Welp...I'm finally deleting DBD after playing it for less than 5 months.

I just can't do it anymore. First it started with getting tunneled for playing Claudette, which I got used to and it helped me improve. Then it turned into being called the n word frequently. Then I get harassed when I decide to stream just so I can have an easier time sending vids when I report bugs. Now even my own teammates are flat out saying they are going to farm, rat me out, and sand bag me saying that either I deserve it or they're trying to make me better by teaching me how to win with sandbaggers.
I have played League since beta. I have played EVE Online, Original WoW, and even am a part of Smash community but DBD honestly has the worst in game community I have ever seen. It's gotten so bad that killers refuse to kill me because they see how often and how blatantly my teammates are when trying to get me killed. And you know why my teammates want me dead? Because I tell them I'm taking BT and we're gonna live forever. Because they assume I'm going farm them when I never do.
I'm just over it. I really am. I have never been so actively frustrated by members of my own team in any game before. And I don't understand because even with forums being as memey as they are everything about the community outside the game is great. The devs actually and frequently talk to people, mods actually mod, people who work on the game actually play the game and are super chill when you run into them in game.
I just don't understand ######### survivors are so toxic. This is coming from someone who prefers survivor but plays both sides. Like I don't understand what they want from me. I take QnQ, Head On, Iron Will, Calm Spirit then I'm a Blendette. I take BT, WGLF, WMI, and Babysitter I'm a Farmer. I take adept Claudette I'm trolling. I just can't win with survivors and playing killer isn't better because of these same people now having a valid reason to make your life hell under the guise of escaping. I'm just done.
Maybe in the future this game will get a real offline mode, maybe I need to just stick to mobile, maybe a nonrank mode will be implemented one day but until then I honestly can't. This is beyond ridiculous. Any time a Rank 1 Oni Bubba or Freddy leaves you alone and let's you go because they said "I saw what your team did to you" there's a huge problem in what happened during that match.
Are you on Steam? Play SWF, that's my advice.
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I think i found your problem as someone who use to be a prestige claudette main i use to really like her bloody outfit but i found myself being sandbagged a lot the issue is the hate that has been built around that cosmetic most people think blendettes only hide but when i used it i got a lot of praise for actually doing gens and knowing how to loop the killer.
Not saying i didnt get my fair share of hate i had people purposely dodge my lobby because they claimed i was "A ######### blendette who wouldn't touch gens" even though i use to only play survivor to get the killers attention to the point i ran OOO on blendette lmao.
With that being said theres a stereo type thats been built around prestigette and nothing will change that sadly the best thing you can do is change outfits or just find a swf's to play with.
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Im usually Beach Bum Claudette or in her boarding school outfit. I recently got her white sweater and I've been loving that the most. I don't like any of the prestige and the only time I predigested I found out it reset everything and I never did it again. Because I could understand if I was playing Blendette but I'm not and I never do. the most Blendette I'll get in her green shirt with the shorts and usually the red hair. But if there is an actual Blendette in the match they don't get tunneled and I'm usually told it's because "I'm harder to see than the other P3 Claudette white wearing a white sweater". That's literally not a ######### joke and I wish it was.
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If you play on Steam, I recommend joining a SWF through the Dead by Daylight Discord.
It helps. =/
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Sorry the jerks in the player base broke you
The game can be super fun and awesome but I completely understand why someone would just have enough and abandon ship.
While I do feel that like...80% of the base and games are good and sporting, you only remember the 20% #########. For myself, I kind of just accept that some of the games are just going to be fuqed by jerks. It sucks but not much you can do about it but take the hit or determine it's not worth the effort and quit the game.
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I do have 2 other people I play with but they haven't been on recently. We all have the same mindset, if something happens that shouldn't have we compensate for it. Killer avoids hitting me due to vac pallet? We let them get the hit. We miss DS but still get the stun we'll let the killer kill get us. And in turn killers who run into us enough as have the same amount of respect.
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So leaving bc of people thinking of what you are when playing claud?
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Are you SURE you're not doing anything to get as much abuse as you're claiming? Because seriously, while there are ######### and toxic people, I've never heard of the level of harassment and in-game trolling that you're describing here.
Either you're blowing this out of proportion, or you have some hand in what's going on. (Why are you announcing your perks in lobby, anyway? No one needs to know you're running WGLF.)
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Most toxic gaming community definitely "The survivors mains"
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Just turn your messages off 🤷♂️ and theres really no need to announce your perks
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What usually happens is
someone in chase
hops into locker to head on killer
survivor sees me get into locker
survivor opens locker cancelling my head on
they get downed by killer
i hit killer with head on
after game i get told to stop hiding in lockers or they knew i had head on and thought it was funny
like really why am i bringing and telling you im taking head on after care if im trying to get you killed. i let people know be mindful i will help you in chases. they usually dont care.
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So that's a yes for playing on Steam? I'm not a very good survivor (above average at best), but I can play with you from time to time.
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no it's what they're doing. helping the killer to kill me faster on purpose while blatantly telling me they're doing that in the mix of calling me racial slurs
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sure no problem and i dont mid just have fun memes are welcome and encouraged 108164002
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What're the numbers?
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steam friend code. i change my name a lot on dbd to let people know im doing challenges
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This 👍+1 I to am both a Claudette main and a killer wraith main. Sometimes as Claudette I still have killers that specifically go after me For who knows what reason.But to give you some closure I’ve come upon some genuine killers who let me live. It really depends Sometimes a person hates you just because you’re a character that they don’t like. And some assume that a character like Claudette are all toxic but dancers.But really anyone who plays any character in DBD can be toxic and it’s not just Claudettes.
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Actually sounds like OP is getting frustrated by the toxic behavior of the DBD community in game. I can agree, whats the point of playing a game or trying to stick it out if you simply aren't enjoying it. That is the main reason I stopped playing DBD as I use to. I now hop in a few days every month just to see how things are and to have a couple casual matches.
I also stopped playing the COD series after Black Ops 2 because people were just too toxic/salty all the time and I didn't get any actual enjoyment from the games anymore. Its a shame that people feel the need to be such a way and ultimately ruin these games for people but its a reality that cannot be fixed unless both Devs and the community work together, and that rarely happens.
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I play on PC through Steam and I main Claudette. I only play solo and it is rare when my teammates are intentionally toxic, maybe 2 out of 10 times. The most common thing I see are people getting butt-hurt over getting caught first and suiciding on first hook. The other day I had someone DC when the Killer downed them. They claimed they DC'd because I was hiding in a corner the whole time. We were on Lery's and I was working on a gen and he brought the Killer to the room I was in. He did the same thing earlier and got the killer on me. So rather than get caught, I got off the gen and positioned myself to not be seen. He didn't like that and had a temper tantrum.
My advice to you would be to play for yourself. Pick perks that benefit you and stop thinking about your solo teammates. Don't tell them what you're bringing in and only help them when you think you can.
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^^^^ THIS! that's the main reason I stopped taking bond. At least with aftercare I can pick and choose who I see.
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It is what is my man. I know that on PS4 there is a group of people I have reported a number of times spam you with party invites and if you don't join they literally sand bag you until you die in game. I know their names I won't post for obvious reasons but rest assured I will usually go for them over randoms.
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I get ya'. I picked up this game to play with my husband, so when I'm playing with him, I find I'm a lot more relaxed. I can joke around, not to the point of throwing the game -- but enough that it's not just me in hardcore gamer mode. And I noticed, when I play alone, I slipped into that a few times. So I've started telling myself not to take it seriously at all, but still have walked away feeling "meh" about my gaming experience more than a couple of times. Besides that, it's also imbalanced, so shouldn't be taken seriously like some of the games you mentioned, and from what I can gather, won't if ever be.
So between the imbalance, bugs, and the occasional toxic players -- I just need to be able to laugh it off. The others are right, finding someone to play with could make it better for you. Or, as I've seen a lot players recommend else where, don't make this your main game. Just a side thing to blow off steam.
If you do leave, I hope you find what you're looking for eventually.
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true,I agree many survivors are toxic bad word and I wish they would just go away,no one needs them
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That seems to be a common thing i notice. Whenever you see someone try and play the blame game. That they will often leave out context or make things up, just so they can blame a misplay on someone else. Like i seen someone call another survivor selfish. For running towards the other exit gate, far away from the killer, while injured and didn't magically do something to heal the two down team mates on death hook. IT seems like they wanted to give the killer a three k rather than a 2k. While ignoring the survivor was there helping people to heal up. Only one when Leeroy at the end, before the rest of the team could heal up, to try and get the unhook. The same survivor also try to shame someone else by going they only got 16k points and calling them selfish, while they were the first person to leave the game. That and somehow they wanted their fellow survivor to magically know where everyone is, when they are not running anything like bond.
Like be it playing as a survivor or a killer. From time to time, you just see stuff that is just massive bs.
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It's why I stopped caring. I will do my part when I can, but if I can't and my teammates were overly aggressive from the start - unhooking in front of the Killers face 1 second after he hooked, and think they're as good as No0B3, but keep getting downed in 5 seconds, I am going to let you die.
If I cleanse 2-3 totems and NoEd still pops, bye bye. Out the door I go.
The only exception is if my teammates played really well, then I would be happy to die for one of them.
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The funny thing is, if more survivors did the whole get out of dodge. when things look bad or are going south, rather than sticking around to try and save their one team mate on hook. Certain games would of when alot better for the survivors, with more escaping. Since i lost count of how many times survivor try to save one person on hook, only for it to backfire in the most epic ways and simply end up with more survivors dead. Sure sometimes it works and it epic when it happens. Yet a majority of the time, nothing comes out of it and it simply leads to no real gain but merely trading hooks until one or more survivors die.
Which yeah, if you play on an amazing team. It makes everything different, like damn these guys are good and save my rear more than once and got the gens done quick. Heck i would gladly throw away my life for any of them. For an amazing team is like a rare one of a kind piece of art. It's worth dying to protect it.
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The dbd community is NOTHING compared to how toxic League of Legends is. This game is so casual that nothing matters; whereas, League is extremely competitive and try-hard that the most minor misplays can cause your team to rage at you in real-time.
In dbd you only have chat in pre and post lobby and guess what.. you can leave after the game is over and avoid all the toxicity. In league, you're literally stuck with toxic players until the game is over unless you want to dc and risk a ban.
I don't believe this is a common occurrence that your teammates are intentionally sandbagging you. I have hundreds of hours in this game and I have experienced that MAYBE twice. Now... League on the other hand has players running it down mid every other game in RANKED mode.
In the end, this game is supposed to be played casually. If you get sandbagged in one game, just report (even though it doesn't do anything unless you have video proof, but it might make you feel better pressing that button) and move on to the next. SWF is also way more fun than playing solo.
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I've no idea how to use that.
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@OtakuBurrito I sent you a friend request. I'll be playing DbD in about 2 hours, give or take.
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this is what you call toxic
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This is why people play swf. Teammates are unreliable and it pushes people to play in teams or leave the game.
Sorry you had a bad experience mate
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This game is a joke for both sides unless your swf's, then it's a bully simulating, screw the random guy over cakewalk.
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lol you've only been playing for 5 months. If you don't like the game after only 5 months, then just leave. Nobody cares if another baby Claud leaves dbd. No need to make a big attention seeking post to try and get sympathy. If you genuinely didnt't wanna play anymore, you'd just leave
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And this is why this community has a bad reputation to new players.
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No wonder the devs changed rank reset so newer killer queues are abysmal.
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I've mained claudette since the game's beta. I have several groups I swf with that be happy to take you on and help the toxicity not get to you. Feel free to message me man.