How to fix the classic 2 survivors are dead and the other 2 are hiding indefinitely situation.

We've all had games like this, you're playing killer, you're doing well, 2 survivors are dead, there's 2-3 gens left (so hatch might not even be visible yet) but the 2 remaining survivors have no intention of touching a generator and are both waiting for the other to get caught and die so they can escape through hatch.

As the survivor in this situation (killer ignored me and killed my teammates and now the gens can't get done) I sit on a gen, get caught, run the killer for a bit, die on hook and move onto the next game. I can't understand wanting to hide for 10+ mins.

When I play killer I usually run whispers (if I have it tier 3) but when you're on a big map without whispers and this situation happens it is completely miserable. SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE about this situation, "holding the game hostage" is a misused term but this situation is a perfect example of it, survivors can hold a 1v2 scenario for basically any amount of time.

SOLUTION: If a generator isn't touched for 5 mins all survivors are sacrificed to the entity (the same way running out of time during the EGC works).

In case anyone is wondering I play red rank both sides, and ranking system in this game is a joke.