Besides it, what other Stephen King monsters do you guys want

Title. We all know that Stephen King has written many many books with tons of opportunities for killers. So besides Pennywise who do you guys want from one of his booksv
Andre Linoge.
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Count Barlow or Jack Torrance, although I doubt it'd look like Jack Nicholson
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For my joke answer, sentient cars firing machine guns!!!!
For an actual answer, Randall Flagg would be freakin sweet (specifically Dark Tower Randall Flagg)
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It's funny that Pennywise is in the discussion so much, and for obvious reasons, but before the new movies Pennywise wasn't even close to the Top 5 of iconic Stephen King creations.
Carrie is one that would easily fit into the game.
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The Mist
or Pet Cemetery
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Carrie please!~* Hands down one of my favorites by him.
Rose Red is an underrated mini series by him that I'd love to see resurface some day -- anywhere. The house would just make a stunning map. Thornewood Mansion in Washington is where it was filmed. The story it's self was based loosely off of The Winchester House & Hill House.
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Any of the True Knot from Doctor Sleep That cult is pretty badass.