Docs shock is op

I was literally 150meters away and the doc got me with his shock needs to be nerfed to 5m that insane they even allow that
Hide in lockers or leave the terror radius. Its not that hard
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Stay out of the TR, use lockers, or run Calm Spirit
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Yeah,just don't lmfao. I'd kind of understand if you said alot of other stuff,but his static blast is fine.
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It is short by default. You need an add-on to make it’s lenght decent. And from that range you might as well keep using the loop rather than camping the pallet while being unable to drop it.
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@Entity_Hugs I was across the map where you don’t even have a heart beat
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Okay did you not read how far he away from me is no one reading this
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Possibly Stupid Question: Is there any map where literally 150meters is actually possible without being on extreme ends of the map? And is there anything that makes the Doctor's Terror Radius and/or Shock Therapy that large? I don't think even Sniper Doc has that range.
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nope ops just lying
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doctor 32meter
doctor plus distressing 40.32(just gonna say 40)
plus monitor and abuse 48 meters
im pretty sure there are add ons that increase his radius beyond this but im not gonna bother no way he got in the 60's let alone the 100's
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Do you have a video of this claim? He could have has perks and add ons that mess with his terror radius
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You do know that the blast only covers his Heartbeat?
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@Demonl3y i know that is why I am saying how come I got hit across map
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Did you tried turning you sound on and opening your eyes?
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Either this is bait or it's a bug.
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probably a bait thread. But i'll bite a bit.
The blast goes around his terror radius, if you are in it, you get hit, otherwise you wont. With addons and perks it's possible to get docs terror radius to maybe around the high 50s or 60. Nowhere near "150 meters"
It is also possible doc was running dark devotion, which puts his terror radius on another survivor, making it so the blast originates from that survivor and not him, although it still appears to originate from the doc in the animation, the actual blast originates from the survivor. So he could in theory hit you with it from the other side of the map.
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There is a few ways to counter it as people have mentioned. Also, depending on your position you can always try to bait going a direction, or using line of sight to force the Doc to have to guess. If he can't see you, he will most likely predict you going for the pallet/window.
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You could have been on the very edge of a larfe terror radius. On tge very edge of that TR it can be hard to hear tge heart beat.