Face camping

NFTiger115 Member Posts: 8
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

A game is made for fun of course but how can anyone play this game for fun when the opposition, the killer decides to face camp. I'm sorry but that RUINS the game. They do it because that's the only way they can get kills otherwise. Dead by daylight is one of my favourite games but when this happens, all the enjoyment I have for the game is gone. I can't stand when I can't play the game because I've been chased the entire game to just be hooked. This isn't me being salty for dying. I don't care about that, I enjoy a challenge. Campers aren't a challenge tho and the Devs only put in a bloodpoint reduction. That doesn't do anything like for real Devs.

Camping should be a bannable offense because it spoils the game. There is no challenge whatsoever even when you aren't the one being camped. If you won't make it a bannable offense for the game as it is, why not have two modes like other games? Ya know a casual game where anything goes and a ranked one. At least having this would work better than making it so the camper depips too. Clearly they don't care about their rank so why not have 2 game modes, one for those who don't care about ranking etc and another for a rank which would provide a fun challenge for the game.

What are y'alls thoughts on this because I honestly believe that if they did this. We might suffer less campers etc. The game would be so much more enjoyable because you don't have to worry about being camped until death. You play a game to play it and have fun not play it for a minute or two, get found by the killer, downed then hooked and camped. I know this will get ignored but oh well, the point of this discussion is to see who else would find the game more fun with camping being a bannable offense or two game modes for those that don't want to deal with campers etc.

Edit: I just want to point out I did mention that there should be 2 game modes. Y'all talk about them depipping, does it look like they care? Of course they don't and the reason this is such a big issue is because the survivor depips too, not really fair when they can't do much as the killer finds them straight away. This is why I said to impliment this feature. One for those who don't care about rank etc and one for those who do. Plus this would be a great feature that would probably help matchmaking. Not so much for the ranked game mode but for those who just want to play the game without care for their rank as ranks won't matter so much when looking for a game. Oh and by the way for y'all saying high ranks do this, I disagree. On my usual account I find that no killers camp however the account I'm using is lower and oh look at that campers all the time.

Post edited by NFTiger115 on


  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    I play on both sides and unfortunately it’s a play style killers use. Sure it’s not fun but you just gotta deal with it. And like mentioned above killers loose points for facecamping.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Camping a survivor should just take away all bloodpoints that would be earned for the kill. It wasn't rightfully deserved. Survivors who rescue a person being camped should get double the points too.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    The issue with that is sometimes camping is warranted. I can give examples if youd like but i bet youre smart enough you can figure some out on your own.

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    how is it not deserved? The killer hit the survivor two times and hooked them. Thats all they need to do to deserve a kill.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2020

    Truth about face camping. It's the survivor's fault. Face camping the very first person you hook is a very poor way to play as killer. While your standing there waiting for that person to die you aren't applying pressure to anyone else. The reason so many get 4k out of it is because most survivors don't know or don't want to counter the killer for doing it. If you see a killer face camping. Leave that person on the hook, do the gens and GTFO. That killer won't get any bloodpoints or pips for playing like this. Eventually they'll realize this isn't working, I better start hunting instead of camping. The reason you see so many face camping at higher ranks is because the survivors are allowing this poor strategy to prosper.

  • illusion
    illusion Member Posts: 887

    Face-camping is lame, and I have no respect for it. Any killer that does that is a loser. I also think that the survivor on the hook should get a ton of bloodpoints for hanging on throughout the camp.

    That said, the only reason face-camping is a thing is because some survivors throw themselves at hooks, making it easy for the killer to down you. The best way to combat a face-camper is to ignore him and do gens. Until all survivors start grasping that, certain killers will keep using it. Why go looking for survivors if they are going to come to them?

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Indeed is survivors fault lol! I facecamp with my p3 bubba and its really funny to do! I also dont mind getting 5k per match, i already have the perks and i dont use addons. And about the pips, call me back when you have a rank 1 reward! This is a casual game.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited May 2020

    I disagree with you when you say “learn to take the losses” for getting camped on because, It’s not about what he or she did wrong and learning from it if that guy only made one mistake and it cost him or her the match. Survivor-Killer interactions are what make the game fun/necessary to Pip. So getting caught once should NOT mean the end of the line for that person. Survivors can’t run the killer all game in one encounter! Loops aren’t that good in this game, not anymore.

    so, Losing points don’t matter as a lot of these killers just don’t care. it really does ruin the game in the sense that not only is it sucking the fun out of the game but it also affects rank. So I believe face camping shouldn’t affect that survivors rank. Safety black pip should occur at the least. I am not saying killers can’t use camping as a tactic, but there need to be better methods to counter this type of behavior Whether it’s through a survivor perk or loss of bloodpoints AND Rank (as of now I think it’s only loss of one of those things)

    p.s - by the way, I don’t mean counter using borrowed time. the killer is just going to be in position to grab animation you off the hook. I don’t know why people refuse to look at the fact that people are meant to get caught in this game, so why are people okay with things that shorten the number of interactions between the two sides? Mori’s and camping are the two biggest culprits coming from the killer side. Oh what, people will argue that keys shorten the killers experience? Oh you Poor killer...a key that he or she might not even be able to use even though he or she spent the same amount of money on it? That doesn’t sound right.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    Dont get found or hit twice next time.

    Survivors have all the tools to do so.

    Also, Survivors have means to do stupid unhooks. Thank lord swivel-hook for removing true facecamping.

  • NFTiger115
    NFTiger115 Member Posts: 8

    I'm sorry you're comparing this to things that help us survive the mad killers WITH a sharp or blunt weapon? Or ya know claws or chainsaws?

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Survivor *spams flashlight, teabags at every pallet and routinely dives hook the second friend is hooked for unhook in killers face*

    Also Survivors *WhY aM i BeInG fAcEcAmPeD bAn It, NoT fAiR tOxIc*

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I take it you stopped reading after the first two things I said. Because the other four are about survivor grievances.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited May 2020

    ^^^This is the guy ruining for everyone else.

    That being said, I don't think pretty much anything in this game should be bannable (except actual cheating like hacks). I think the devs should develop an in-game penalty for face camping. Like lower points, reduced movement speeds, blindness, whatever but a ban from playing is not a viable solutiuon. I don't think it works for DCs already. Every day there is a new post about the DC penalty railing some poor guy just trying to play. I think in-game issues need in-game solutions.

    And anyone on here complaining that survivors teabag, who gives a crap. Teabagging does not stop anyone from playing the game, does not effect score or pips. I also see the comment that survivor run in and offhook "all the time" right in front of the killer. I play survivor every single day and this is just not true. Do survs get farmed, occasionally. More often the situation is the killer is camping the hook giving the team no choice but to go in while they are "standing right there". And any killer whose perception is that survivors are offhooking "right in front of them" all the time should look at there own game play. It is most likely not the survivors.