The Bloodshot Terrors Chapter Concept

ReaperTech Member Posts: 49
  1. Chapter: The Bloodshot Terrors.

Killer: The Mothman

Power: Bloody Vision

The Mothman’s Eyes give off Terror to anyone that dare look at it. Any survivors that look at the Mothman for more than 2 seconds will gain a level of terror. Each level of terror will give a greater chance the survivor inflict with Terror will make heavier breathing when within the Mothman’s Terror Radius. If the survivor inflicted with Terror 5 and look at Mothman they’ll be affected by blindness and will only be able to see it’s red stain while the rest of it’s body is gone until the chase ends. Terror slowly goes away when outside of the killer’s terror radius and tremendously goes down when next to other survivors.

Terrifying Gaze: Mothman gazes in a direction. When survivors look at Mothman while he’s gazing they’ll be affected by hindred and survivors that do look at him can’t look away. Terrifying Gaze greatly reduces Mothman’s Speed for 2 and has a 10 second Cooldown.

Ghastly Flight: Mothman can spread his wings making him easier to accidentally look at and can traverse the map momentarily with an energy meter that builds up for him to fly. You can fly with any remaining amount of meter above 30%.


  1. Hex:Signs of Tragedy: When you damage a survivor, you gain a Token. When you obtain 5 tokens, all generators will explode and regress.
  2. Unnatural Instinct: Get an auditory warning when a survivor looks at you in a certain amount of meters. This has a Cooldown of 30 seconds.
  3. Gloom: Survivors being healed will briefly suffer from the Hindred status effect for short amount of time when healed a health state. This applies to healing from the dying state.

Survivor: Riley Valerio


  1. Overcome: When you escape a chase, gain an increase in healing and make no sounds of grunts for a short amount of time.
  2. Tough Love: When you are in a certain radius from the obsession, gain an increase in movement speed. This effect persists for 5 seconds when entering a chase or leaving the radius of the obsession. Lowers your odds on becoming the obsession.
  3. Psychological: Gain an auditory warning when the Killer sees your aura. This has a Cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

New Map: Eerie Road(Coldwind Farm)

This map will be a long road that leads to a broken Highway. There will be a gas station and a couple buildings and of course jungle jims.


  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    Btw the whole not being able to see the mothman but only it’s red stain is a concept based off people who’ve seen him but haven’t been able to see him again as proof for others but the presence of Mothman is still there. It’s not random, it’s just based off the actual cryptid.

  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    I’m sorry I forgot a lot of other things about Mothman. But, after 2 seconds of looking stacks will tremendously increase overtime. For instance, you stare at him for 2 seconds 1 terror, then 1.5 seconds 2 terror and it keeps going lower by to Terror 4 which then stays at 0.5 seconds to gain madness as long as your in it’s terror radius this time effect would stay. It’s complicated and I apologize. One last thing the max Terror is 6 and each level of Terror will increase there breathing and they’ll scream once they gain a level of Terror meaning in certain scenarios with Terrifying Gaze they’ll constantly scream(or if the survivor is trying to flashlight you. That is all. I apologize for the killer being so complex.

  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    Lol accidentally put Madness instead of Terror. Apologies.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Pretty cool idea! Although I could see there being a big problem with what constitutes "looking at the killer." What if they have their camera turned to look behind them but they are running away?

  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    Good Question it’d be kind of like ghost face. The whole premise of Ghost Faces power however is to look at him. With Mothman it’s to rather not look at him you only want to briefly look at him otherwise terror will build. In a chase you only want to briefly see him. If survivors look at Mothman he can take advantage of this by making them stare at him for longer then there hoping with Terrifying Gaze. He’s a very mind game killer. He might be hard to implement but it’s my concept.