Demogorgon buffs to make him more viable

ThirdSealOPplzNerf Member Posts: 360
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

1. Let him replace portals like hag

2.reduce the coolown of teleporting by a couple seconds

3.increase undectabke by to around 4 or 5 seconds and silence all demogorgon footsteps for the time he is undetectable

My thought of how he should be buffed I think his shred is fine as is it's just his portals that are kind of not really useful unless you get an ultra big map like the red forest and you place 2 portals on opposite ends sneaking up to people is impossible with such a short duration on undectable and his Godzilla stomping footspets that alert survivors and if the survivors don't close your portal than it's stuck there forever. On top of that the cooldown of it is kind of long without add-ons. Theres other killers that is just better at everthing that what demogogrgon does and that sucks becuase he is my favourtie killer.
