Farming in Red Ranks is rare for a reason, to those trying their challenges.

In Red Ranks, people play to win. Fun is rarely ever an aspect in there, and challenges are always sidelined to win, since a decent amount of them can be completed in general play. Which is why I come with an explanation. I have had multiple players (Killer and Survivor) complain about such in postgame because people didn't want to farm, and to save people from a waste of time, that is why some people don't want to farm, it's because they want to win. Or because they're just pricks but that's a different subject.


  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    The point of the game is to have fun. If you aren't there to have fun, why do you play the game? Is it some imaginary extension of self being a super sweaty Tryhard so you can kill people on a video game? This isn't the NBA or NFL, if you aren't here to have fun you're in the wrong place imo

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    To be honest, the game is there to have fun.

    Yes, there are sweaty try hards at red ranks.

    But there are also people who understand to have fun (the majority of my main group, a lot of killers I've met, etc.)

    And honestly, the people who try and meme and try new things, instead of try harding for rank 1 even if they already have the achievement, are the people getting the most enjoyment out of the game.

    You don't have to try hard to win, by the way. Trust me.

    Of course, some people do have fun sweating- but those same people also tend to rage a lot. Do you catch my drift?

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Or maybe people don't want to ######### around doing nothing for an entire match. Farming is genuinely boring.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Or some people actually have fun when they're trying their best?

    I know that's weird to people, since we try to stigmatize it on the internet for some reason and call it "tryhard" or "sweaty", but some people - gasp - actually enjoy putting effort into things and improving.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    at least that locker grab challenge was easy, since i see at least 3 DS each match i play one of them is bound to jump into a locker. i dont see the point in farming, its very boring but i also dont see the point in being toxic in games either but both still exist. lets be honest though killers are more chill than survivors, i see far more friendly people playing killer even though im meant to be versing them and escape, you know those team mates that rage at you because they died even if you have one more than them... people can play to have fun or to try do well, either way it shouldnt result in being toxic or horrible to someone else, if youre good be good without being horrible. i personally wont save toxic players, i dont care if its their first hook or we lose, i will not help someone who tries to bully others. its a game, everyone wants fun, some may struggle at things some may not. if you dont wanna farm dont farm, back out if you get a message pregame or just rush ingame and get out or die on hook, rank means nothing and you should play for fun

  • temery2015
    temery2015 Member Posts: 3

    I love a farming match as a killer I get max points and still rank up !

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Then do a gen and get the hell out. Wah wah, you have to get a free escape and move onto the next round.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I like your comment, genuinely.

    I don't feel like people have to like farming, but it's sad how many people get legitimately upset over the fact that people want to get a challenge completed easily instead of trying to grind out game after game, or if a couple bloody party streamers are popped and people just wanna get like 100k+ bloodpoints in one game. Like honestly, it's just sad that people will cry about having to do a gen for a few minutes and get out the game. I almost never run into killers that are straight farming and doing nothing else, so it's not like there's just farming killers running rampant all over and just ruining the game. Again, people don't have to like it, it's just something that people do, and I even understand it to an extent. This game just has some parts where you don't want to sit there and grind it out, and you want to get those parts over with so you can actually go tryhard and sweat. I don't think a lot of people would farm if there wasn't such a grind to go through in this game.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    people just need to stop taking everything so seriously, i understand people can be competitive and hell i know i can be but thats more as killer and thats why it becomes stressful as some games you can play a flawless game but still lose just because of swf and the map. but none the less people need to understand not everyone is always gonna be able to do some challenges easily or as quickly as others and i dont see an issue in them wanting a helping hand, if people was more understanding then it wouldnt be an issue. besides it takes both sides to farm not just one side, i personally just do the challenges as i can, ill aim for them but i wont throw the game but at the end of the day its a game, its there to have fun. id rather people be nice and help each other on rare occasions than see people be toxic and bully others