Surviving by hiding, a legitimate strategy.

You can only read the end, but I strongly advise you to read the whole argument before reacting negatively, as providing an answer may be very easy for me.
Some preliminary truths:
- camping is a legitimate strategy.
- no one has the right to judge how the other plays, nor the right to prevent the other from having fun.
- camping essentially results in a killer wishing to limit his search and hunt for survivors as much as possible, to avoid the condition of accession to his main objective as much as possible.
- survivors are not the only ones able to advance the game by repairing generators, the game also progresses when the killer kills survivors.
- being hidden is part of the survivor's gameplay.
- EGC exist.
Some logical deductions:
A. Logically deducted from points 1 and 3: genrush is not the right reaction against camping. We must not accept and participate in the acceleration of the game (of which the killers complain), but act the opposite, which will also be a legitimate strategy.
B. Points 2 and 5: the survivors are free to play while remaining hidden.
C. Points 4 and 6: point B does not result in a hostage taking, since advancement of the game is perfectly possible. The killer can find the survivors and kill them, the game progresses. It depends on the killer. There is no hostage taking, there is only a killer who is inexperienced or refuses to seek the survivors. The last survivor do not block the game since he can escape through the hatch, or through a door, or die with the mechanics of the EGC.
Some additional observations:
- staying hidden without repairing the generators in no way prevents the survivors from having the same objective: to escape. Just like camping, focusing on one goal: killing one survivor. Staying hidden is therefore a coherent and legitimate strategy: stay alive the longest and escape. Every survivor works actively to achieve this goal by remaining hidden. Survivors are not forced to act for the escape of all survivors just as a killer is not forced to act to kill all survivors.
- there is already a mechanism for actually punishing inactive survivors, and it is a mechanism that does not consist solely in the loss of emblem points. Hiding is obviously different from being inactive.
- since all of this is perfectly legitimate, and fun for me, all of this can be done against any killer, no matter how they play: the killer must adapt.
- killers complain that the generators are repaired too quickly, this strategy gives them total satisfaction.
So, help me build the perfect stealth survivor.
I'm thinking about a locker to bush survivor: Urban Evasion + Distortion + Left Behind + Wake Up!
However, Calm Spirit, Object of Obsession, Diversion, Fixated and Spine Chill also seems interesting to me.
The objective is to avoid as much as possible the main condition for escaping, by remaining hidden, and to escape by the hatch or by a door, maybe being the last survivor alive. It is a legitimate strategy : the survivor can escape or can be found and killed, just like camping.
Together, killers and survivors, let's be tolerant, unbiased, and accept that everyone can have fun with this game.
I love this concept. Survivors need not do things like unhooks, healing and saves! Just hide!
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There will be people arguing this is taking the game hostage if more than one survivor/ the last two survivors play like this.
but sure this is a legitimate strategy. You will get salty messages though, so do not wonder. And it is unfun for the other players in the match, because you are pretty much playing against the other survivors. Again: legitimate. But unfun for others and def will generate salt.
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Spine Chill and Urban Evasion are a must for stealth play. Saved me so many times from Mr Cowboy and Ghostface. Calm Spirit is good against Doctor and I think Infectious Fright and maybe Iron Maiden (I think). Inner Strength is good for a quick heal in combination with Quick and Quiet. I just wish you could stack two totems with Inner Strength.
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Devs stated many times that you can play as greedily for your own survival as you want as long as you obey official rules = no teaming up with killer or repeatedly and intentionally sandbagging other survivors in order to get them killer etc.
If you want to play purely for yourself and don't care about other survivors that's fine, they won't like you and most of your game will very likely end in killer killing most of you all if not all of you. I would advice for using stealth more as a tool for certain scenarios rather then full playstyle but you do you. No one can really stop you as long as you do something to progress the match and strive for survival.
If I can give my favourite "sole survivor" build that focues on beiing extremely stealthy while assisting teammates/doing gens etc when it's safe rather then all the time how most normal survivor buids/playstyles do. It consists of mainly plunderer's instinct, calm spirit, spine chill, left behind. When once in a while I play like this, my main goal is to remain hidden as long as possible (while doing saves, gens safely = killer beiing far away, chasing someone else) and do my best to get hatch either while it's open or with a key if I get lucky with plunderer's.
It's quite fun to play weird unusual builds from time to time when I get overdosed from playing chasing builds.
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I think playing stealthy is a legit strategy, tge best survivors are stealthy, and then once tgey are found are able to force the killer into a chase thats 30 to 45 seconds at least. If you can do both of those things youve wasted a considerable amount of their time.
That should absolutely be working gens. With how fast gen speeds are its tge best strategy to get everyone out...not just yourself.
If you play your way and escape every game im pretty sure youre going to be stuck in green ranks as youre not getting much altruism, chase or objective points
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It's already really strong, allowing it to stack 2 totems would probably break the perk.
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A. Logically deducted from points 1 and 3: genrush is not the right reaction against camping. We must not accept and participate in the acceleration of the game (of which the killers complain), but act the opposite, which will also be a legitimate strategy.
I think I agree with you in general, but may I ask what you mean by this part? It sounds like you're saying that survivors shouldn't work on generators as a counter to camping, but maybe it's just confusingly worded. If that is what you're saying, it would be great if you could elaborate on it, since I'm not sure how it follows logically from the two premises you mentioned.
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The fact that nobody's mentioned Iron Will as, like, one of the best stealth perks yet astonishes me.
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The problem is escaping is worthless. You can hide all game and sandbag your team with it so the gens won’t go and you get the hatch with left behind. And then guess what? Wellcome to deppip town. I can do half the gens alone, half the unhooks, escape and then still blackpip at red ranks. Thanks no. If I see my teammates doing this I rather DC.
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This attitude is everything wrong with the game
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Yeah you can play however you want in my mind but you may get hate for it(Camping, Tunneling, Using certain Killers(bullshit), Playing immersed, self caring in corners)
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A. Logically deducted from points 1 and 3: genrush is not the right reaction against camping. We must not accept and participate in the acceleration of the game (of which the killers complain), but act the opposite, which will also be a legitimate strategy.
Using your own logic, a killer camping = not progressing the game as they are not getting hits.
With that in mind, what reason would there be to not rush down gens as a counter to a killer camping someone to death? Any other option would just get them killed too and lose the game.
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I think you are taking stealth too far. I'm a stealth player, I drop chases using dance with me, lithe fixated. Steath can be used to disengage as well as prevent engagement. You can also quietly repair generators with technician and trust me, as a killer you know what range you can hear repairs. If you see niether scratch nor hear anything the likelihood you'll get a chase out of going all the way to the gen is pretty low. Killer is unlikely to spend much time searching which both reduces your likelihood of getting caught and gets you back on the gen faster. As long as you know what you are doing you can both do gens and simultaneously convince a killer there's no one currently in the area. You help your team by doing gens while the killer makes no progress from situations that would usually at least give them a pallet or injury. Unfortunately while evader gives a lot of credit for stealth its not a blood point generator which sucks.
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Getting the perfect "only 7000" hatch escpae should reward 25000 BP extra lol. ( /s)
Or atleast an achievment kin to " I'm not helping" .
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As a killer main, this is 100% fine in my book.
You cannot hold the game hostage in this way, and you're playing as you choose. Granted, there could be an argument for griefing your team.
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I think it's similar to killers camping in that they don't care about the points/pip just the kill(s) - survivor only cares about the escape. For someone that wants the pips/points it's a dumb strategy, for someone that thinks win is just escaping its worth it.
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I play for escapes and am primarily a stealth player, but even I think this is a bad way to play. You're much more likely to escape if you actually contribute. It's like in a society: the society is more likely to do well if everyone contributes toward the same goal than if everyone's just looking out for themselves.
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Yeah, it's definitely not a smart strategy by any means. Just saying the probable reasoning behind it is similar to camping. My nephew used to have that mentality when playing swf with my brother and me, we had to spend alot of time explaining why it was such a bad strategy. Still does it on occasion because he'll fall into the "my fam will work and I'll hide until I can escape" mentality. Think my brother getting out of low ranks into green/purple helped push him out of it because now he goes against higher rank killers that target the stealth players. 😂
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As long as you are working on gens and doing rescues and heals, but otherwise hiding when the killer comes rather than being involved in a chase, that's fine. It's only when you hide the whole game and do nothing else, that it's a problem. That negatively impacts your teammates, and is kind of scummy, not to mention it is not going to give you a lot of points.
OoO is not going to help you hide, obviously, but it will help you avoid the killer. It will require you to be much more active, and could ultimately result in chases. Also, if you are trying to hide, it seems like quick and quiet and Iron Will would be good choices.
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Blendette, Spine Chill, Self Care, Calm Spirit, Distortion, key.
Calm Spirit/Distortion hides you from pretty much every tracking perk/ability other than Killer Instinct/Whispers.
Spine Chill counters stealth killers and gives you early warning to hide.
Self Care to stay healthy so you don't leave blood. You're not gonna be doing gens anyway.
Blendette because she is by far the best stealth survivor.
Key so that you don't even need to do gens and just play for hatch.
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You aren't making any "logical" sense.
A: Complete gens as soon as possible is the counter to killers trying to kill people as fast as possible. Not doing gens only makes the killer more successful.
B: People do have a right to judge others AND to prevent others from having fun. There is no punishment from playing in a scummy way, such as the way you are wanting to play in.
C: If survivors do nothing but hide for a very long period of time (like 30+ minutes), then they are taking the game hostage. Without perks like Whispers, most killers will not be able to find people that are dedicated to only hiding. If the EGC can not become active, then there is no way for the killer to progress towards the end of the game in a reasonable amount of time.
You just seem like a bitter person that wants to play the game in such a way that you irritate all 4 other players in the game at once.
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Stealth is a Survivor strategy that is better for people who aren't as strong in a chase. I've used it for ages and it is still a predominant part of my play, even if I'm running around as a P3 Yui lately.
The difference between camping and stealth is that one ruins the game for people and encourages unhealthy methods of play and the other is legitimately an alternate to chases. And that's on BOTH sides!
You can still be a stealthy Survivor hand help your team heaps. If you want to, then here's my build:
Claudette with basic jacket, dark default clothing is preferable.
- Spine Chill
- Sprint Burst
- Bond
- Self-Care
Spine Chill and Bond tell you if the killer is coming for you or not. It's also useful for getting healed quicker if you have a chance. Sprint Burst is the gtfo button on case the killer is coming to get extra distance on them and hide somewhere else. Self-Care is so you don't cry iut in pain, and keep two health states. I know that people will say to just run Iron Will instead, but I prefer being healthy.
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I had a game yesterday where 2 x survivors were left alive with 2 x gens remaining. They opted to hide for a good 10 - 15 minutes, not even bothering to touch a generator. I started to walk around the match in search of the hatch thinking one of them will at least be camping the area. Thankfully it was on Ormond and I managed to find them. If it was on Cold Wind or Yamaoka I would’ve had no hope.
Whist I can understand it may be a “strategy” it’s not a very good one in the above circumstance where they can’t possibly win.
When survivors play well and a killer is threatened with a 0K some killers will down one survivor and camp them to hopefully get 1k even though the killer still technically looses.
Survivors hiding when they can’t possibly win because the killer played well are essentially doing the same bad play some killers would when threatened with a 0k.
In short accept the loss and move on
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I'm always for the point you brought up: "no one has the right to judge how the other plays, nor the right to prevent the other from having fun."
That being said, if there is two survivors, and neither of them are bothering to do anything whatsoever other than hop in and out of lockers in the basement or something, then I would say it's bordering on holding the game hostage. If there was maybe a hard time cap on how long a match can go, like maybe 25 minutes or something, I wouldn't care as much because there would still be some sort of pressure building up to the end of the game. Otherwise, it's just the killer doing circles around the map for a really long time while two people are just sitting around doing nothing.
Again though, I'm all for people playing how they want. If you want to play to save your own skin then that's completely fine, I just personally am not a fan of that kind of situation. If I'm on the survivor side in that situation and it's not just 1 gen left or some other manageable situation, I'll just walk up to the killer and let them kill me to get out of the game more quickly and give my team mate the hatch. To each their own though.
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its sound really cool instead of the broken DS. Im a killer main and I would be totally fine if they reduced DS to 35 sec instead of 60 and buffed inner strength to compensate.
I think inner strength would be a lot fun of when you cleanse a totem you get 2 stacks instead of 1. With the current state of Inner strength having 4 survivors running the same perk would make it useless so 2 tokens for each totem cleansed is a fair change.
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Then killers all start running Whispers to counter it. Though I like for stealth build Urban Evasion Lithe Dance with me and lightweight.
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Well going by this, pointing out that you're hiding in a locker to a killer is also a legitimate strategy, as hopefully the killer will now target you instead of me, and I can be the last one to survive. On that note, if I come across you in the game as a fellow survivor, I will very much play to your disadvantage so that I can survive, because screw teamwork as a survivor, like you mentioned. I'm here to survive, and if making you die achieves that by letting me live, then it's a legit strat, and I'll sure be having fun :)