dont get games with a high malicious emblem, but that it seems kinda... random.
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Yeah, I don't see why killers are punished for survivors healing. Get rid of it, and maybe raise the total needed for each emblem by like... 5 or 6 I guess.
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It seriously screws over certain killers too. If you EW3 hit someone as Myers and they get healed off the ground fully, you get a net LOSS of points. (+1 for hitting them, -2 for them being healed 2 health states).
Plague is also seriously hurt by this.
Meanwhile Legion can Frenzy hit everyone and easily get Iri malicious emblem.