The Spirit Nerf we need

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

Spirit shouldn't be able to see scratches during her power like Legion and should have a cooldown like Nurse if she misses her hit coming out of phase walk.

Makes her take a bit more skill because Spirit players have to play exclusively off sounds and get punished for wrong predictions. Run Stridor on Spirit and she'll still be an A tier Killer, but not the S tier status she is right now.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I don't think she should be a 110% Nurse with a clunkier power. Just sounds like a strictly more boring Nurse.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Give her back her old Windows Vault, Buff the passive phasing add-ons and fix the bug where survivors can hear her whooshing noise while in her terror radius. If you do all that, I wouldn't have an issue with losing her scratch marks. Otherwise, I think that spirit's in a good place right now.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533
    edited May 2020

    Not really. You don't have to go for a swing right after your power and the penalty only happens if you do. Nurse has a penalty after using her ability whether she swings or not

    My change would make optimal Spirit play to be waiting a second to unphase before swinging unless you're 100% sure its a hit, which gives Survivors more reaction time

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I want an addon that you see survivors while you're phasing, but they can see you too. =]

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
    edited May 2020

    She already loses sight of players and blood. You want to remove scratch marks now (which you can hide by, you know, not running), and make her a purely audio killer? AND placing a CD on her?

    You find nothing wrong with that? Nurse is already at the bottom of the rung due to how unfun she is, and now you want to limit Spirit to those with good headsets.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah i have to agree with you. Since the op logic doesn't seem to add up to me. Legion and Nurse have massively different powers from Spirit. That and the funny thing is Legion power after he get the first hit, would have great tracking if anyone is nearby. While the op wants to nerf Spirit ability to track survivors, while ignoring Legion power gives them a great boost to finding and tracking survivors after landing the first hit, if any survivor reminds near by. So it kind of ironic they want to nerf Spirit ability to track survivors by pointing to legion and saying make it more like that. That and they seem to want to force spirits to run Stridor, if they want to be the very best like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test. To kill them is my cause. Which jokes aside, seems like it would be a bad idea. For that would mean less builds you can run on a spirit and lead to more cookie cutter builds if someone wants to play effectively as spirit. Since if we go and look at ghostface, his power is flexible. You can play a no stalk ghostface, maybe not the most effective way to use his ability but you can do it, if you want to and still make decent use out of his ability. That and ghostface has a number of different perks or combos of perks that can work well on him, due to way his power works. Like surge and surveillance. Even without a single other perk, you can use get benefit out of his power. Since survivors having no idea you are about to sneak up on them or stalking for one shots, is very useful.

    While forcing spirit to always run Stridor to make best use of their power, seems odd. Since shouldn't a spirit be able to use their power effectively without needing any other perks?

  • luka2211
    luka2211 Member Posts: 1,433

    I agree with everything you said,but if you actually think nurse is at the bottom then I dunno.. She isn't someone that takes 0 mechanical skill like wraith to master,you need 100s of hrs on her to be decent with her and then she becomes the strongest killer in the game.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Where are you guys comparing Spirit to Nurse? From a survivors perspective I guess they're similar, but from a killers POV they are completely different. One goes through things, the other turns invisible and walks around them.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    So you want her to be absolutely blind when using her power?

    Sounds more like a nerf "you need" instead of "we"

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I think that could be too strong if you combine it with speed addon

  • infinity_on_switch
    infinity_on_switch Member Posts: 34

    Leave spirit alone she is my bae...

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I didn't mean skill wise. I meant unfun due to her being a stun simulator. Slapping a cool down on top of a cool down, then throwing in a heap of bugs, isn't an enjoyable experience. I don't want Spirit, or any killer, to fall into the same catagory.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    she's fine now. Removed collision and a window vault animation, thats all we needed.

    Nurse is almost top tier if not top tier (I dont play her). Her skill floor is pretty high but also her skill ceiling, unlike freddy for example. Low skill floor and low skill ceiling, thats also one of reasons people dislike playing against him.

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336
  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    I would say the nerf isn't needed but a quality of life change.

    Give an actual cue that she is using her power, that's the only change I would want despite hating stridor with a passion.

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    It doesn’t solve the main problem with Spirit which is a lack of feedback for the survivors. Other then the shards on her leg which you can’t even see 80% of the time there is no way for the survivor to know what the Spirit is doing.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Not only does she not need nerfs, she didn't need her previous nerfs.

  • MoxxiTheRabbit
    MoxxiTheRabbit Member Posts: 11

    I would just like to add that I feel the spirit isn't that hard to play against vs. some of the other killers in the game. Granted I know that when I want to make a post about nerfing killers I realize I just don't know how to play them, and need to evolve my counter play with their patches.

    My biggest give away that I'm not counter playing properly is when I start screaming about how broken a killer is.

    But that is just my opinion <3

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Spirit has an add-on that does that. it's just a lot of player's don't use it because they rely too much on scratch marks

    Sure! Let's go ahead and put a cooldown on top of another cooldown and decrease Spirit's usage and make her unfun to play just like Nurse. Spirit is fine, she literally require's survivor's to use their brain, and not only that, she gives survivor's a taste of their own medicine. Y'all rely heavily on the red stain to give y'all information in a loop, while killer's have to rely on scratch marks and sound, but the moment a killer makes a survivor have to use their brain or understand how the killer play's that killer needs to be nerf. She revolves around mindgames. "StAnDiNg StiLl iSn'T A mInDgAmE" if it isn't than explain this?

    Spirit is literally being used as intended. Just because you can't mindlessly loop her like every other killer doesn't mean she's broken. Like Jeez I love you and all Mister Gatsby but I disagree with you whole heartedly

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I'd hate for a killer to be 100% audio based in this game.

    I don't know if I need an equalizer or something specifically for this game, but there's always 500 louder noises overpowering everything. (Why is there just passive music playing so often, not even in chases, for instance?)

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Oh my god, we have a killer that can somewhat compete against red rank SWFs and make there games a lil stressful!

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    BHVR doesn't realize it yet. My advice to you is that your going to have to learn how to become tone deaf to chase music. Back in November they had finally fixed Spirit's sounds after the community as a whole said something about her sounds and other killer's not being to able to hear survivor's. Than a few patches later they literally flooded killer sounds with chase music. As a Spirit main I have taught myself to go tone deaf to the chase music

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You think so? You'd be able to see her though.

    I agree though, Mother's Ring would be strong with her "All Seeing" Addon.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    She just could chase them with an absurd speed then so the survivors dont really have a chase to run away i think.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    I'd actually prefer a different change; she can still see scratch marks but all sound is omni-directional so she can't just throw on stridor and win.

    Another thing I'd love to see is an indicator she's phasing- it doesn't have to be something massive and bright and neon, but something bigger than shards you can't see on less than 50% res, can't see on several skins, can't see from far away, and can't see if they're bugged.

    These are my two main issues with spirit, and honestly fixing one would make me over the moon. After that we could buff her again in other areas of her kit to compensate and retain her a strong killer, maybe change passive phasing into something else that helps traverse the map better.

  • boboca
    boboca Member Posts: 78

    She already have coldown, you know...

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963
    edited May 2020

    "The Spirit nerf we DON'T need"


  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    Bruh, can people stop complaining AGAIN against bloody spirit? You got her nerfed, bugger off

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Scratch marks, nope unless you'll increase something to compensate.

    Her cooldown after she lunges could be interesting.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Apparently good killers are unhealthy for the game. Next on the chopping block would be Oni, then Hag, then Billy, then Freddy until it eventually goes to Leatherface needing a nerf because he'll outshine all the other killers even if he isn't changed lmao.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea this exactly. Sounds are so messed up right now, survivors can become 100% silent even when you have Stridor. I've see it happen from both killer and survivor POV. It's dumb to force her to solely rely on either mechanic because neither is consistent or function most of the time.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Who said this is the change we need? I’ve never heard anyone say this was the change WE need.

    Having the Spirit rely strictly on sound is good in theory, but this game is buggy. Sounds are broken. Sometimes survivors make zero footsteps and make no injured moans even if they do not have Iron Will equipped. All that change would do is make Spirit more frustrating to play as. There has probably been a time where a Spirit has lost you in a chase because you were bugged and made no sounds whatsoever.

    Plus, Stridor doesn’t completely counter Iron Will. You’re still making quieter injured moans, it’s not at the max volume and you’re still hard to hear (depending on the survivor you are playing). I’ve still lost people in a chase as Spirit with Stridor when they had Iron Will.

    If the mechanic is not consistent like @thesuicidefox said, she shouldn’t have to rely on that. It would just make her a shell of what she once was.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    No no, it's not "Good Killers". It's "Boring Killers". That's the word I see getting thrown around a lot more than Overpowered these days.

    By definition, every Killer is boring to go up against because all of them have ways that can make things boring for the Survivor.

    Billy? Leatherface? One-Downs, all they need to do is just close the gap.

    Spirit? Nurse? They ignore loops, forcing you to run through multiple structures and play smarter with LOS blockers.

    Freddy? Clown? They slow you down, making it easier to close the gap, with Freddy having the ability to have decent map pressure, and Clown having the ability to screw with a Survivor's POV with his gas.

    Myers? Ghostface? Wraith? One has Insta-down, the other two can constantly turn off their terror radius.

    Trapper? Hag? Both require traps, and both can stop a chase before it happens. Hag can also jumpscare you and force your camera to screw with your movement.

    Doctor? Plague? Legion? They all can hinder the Survivor in some way with their power and effects, Doctor can cause jumpscares to appear on the Survivor's Screen, and create skillchecks that go all over the place, Plague makes it easier for Survivors to reveal their location and can effectively make perks like Iron Will useless because of how loud puking is, and Legion, I don't need to explain.

    Huntress? Deathslinger? They both can hit you from far away, with Huntress being able to hit you from across the map if she is good enough.

    Pig? She can make short and medium loops unsafe with her ambush.

    Demogorgon? His shred can literally deny any agency of safety on the survivor's part if they try to lunge towards a window/pallet. And even then it will still hit sometimes because of how hit detection works in the game.

    Oni? He forces a slugging playstyle, a playstyle a lot of people as far as I can tell, find "Boring".

    Literally every Killer in the game has a playstyle that, as far as I can tell from this forum, is boring in one way or another. None of them are completely safe from every complaint I've heard coming from various users in this forum.

    Some are more frequent than others, but they all definitely have had complaints risen towards them.

    This is why, and I hope to god the devs follow this, that "fun" is not an objective reason to balance a game. Because every killer has something that can be boring to go up against with certain players. Some of them counter a Stealthy playstyle, like Plague and Doctor. Some of them counter a Chaser playstyle, like Spirit and Nurse. And some of them are decent at everything, like Pig, Freddy and Demogorgon.

    If the Killers are changed to be made "fun" according to what this forum thinks is "Fun", then we wouldn't have a variety of killers to choose from, we would only have 1. A basic M1 Killer.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited May 2020

    Are you asking for the spirit to have a stun like legion/nurse and also not be able to see survivors and scratch marks during her phasing?

    Lol I can't take this thread seriously xD

    My idea for a nerf would be to give the survivors an auditory notification when the spirit can phase (like with oni being able to go rage mode) and also make it so that her husk would have a different animation (or something like that) so that survivors who look at her could know she is phasing and not pretending.

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    spirits fine, like yeah shes strong but not every killer can be a push over not to mention she has counter play and she can still struggle massively against good survivors. the real issue is too many red ranks belong in green, id rather a spirit over a trapper tbh. my advice learn to counter her, play smarter/better or use perks that can help you if shes that much of a threat. or if youre struggling too much with her (you and not your team) then you are also probably the wrong rank, i dont mean that in a horrible way but way too many people are red ranks and cant play to high skill and often get upset when versing red rank killers, like theyre meant to be good and hard because theyre the better killers. a decent group of survivors (dont need to be a swf) can beat spirit still pretty easy, afterall people was beating pre-nerf spirit with the old ruin etc.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104


  • MrDecisive
    MrDecisive Member Posts: 61

    you do realize she cant see scratch marks when using Mother Daughter Ring Addon....and even when its being used its still easy to use its more of predicting of where survivors are then just following scratch marks, shes made to cut people off catch them off guard

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Devs already nerfed her, so she will not be nerfed again for a while

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I agree a bit, but for the most part, people just want good killers to be butchered there's only been very few cases where boring killers have been nerfed or reworked, that being Legion and Freddy, although Freddy is still boring. Look at Doctor or Deathslinger, they're boring to face but the devs refuse to nerf/rework them. Heck, Doc was even buffed.

    But people also want good killers to be nerfed, Billy for an example. Not many people hate facing Billy, yet he's frequently complained about and people ask for a nerf despite people enjoying to verse him.

    However, people do use boring as an excuse also, so you are also correct. Also, Pig is very bad at medium loops, her ambush isn't fast enough to reach a survivor who reacts fast enough.

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594
    edited May 2020

    Yeah the funny thing about Oni, if they run the standard monitor and abuse along side Fright combo. Getting two downs out of their ability, if another target is close enough nearby. Is just people taking issue with Oni using what would benefit them most logically in terms of getting use out of their power. Since if they can get to that other person, well two down people is better than one. Unless the second person is super far away, than picking up the first person to save your ability would be better. Yet the slugging, if the Oni is doing it. It most likely just to make good use out of their ability. So people finding it boring and making balance changes purely base on that, would just be punishing Oni players for finding a good perk combo and having a brain.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    A Spirit with stridor never even cares for scratch marks. And a Spirit with stridor is already braindead.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944
    edited May 2020

    that's a bit too much i would just make it so survivors pain sounds are multi directional so the spirit can't predator missile to your exact location if you are injured. she can still tell you are there but cant tell exactly where leaving room for error

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Or maybe, just maybe, survivors should do the same thing killers have been forced to do since day one of this game: git gud and adapt.

  • NICK714
    NICK714 Member Posts: 173

    Yeah, nerf freddy, ah no is the spirit :v

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495
This discussion has been closed.