If you don't understand why Flashlight Clicking is hated, here's why;

When you're playing killer, you have 4 people stacked against you, a single person, and you have to use absolutely everything you can to your advantage. Sounds are a major part of it. The sound occlusion in the game currently is slightly bugged, so the sound of footsteps and most importantly generators are muffled and sometimes completely silent, meaning you have to either have a very expensive headset to hear the most basic of things or move just a bit closer to even check, possibly wasting more of your precious time. The sound of flashlights however, seem to be one of the only sounds not affected by ANYTHING systemically placed in the game, meaning it is one of the loudest sounds possible to hear. The sound of even hearing it click on once is annoying enough, but repeated and bound to something like MWheelDwn can be absolutely infuriating to hear. Just listen to it yourself and you'll start to want to rip your own eardrums out. Then there's the 'attention' factor of it, where the survivor clicks their flashlight just to get the killer on them, like wanting to get a Hag on them near the Badham preschool loop, the Haddonfield backyard loops, etc. This in itself can be very distracting and can even ruin games at times under specific circumstances. If you combine all of this into one, you get one of the most hated gestures to do in-game. And if you still do it even after taking this into account, don't be surprised when you have some pissed killers tunneling you to death, or even straight up facecamping.
