Opinion about DBD Ballance

To me, Killer is easier to play today.

Killer can camp, abuse, it´s self dependent, has great perks and the new killers has op abilities.

Survivors can gen rush? can... but. They need to be coordinated. The majority just don´t fit in skills. I mean, if you has 1 one on the team... your chance to win goes down drastically. Pallet was OP back there, today... great #########. You just delay your hook... (when they hook, because if you get 2 togheter... you just let them on the ground. Takes ages to cure and him get up.

Everything is slow to survivors, since gens, gates, box... its fast to broke hooks, but its useless with the time respawn. (Jake´s perk is dead, nobody uses anymore).

Killers has more map awareness, run faster, some can take you down with one hit...

The Killer needs to be dumb/bad to lose, that´s the deal.

Thanks to the lvl system, if you goes resilient you can up ur lvl, but still... loses more than win ALWAYS. Maybe you need to take care of the frustration of the killer to the game. But still... to OP. Camping needs to be solved. It´s logical that survives can´t lose one mate. And there is always one gen more than survivors to do. So...

Anyway... you should take the killers winrate and workaround this.


Start to ban people that leaves the game.

And stop to give 5 mins block when killer quits.


  • OhHelloThere
    OhHelloThere Member Posts: 74

    you sound like a rank 15 player to me with 30 hours :/

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    I like the new sabo, even did it with random team mates. Also 500bps/sabo is pretty neat :)

    You can bamboozle good killers as well, with unique pathing (and IW if you're injured). It even worked on otz (playing clown own azarovs) and he's probably one of the best/top killers you can verse.

    Killers aint OP. Camping is a strategy. Might not be the most fun/interactive strat, but just do gens? Use kindred, its (imo) one of the best solo perks that you can run to optimize teamplay without coms.

    Start to ban people who leave? You mean like the current DC penalty? Yep its annoying to get 5min timeout if the killer dc's, but obviously thats not intentional.

  • kill_bill
    kill_bill Member Posts: 60

    if killer is so super easy try it out, hf when u get to the ranks where u have survivors knowing what they do and tell us about your expirience in the redranks ;)

  • krosskawasaki
    krosskawasaki Member Posts: 13

    Makes sense you if play with 3 teammates. I play solo... you are saying things that don´t happen in a normal solo game.

  • krosskawasaki
    krosskawasaki Member Posts: 13

    So... killer must be op until you get higher ranks? That´s how you stand to the 80% of people who starts to play and give up?

    Nice... thats why the community is kinda small... "let´s defend the bubble think".

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    please elaborate on what doesnt happen in a game in your opinion. I wrote a post talking about sabo, uniqie pathing, camping, using kindred and banning people.

  • ZackaryFreeman
    ZackaryFreeman Member Posts: 42

    Ranks can be pretty inaccurate, you can be in purple~red ranks and still be hella boosted.

    Heck in this situation your player level actually tells us more about your playtime than your rank. Level 47 is rather low.

    I also suggest you start playing killer to see the good and bad of both sides and then make a better assumption. (Spoilers : both sides can experience some BS)

    I'd say killer is easy at first because every single survivors at the start are potatoes, but that is until you start to make your way up the ladder and start to play against decent survivors/toxic SWFs who will make you understand why there's actually a shortage of killers in red ranks. (Literally the moment I press ready as Killer I instantly find a match)

    Yes I know camping/tunneling is a pain in the arse, but remember that there are ways to counter them and if the killer continues to play like that, he'll never actually improve and he'll probably stay in low ranks forever.

    I used to be the polar opposite of you, I mained killer 24/7 and used to think survivors were hella broken beyond compare until I started playing survivor myself and reached red ranks there as well, and oh boy I finally understood the life of a solo survivor... it is absolute pure pain but frankly, the game right now is currently much more balanced than it ever was.

    Still, in my opinion the game needs to do something about SWFs survivors as they can really break the game if played optimally.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    That Player Level definitely tells me that you haven't been playing this game for long.

    Your rank/prestige cosmetics don't really give us an indication of how long you've played, but the lack of a Devotion Level and being at Level 47 does show you are relatively new to this game.

  • krosskawasaki
    krosskawasaki Member Posts: 13

    Thats the point.

    323 hours.

    Then, how many time left to me think that the game is balanced?

    So, if you have 15 hours of gameplay... you should shut up and can´t give opinion until 2000 hours played?

    You guys seems to use the argument of authority a lot here.

  • krosskawasaki
    krosskawasaki Member Posts: 13

    323 hours.

    Ok, so how many hours left to me think that the game is balanced?

    Because, the guy said that i was lvl15 with 30 hours gameplay.

    Now, the rank isn´t accurate and my 323 hours is bullshit to argue.

    I know that you guys use authority falacy a lot, but... new players need to spend 2000 hours to start to think that the game is balanced? How it works? kkkkkkkkkkkk

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Actually, yes. I would trust someone with over 1k hours in the game, playing both sides more than someone with 323 hours in the game.

    Not to mention, you can gain hours just idling and being AFK ingame. You cannot gain Player Levels the same way.

  • krosskawasaki
    krosskawasaki Member Posts: 13

    I think you are saying non-sense.

    Well... the ranks you kinda can up without win. You play well... you do things, scores well... +1 even losing. So, im doing my part here.

    I don´t see where this works wrong.

    But OK, im noob, i feel the Killer OP. I can´t say it in this forum prob... because everybody are killer or surviver higher rank... the rest needs to be quiet? kkkkkkkkkkkk

    Well, im giving my opinion, if hurts you guys... im sorry.

  • krosskawasaki
    krosskawasaki Member Posts: 13

    Another game where you do 2 generators almost alone, save 2~3 ppl... do not rank up... but freeze. No fun, killers kill everybody. gg

  • Holylock
    Holylock Member Posts: 82

    Cara, por mais que você ache que tem bastante tempo de jogo, você é muito novo no jogo. Tenta jogar tanto de killer e sobrevivente para você compreende mais o jogo. Sério, ainda você nem aumentou o nível de devoção. Jogar de killer é bem fácil nos ranks baixos pq a maioria dos sobreviventes são ruinzinho (dando a impressão que os killers são Op), mas com o tempo dá para perceber que jogar de killer não é fácil não. Não sei se você pegou a época do hex ruin, pq depois que Ruin foi nerfado, ficou muito mais fácil escapar.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 135


    As a survivor I survive about 20% of my games. I'm not good at gaming and I'm usually too altruistic for my own good, but I've got about 250 hours in the game and tbh it took a long time for me to figure out a lot of things about how to play the game.

    And the problem is killers will wash you out if you don't really know what you're doing. The only saving grace is that a lot of the time yellow-ranked killers don't know what they're doing either. The curve for learning how to survive as a survivor compared to how to kill as a killer is much steeper...but once you really know what you're doing, it really does become one against four, and that can be hard.

    Though I also think if you're a good killer you clean up at red ranks too, but it's much more of a challenge.

  • ZackaryFreeman
    ZackaryFreeman Member Posts: 42

    Yeah 320+ hours and you're only at player level 47, you've definitely afk'ed a lot because I'm at 330 hours but I've already gained a devotion level a long time ago (which occurs when you go over player level 100 by the way, just gonna tell you this in case because you probably don't know what it is)

    Everyone experiences that, not just you. That's just the solo survivor life, 70% of the times you will have potato teammates.

    No your opinion doesn't hurt us, we're just calmy telling you to try playing both sides and experience both survivor and killer so that maybe it'd bring light to you and maybe you can understand that killer isn't as easy/broken as you think.

    And even then if you reach red ranks as killer and still think killer is overpowered, alright no problem, that's your opinion and I'll respect it.