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How to keep calm against 'brave' survivors?

I only recently started playing the game and, surprisingly, found myself really enjoying the killer role in the game, switching between each of them to keep things fresh and get my bearings... then I started to notice games where instead of it being a murderous twist of the game 'hide and seek' it was more survivors sprinting at me and body blocking me all while dodging my confused swings...

I find in these situations I get a little frustrated and shaky, making me mess up even more, so I was wondering if there were any tips to try and keep relaxed and not worry about situations like that?

Sorry if this post was kind of pointless, my first one on the site and was just curious, thank you for your time.


  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    Not pointless at all you are feeling what a great many killer players feel.

    It may be strange advice but the best I can give is to just let it play out. If you realise that they are body blocking then let it happen and the next time you get someone down, take a look around and see if they are preparing to block you and then try to punish them for it.

    Good Luck!

  • Inquisitor_Pingu
    Inquisitor_Pingu Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2018

    @IronWolf115 said:
    Not pointless at all you are feeling what a great many killer players feel.

    It may be strange advice but the best I can give is to just let it play out. If you realise that they are body blocking then let it happen and the next time you get someone down, take a look around and see if they are preparing to block you and then try to punish them for it.

    Good Luck!

    Thank you for the advice, thankfully it hasn't happened in too many games yet but the few it has happened in is just... weird? Why would three/four people face hump a seven foot tall meathead with a machete instead of focusing on their, you know, objective (Gens)?

  • IronWolf115
    IronWolf115 Member Posts: 672

    @Inquisitor_Pingu said:

    @IronWolf115 said:
    Not pointless at all you are feeling what a great many killer players feel.

    It may be strange advice but the best I can give is to just let it play out. If you realise that they are body blocking then let it happen and the next time you get someone down, take a look around and see if they are preparing to block you and then try to punish them for it.

    Good Luck!

    Thank you for the advice, thankfully it hasn't happened in too many games yet but the few it has happened in is just... weird? Why would three/four people face hump a seven foot tall meathead with a machete instead of focusing on their, you know, objective (Gens)?

    Trust me you share the opinion of most people, 7ft tall Leatherface is trampling into you and yet puny Dwight is blocking you lol

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Well if they try to body block hit them for being too close. Sometimes you should be able to drop them without losing them since they haven't completly wiggled out and chase the others since they'll want to save their friend really bad. As for the whole missing hits if you're in PC you'll learn how to counter then eventually if you're on console then they frame directly out of your hit sometimes due to the lower framerates 
  • Inquisitor_Pingu
    Inquisitor_Pingu Member Posts: 8

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Well if they try to body block hit them for being too close. Sometimes you should be able to drop them without losing them since they haven't completly wiggled out and chase the others since they'll want to save their friend really bad. As for the whole missing hits if you're in PC you'll learn how to counter then eventually if you're on console then they frame directly out of your hit sometimes due to the lower framerates 

    Ah, sorry, forgot to mention I am on ps4, so the framerate might be a bit janky from time to time. Still, I will take your advice and work on timing my swings a bit more so I know I am actually gonna slap the buggers.

    @IronWolf115 said:
    Trust me you share the opinion of most people, 7ft tall Leatherface is trampling into you and yet puny Dwight is blocking you lol

    Can we add a 'mighty boot' style ability to the game then? So if they are being annoying you can just face boot them away...? No damage just a push back and warning, but faster then swinging? XD Although when I think on it I do think the smaller killers would look silly doing it instead of the huge fellas/ladies

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Inquisitor_Pingu said:
    I only recently started playing the game and, surprisingly, found myself really enjoying the killer role in the game, switching between each of them to keep things fresh and get my bearings... then I started to notice games where instead of it being a murderous twist of the game 'hide and seek' it was more survivors sprinting at me and body blocking me all while dodging my confused swings...

    I find in these situations I get a little frustrated and shaky, making me mess up even more, so I was wondering if there were any tips to try and keep relaxed and not worry about situations like that?

    Sorry if this post was kind of pointless, my first one on the site and was just curious, thank you for your time.

    Sadly this is what the game turns into when survivors become more experienced.
    But you have to realize that by following you, they dont do gens. Get the one playing normally and then watch the others blinking with their flashlights at you while camping.

    The real problems occur when survivors dont wanna be toxic and just play optimally, in these games you can just go afk because you dont stand a chance unless you play nurse

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    Tier 3 mm will be your friend. If they block you you down them, good trade i say.  
    Also, survivors have a perk that literally gives them a bp multiplier for bodyblock8bg, so expect it and punish it. If you expect it, its pretty useless against you unless the hook was really far.  
    Agitation and iron grasp are your friends in that case.
  • Luccimane1
    Luccimane1 Member Posts: 54

    You should just remember its just a game and to calm down so you can focus. What I would suggest is that you just back up because when you swing all they are doing is sniping in a circle. If you back up you can see them spin then hit them. try to equip a loadout that would punish trolling (Ex. Make your choice, No one escapes death, knock out etc.) these are some of the perks that punish trolling survivors in my opinion.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Use pentazemin... it also helps steady your hands, especially good with huntress!

  • Mikysama
    Mikysama Member Posts: 33
    I agree with iron grasp ( so damn useful ) and just hit them while they body block once dying on the ground they understand their mistake. About flashlight i found a trick. Most of them try to blind you close range. Watch their feet to avoid blind its working 90% of the time. Never try to look them directly from medium and long range. They never aim you directly in the face and need to adjust so you have all the time of the world. I been blinded once and since i use this trick its veeeery rare. Good hunt.
  • Inquisitor_Pingu
    Inquisitor_Pingu Member Posts: 8

    Thank you all ^^ I will take everyone's words to heart and do my best to use the advice to the fullest and make a group of survivors have a terrifying time of it ^^

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited August 2018

    In those situations I find useful to admit that I probably won't win. I end up enjoying the match more and with a calm attitude it's even possible to turn the tide since you will make less mistakes. Talking about mistakes, always try to recognize them and not blame anyone else, it will help you get better.

    Little advice about bodyblocking: a good tactic is to pretend you're going to a hook so that they will try to anticipate you, and as soon as they do it you change direction and switch to another nearby hook,. Most of the times they won't be able to reach it to block you, especially if you avoid to hit them.

  • JaPonii
    JaPonii Member Posts: 91

    Just. KILL 'EM!!! 👍👍
    Cocky ones always die first

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    White_Owl said:

    In those situations I find useful to admit that I probably won't win. I end up enjoying the match more and with a calm attitude it's even possible to turn the tide since you will make less mistakes. Talking about mistakes, always try to recognize them and not blame anyone else, it will help you get better.

    Little advice about bodyblocking: a good tactic is to pretend you're going to a hook so that they will try to anticipate you, and as soon as they do it you change direction and switch to another nearby hook,. Most of the times they won't be able to reach it to block you, especially if you avoid to hit them.

    This is excellent advice! That's been done to me and there is no way to catch up especially if they have agitation. 👍
  • Inquisitor_Pingu
    Inquisitor_Pingu Member Posts: 8

    Hmm with some reworks that are coming to a lot of perks, it may make the killers job a little easier too, no? So we must hold on and see what the patch notes hold... :p

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    Also listen to the footsteps. Nine times out of ten if I hear footsteps behind me while I'm hooking someone and do a 180° spin attack, I'll land a hit on someone.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823

    It's not that concerning. If that doesnt work, just get drunk :D

  • Inquisitor_Pingu
    Inquisitor_Pingu Member Posts: 8

    @Vietfox said:
    It's not that concerning. If that doesnt work, just get drunk :D

    That... that is actually a good suggestion! Shame I am on blood thinners so that isn't an option, but a solid idea none the less ^^

  • Shadopaw
    Shadopaw Member Posts: 34

    Tap the up button and look up for blinds. . if they are really being arrogant with body blocks
    Take Dear stalker and nurses calling. Drop the guy.
    Down the other then down the guy who tries to heal the guy you downed... 3 for 1
    I do this with Pig and Bear traps it is highly satisfying...
    Bear trap the one guy, run around a corner crouch and down the healer etc etc

  • Shadopaw
    Shadopaw Member Posts: 34

    Once had 4 Downs all bear trapped didnt even bother with the hooks