Demogorgon buffs to make him more viable

1. Let him replace portals like hag
2.reduce the coolown of teleporting by a couple seconds
3.increase undectabke by to around 4 or 5 seconds and silence all demogorgon footsteps for the time he is undetectable
My thought of how he should be buffed I think his shred is fine as is it's just his portals that are kind of not really useful unless you get an ultra big map like the red forest and you place 2 portals on opposite ends sneaking up to people is impossible with such a short duration on undectable and his Godzilla stomping footspets that alert survivors and if the survivors don't close your portal than it's stuck there forever. On top of that the cooldown of it is kind of long without add-ons. Theres other killers that is just better at everthing that what demogogrgon does and that sucks becuase he is my favourtie killer.
Cooldown is already fast enough. The other changes are good.
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I'm against replacing portals like Hag, because his main concept is meant to be that you place your portals in smart locations. You don't waste them. He's got alot in his kit so it kind of has to be like that.
His cooldown is fine imo, just make sure not to waste a portal use.
Longer undetectable with silent footsteps is a great idea imo. Don't see a problem with it.
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Honestly for me just make him more quiet. He makes a noise for every thing he does. Walking, noise, miss an attack, noise, hit an attack, louder noise, even his stealth power is loud. Remove the footsteps and he'll be a lot easier to play
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I think demo needs some changes too,I find him to be a really boring killer but there's a lot of killers that need fixing more badly than he does
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I don't understand why he got a CD on his teleporting at all honestly. Maybe against proxy-camping?
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You could easily 3 gen or abuse "Make your Choice" for example.
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Hag also has to place traps smart but imagine if she couldn't replace them that's a problem with demogorgon. Maybe there's some traps I left at finished gens that never got destroyed now I'm just missing portals...and there's already counterplay just destroy them there doesn't need to be multiple counters to his portals.
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The thing is the traps are hags only power and can only be used when a survivor triggers them. Demos has his shred attack and his portals can be used fairly often aslong as you place your portals correctly.
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With CD addons he can already do that tho. It would be cool when they would apply the CD only on the portal connection that has been used last. They could also higher the minimum space between two portals.