Could Jason actually be coming to DBD???
Before I played DBD I really enjoyed F13 the game it had its bugs but it was still awesome to play against or play as Jason. Once the lawsuit happened and the game died I moved over to DBD.
I have seen alot of speculation of who the new killer will be for chapter 16 and Jason's name has been thrown around alot. I just watched this video on YT and the streamer makes a really good case for Jason being the next killer.
Any thoughts? Could Jason really be coming to DBD?
I would share the YT link but idk if that has any copyright stuff. If not I will def share the link!
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Jason could be in DBD but they have to mention nothing from the first film (kid Jason, Pamela, a boy drowning, etc.) So lore wise the devs would have to be creative and somehow avoid anything from the first F13. Anything after that is fair game and could be used by Bhvr, how much convincing it would take idk but Mathieu has his magic hands and could make it happen.
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isnt trapper just the same as jason?... like a substitute.
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I mean, isn't hillbilly the same as leatherface? The argument is a bit annoying but it's still valid
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I think if they do bring Jason in, it's for one last huge cash grab before the game completely tanks. I mean face it, he'll be a class B killer at the most. He won't be a top 5. Theres only so much you can give him ability wise without making him OP and survs crying after the 1st hr of the ptb to nerf him.
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He'd be a boring killer, tbh.
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So just like playing f13 the game, then?
(and any build of dbd, really)
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I'd like Jason to be in DBD. But, he needs to be different to the trapper (Leatherface and Hillbilly one hit downs and chainsaw don't seperate them enough in my opinion).
I still think the next killer is Imotep though.
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You really don't know that at all. That's 100% speculation. If Jason is going to be added to DBD, it means there's been an agreement between both parties opposing each other in the lawsuit, so if it's actually happening, anything is fair game.
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I would be happy with any killer even if it’s not him.
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Basically two of the characters was inspired by movies so hillbilly was inspired by leather face
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Honestly all I'm hoping for at this point is a new killer and survivor along with some QoL changes that can actually keep my interest. FOV options, more graphics options, more solo survivor QoL changes that sort of thing. And I hope for the new killer to have some cool new mechanics or playstyle. I've given up on hoping for new good perks for both sides so the killer mechanics and map are the only two things I'm interested to see.
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Yes he could but probably not this chapter, I think its gonna be Alien
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It's not just speculation, it's an opinion based on available evidence (that being a board game that was just released), and the interpretation of what that means by folks that know how lawsuits work, and folks who have kept tabs on the specific opinions the judge has handed down during the course of this particular lawsuit.
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I'd love if he was the killer for this chapter. I've always loved the F13 game, so to have Jason in my favourite game and somewhat fuse them together would be amazing.
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Could be but what would be his power?? too difficult to guess since in the movies he had no special powers than killing with machete
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Probably not since he already has his own game right?
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I sure hope not. He's as bland as they come.
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Thank you. I'm so sick of this groveling for him stuff
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Uh huh, so it's just vague things you can allude to without any rational argumentation. The fact is both parties in the lawsuit have to agree to any content being released, which opens the door to anything.