Sprint Burst is a Killer slowdown perk

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

Early Sprint Burst users that are quick to leave gens actually help the Killer. They delay themselves probably 8-10 seconds on getting back on the gen and they make it way easier to tunnel because they leave their teammate as an easy target.

There have been so many games where I don't even hit a Sprint Burst user until late game because they bail every time I get to a gen and they end up getting one hooked at the end of the game because they didn't take hook states or chases. It's even better when they're the Obsession and I have STBFL or PWYF.

Basically, Sprint Burst is a perk thats easy to waste/bait and discourages being chased, which actually tends to help the Killer. Especially if they're one of those walk everywhere kind of players like I would pay money to have a Killer perk that forces Survivors to walk and they do it on purpose.


  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Lol wut

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    So does a pink key help the killer because it means they are searching for the hatch rather than doing gens a lot of the time?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    The only problem with this train of thought is Sprint burst can easily be restored as a survivor is being useful. The entire time a survivor is working on a gen, their exhaustion is going away. Sprint burst also helps survivors with taking care of gens in more dangerous areas since they dont have to rely on a pallet or junglegym that is in the immediate area. If the spot by a gen is in a dead zone... its ok, cuz they can sprint burst to a better location should the killer show up. Sprint burst users are also less likely to be tunneled because they can immediately bolt once unhooked if need be.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    "is a perk thats easy to -waste/bait- (use) and discourages being chased"

    here I corrected the mistake in your essay. Chase extender and time (your time, not survivors one) wasters. That's why top tier.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    I play Freddy and Legion. And use Discordance. I will NEVER commit to a Sprint Burst user when there's another target. So all it does it waste their time.

    If I'm Freddy and they're the only one on the gen and they sprint burst. I just pop it and leave to get back to the hook. And as Legion I start my Frenzy on someone else and catch up to them somewhere in the chain after they burned SB

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Yeah it's bad that some survivors waste their Sprint Burst but it seems like you don't verse survivors who actually know how to use SB properly. Good survivors will actually 99 their Sprint Burst and keep running until the killer finds them, then walk for 0.2 seconds and then run with the SB boost. If you use it correctly, it's the best exhaustion perk in the game. You're just generalising the entire perk because a few ''bad'' survivors.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    It's pretty hecking easy to tell when a Survivor WANTS to be chased and I remember people's exhaustion perks. It's been months since I've fallen for the 99 SB swing at Rank 1

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    The whole point of my post was saying how good survivors are EFFICIENT with their Sprint Bursts. Not the kind of survivors to find the killer and be chased. You still generalised an entire perk because a few bad uses of it.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Against the Killers I play, I could really care less about Sprint Burst at Rank 1. At best it keeps them from being tunneled, at worst it wastes a bunch of their time and means I get kills faster because they're not taking hook states

  • Slexoss
    Slexoss Member Posts: 2

    This is one of the worst takes i've ever seen.