Who is the most broken killer in your opinon



  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    You do know 20 Hours is a lot of time right?

    You don't need 100+ Hours to consider yourself adept and getting used to a Killer. Because once you get used to ANY Killer, you will lget used to all of them with their basic mechanics. Even their power.

    I play Clown and Pig for fun despite them being at the bottom of the pole and still get 4ks almost every game I play in Rank 1, does that make them broken? No, of course not.

    Please stop peddling the false narrative that she is broken because she is "easy", she isn't. Once she got nerfed I saw a massive decrease in her use. So there's no way she is as easy as you think it is.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    20 hours is a lot of time, but I shouldnt get a 4k against 1000 hour survivor SWF teams before they can finish all gens. And I am not trying to rush the kills either, not using useful perks and not using any addons at all.

    I got 30 hours on pig and get 3-4k's consistently, but it either gets to them having a baby survivor or they finish all gens and were too altruistic. I played doctor for nearly 100 hours and am pretty much guaranteed a 4k with my favourite build. My problem with spirit, is that you can go perkless with very little experience, while with pretty much most other killers, you need at least in depth knowledge of how you can use the killers power to your advantage in certain points of certain maps to go perkless and still get a 4k.

    Basically, Spirit is balanced when you ignore addons and Stridor. That is a problem. Add in stridor alone, and you can defeat pretty much any 4 man. Add in 1 addon and you can defeat optimal SWF's. Add in 2 addons and be practically unbeatable unless the survivors perfectly predict your movements.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    spirit absolutely. she needs a complete rework so her gameplay isnt literally guessing. nothing is fun or fair about her standing still and looking the same as her phasing zzzzzzz

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    oni gets his power back way too quick for it to be considered balanced. any decent oni in a pub game will get his power 9-10 times a game

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    Spirit, all she has to do is stop moving and survivors will go towards her, if they run away all she has to do is phase walk.. there is no fun playing against her.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    deathslinger? Overpowered? are you f-ing kidding me? the deathslinger is slow, gets looped, has a lackluster power, has a limited power, doesnt always get rewarded even though he gets his hits, gets wrecked on any map with good line of sight blocks. change my mind. you cant because hes garbage even if youre good at first person shooters. not that that even matters lol to answer the post though. Theres no such thing as a broken killer in this game. You guys keep asking the devs to nerf the strong killers anyways. Broken being a term used by survivors who dont know how or refuse to adapt to different killer powers.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    the pig doesnt know which boxes holds the right key or which ones have been checked yet so idk if you never played her or what but your info is wrong. pig is actually low tier in my opinion. even with her dash, best add ons, and no terror radius. anything thats not spirit, hillbilly, or pc nurse is more than likely going to get wrecked by any survivor two man squad with half a brain