3 things i liked and didn't like about 3.7.0

DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,924
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

I'm doing this in a "1 like 1 dislike" kind of fashion

  1. The map changes, making the god loops basically non-existent from most maps was one of the best decisions the team has made in a long time
  2. The lack of changes to Ormond, Yamoka, Hawkins and Coldwind, I know that they didn't change all the maps for time reasons but it is a little disheartening to see Ormond still being incredibly safe (and framerate killing), yamoka still being a "run into bushes and pray you find someone" simulator, Hawkins still being too unsafe (despite the large number of pallets) and Coldwind still being full of corn
  3. The buff to legion, a small buff but a welcome to the edgy gang
  4. The decrease to Wraith's uncloaking speed, even without windstorm addons he is way slower then what he used to be
  5. The window vaulting no longer sending you back, I still get hit through windows but not nearly as much as I used to
  6. The lack of changes to Huntress, still boring, still completely broken, fix the hitboxes, please, I beg you
