New Chapter: Wrath of the Cosmos

Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,706
edited December 2020 in Creations


The Astronaut 

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Speed: 4.6 m/s

Weapon: Pipe Wrench

Height: Average

Difficulty: Hard

Passive Power 1: Vacui Infinite

At the start of the match, the entire map is cloaked in a near pitch-black supernatural darkness. In order to see in this darkness, The Astronaut has a much larger than average red stain, which he can perceive. At all times, survivors will be able to see up to 5 meters in front of them. Scattered throughout the map are stars, which shed bright light in an 8 meter radius, and dim light for an additional 12 meters. Generators will always be accompanied by a star. Survivors with a flashlight can create their own star by shining the flashlight at a point on the map for 2 seconds. Additionally, fireflies will be scattered through the map. They move around somewhat in their spawn area and shed dim light in a 10 meter radius. Hex totems shed dim light in an 8 meter radius.

Passive Power 2: Solis Flare

Every 15-20 seconds, a solar flare will occur. Solar flares will cause the entire map to be illuminated for 5 seconds. During a solar flare, The Astronaut gains the Undetectable status effect.

Primary Power: Finis Lumen

 By pressing the ability button, The Astronaut can cause every star in the map to go dark for 10 seconds. Finis Lumen can not be activated during a solar flare, and solar flares can not occur while Finis Lumen is active. After activating Finis Lumen, The Astronaut lets out a ghastly wail, the distance and direction of which can be determined. Additionally, The Astronaut gains a slight boost to movement speed during Finis Lumen. This ability has a cooldown of 50 seconds, beginning once Finis Lumen has ended.


The Astronaut’s perks Gabad Adactae, Hex: Nulla Gravitatis and Non Caeli disrupt survivor’s senses and inhibit their motor functions.

Galba Adactae: No sounds can exist in the void of space. When a survivor performs an action that would create a noise notification while within 24/32/48 meters of you, they become deafened for 8 seconds.

Unlocks at Level 30 (Uncommon/Rare/Rare)

Hex: Nulla Gravitatis: A hex that distorts the gravity within the area. While this hex totem is active, survivor fast vault speeds are decreased by 9%/12%/15%.

Unlocks at Level 35 (Uncommon/Rare/Rare)

Non Caeli: Your attacks carry the overwhelming weight of the cosmos behind them While injured, survivors recover from exhaustion 20%/25%/30% slower. When a survivor is hooked, they only recover half of their exhaustion.

Unlocks at Level 40 (Rare/Very Rare/Very Rare)


Lia Nemstev

Role: Fortune Teller

Difficulty: Easy


Tempting Fate: Great skill check success zones become 5% larger. However, the success zone for good skill checks becomes 20% smaller and penalties for failing skill checks are increased by 20%/18%/15%.

Unlocks at Level 30: (Uncommon/Rare/Rare)

Stroke of Fortune: While using a Toolbox or Medkit, when you perform a great skill check, there is a 5%/6%/7% chance that no charges will be consumed for the next 5 seconds.

Unlocks at Level 35: (Rare/Rare/Very Rare)

The Fool: Once per trial, after being unhooked, up to 1/2/3 chests that have been searched reset. These chests can be searched again and will contain a new item.

Unlocks at Level 40: (Rare/Very Rare/Very Rare)

Edit: Reduced the numbers on Hex: Nulla Gravitatis

Post edited by Chordyceps on


  • ReaperTech
    ReaperTech Member Posts: 49

    Cool concept. It’d be really difficult to create however if this ever makes it to the game I think it’s be cool. I love the power and the Perks. Good Job!

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Love the creativity, however, seeing this power effect in-game would probably be unplayable due to the massive frame drops due to all the stuff going on XD

    Really like the perks and numbers attached to them, however, Hex: Nulla Gravitatis would be OP. I get that it's a Hex, but considering Spine Chill+Resilience is only a 15% buff to vault speed when combined. Having a perk do double that but as a debuff would pretty much guarentee a hit at every window. I'd suggest lowering the numbers to make tier3 15%. 20% at a very hesitant push.

  • BamBamChoclateTrain
    BamBamChoclateTrain Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2020

    I had an idea similar to this for a pyramid head killer. Idea being the other world is near pitch black and the only sound pyramid head makes is his great knife while moving... you get the idea. I really like this idea though. I love seeing people come up with killer concepts outside of liscensed killers.

  • TheMythicalCat
    TheMythicalCat Member Posts: 175

    Gotta say, this is one of my favourite ideas I've seen on this forum, and I'd play the hell out of this Killer.

    Usually I'd go through different things I'd recommend changing about the power, but I can't think of a single thing. The only question I have is if you can see Auras through the Darkness. Everything else is explained very well, and is a very unique take on a stealth Killer. Again, one of the best ideas I've seen on this forum.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,706

    I'd say yeah, you can see auras through the darkness. And thank you for the compliment, thats some really high praise.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,706

    So if you'd put tier 3 at a 15% debuff, do you think 9% and 12% would be good percentages for tiers 1 and 2 respectively?

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    Yeah, 9% and 12% would be perfect. Increments of 3% and also matches Resilience by itself at tier1. Since debuffing vault speed is really strong, having them do it any slower than what their fastest vault can be wouldn't be fair