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What killer do you hate to face?



    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    As a spirit main I get called a tryhard almost 24/7 but still I never get any reps because I simply don't care. If someone says I tryharded I'll probably answer: yeah sorry about that, just had a bad game against a 4man swf and wanted to see how I'll do with this build!

    And more of that.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    ######### Freddy.

  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621
    edited May 2020

    I play at red ranks as killer so I always assume the survivors are red ranks, if a survivor is struggling against me, then they might not belong in red ranks. If I go easy on them, they'll either safety or pip meaning they'll continue to go into matches where there out of their depth, they'll continue to have unfun matches.

    As I said in my previous post I'm a solo survivor main, when I see a weak survivor it just reminds me the amount of times I have really long chases with the killer, but the gens haven't been completed due to boosted randoms. Killer mains get triggered by T bagging and flashlight spamming, I get triggered when survivors waste pallets, use Urban Evasion and/or Self Care.

    EDIT: I've played this game for nearly two years, I'm past caring about how many blood points and pips I get. As long as I get a 4k, I'm happy.

    Thing is if the survivors are red ranks, they should expect to go against a good killers. Not every match is going be against a rank 12 Pig.

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I like that gif! I hate going against Ghostface, I'll admit that I quit once in a while once I know he's the killer.

  • ShErMaDeRmA
    ShErMaDeRmA Member Posts: 338

    Plague, its just so ######### annoying. Cant aim for your life? More spread than a shotgun! Cant catch up at all? BOOM, get em sick and they get broken! People cleanse cause they font wanna be instadown? BOOM, SHOTGUN SPREAD HUNTRESS FOR 60+ SECONDS. Its just so infuriating because it feels that literally everything with her has a downside. Wanna do a gen, if sick, broken. Dont wanna get hit, if sick, get punished for running. Dont wanna be broken and downable all match, she gets ranged attacks that require absolutely no skill.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited May 2020

    Deathslinger because it all comes down to the player knowing how to aim. The Survivor is basically screwed even if they can dodge well.

    Hag because of idiot teammates who don’t know how or when to crouch.

    Trapper because I have no clue where his traps are and I’m terrified of stepping in one.

    Use your aggressive feelings.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I think Spirit is still at the top of my hate list and I think everyone knows why and I don't have to go into it. Deathslinger and Nurse both have the same levels of "well guess I'm #########" but at least they have the decency to end chases quickly, and with Oni at least around half of the game is pretty normal before he starts getting his no-fun-allowed gamer mode power more often (it also looks Incredible and his chase music absolutely slaps so he barely misses the hate list). Spirits chases are so much longer than I want them to be. It's not even rewarding when you guess right once, it's so unfathomably boring.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Legion, Plague and Michael are the main ones. The reason for this are other survivors. They help grow the killer's power

  • zireael_
    zireael_ Member Posts: 25

    Trapper and Hag because I like to have fun, and spirit because her mind games are 50/50 no matter what.

  • Liannet
    Liannet Member Posts: 86

    As a killer and as a survivor I met players any ranks. Unfortunately, matchmaking and rank system are broken (devs understand it and want to use MMR in the future). Survivors who play a lot have a red rank (usually 3-4). Good survivors who play several times a week may have green ranks. I play solo cuz I think SWF is unfair mode. So I don't expect from the teammates that they will be good. So I don't care what rank has Blendett with Self-care and Urban Evasion - 4 or 14. She can be a potato or a skilled egoist. 

    You get triggered by ineffective players. I get triggered by players who do a quick game to win: genrush (as survivor too! boring trials) or fast 4k. Ok :)

  • Citrusfruit
    Citrusfruit Member Posts: 73

    It's gotta be Doctor or Freddy, and it's not because I hate playing against them really it's just how many I get when I play survivor. When I play survivor I feel like there are only three killers in this game... Ghostface, Doctor, and Freddy. I wouldn't mind them at all if I ran into a little more variety. I wish I could run into a Plague, Pig, Michael, Billy, Trapper, goodness me even a legion isn't so bad because there's just that many of those goobers running around.

  • Theetis
    Theetis Member Posts: 153

    There's four that I genuinely don't like going against, but I can't really put a finger on which one I dislike the most.

    The Spirit - this is probably self-explanatory at this point. I'd rather play a match where I actually have any input on the outcome of my chases, thank you very much. Her constant moaning also annoys me, because boy, is she loud.

    The Funslinger - genuine question, why is his terror radius so wonky and inconsistent (and most of them having M&A to make it even worse)? Also I find that quickscoping doesn't really leave the survivor any mindgame or counterplay potential, similar to Spirit.

    Freddy - it's something about Freddy players that they generally have the ability to make the match just so... boring. It's not a rare sight for them to stack slowdown addons and perks, and chases aren't particularly interesting against him either. Especially with snares, he can just spam those without any drawbacks, which is kind of silly in my opinion. In general I think Freddy's simply overloaded, and it's something about the way people play him that just makes the match extremely boring.

    The Hag - I encounter Hags once in a blue moon, but the majority of them just uses the traps to facecamp people from a distance, which is kind of scummy, not going to lie, but also boring, because they usually never commit to chases (and that's the only fun part of survivor gameplay).

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2020

    RE: Hag, that bugs me to no end. I crouch up and unhook a survivor and every single time, the first thing they do is run and set off the traps. Drives me crazy!

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289

    Teammates 😂.

  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    I dislike plague with her disgusting power. Those annoying coughing/ vomiting sounds all game.... and everybody giving out free corrupt purge every infection they get before being broken! It's terrible that your team can throw the game that easily. When that happens it almost requires you to stealth across the map if you want to get a chance. Let's say I try to finish those games asap.

  • KettleWettle
    KettleWettle Member Posts: 149

    Forever Freddy, Spirit, Nurse, and Ghostface.

    Obviously nobody likes facing Forever Freddy

    Spirit is Spirit

    Nurse is Nurse

    And Ghostface because idk, he's just a more boring version of Myers

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    In no particular order: hag, Ghostface, oni and Freddy.