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Nerf swf

Member Posts: 275

Why didn't you nerf SWF teams already? Using voice comms is unfair and it's breaking the game. Swf players should have a repair speed penalty, depending on how big is the group. Or at least give killers a BP bonus when playing against swf. Nothing can counter 4 competent survivors on comms.

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  • Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2020

    I disagree that there should be a penalty for that. I think there SHOULD be adjustment based on if they're together or not (like it is slightly easier to rank for the killer, for example). I think there should also be a display indicator that tells the killer who is in a group together. Perhaps BHVR will get the idea soon enough.

  • Member Posts: 275

    Yeah, some info would be good. But it wouldn't change the fact it's unbalanced

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I think the game just needs secondary objectives personally.

  • Member Posts: 117

    I don't know if I agree. SWFs aren't always guaranteed to be god tier players. It helps them, but it's not a guarantee that they're great at communication.

  • Member Posts: 275

    No matter how good they are, they will always perform a lot better in swf.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    That didn't go so well with Freddy.

    Though, I think a Second Objective that is like the Pig's RBTs could be good. You can ignore it, but if you ignore it for too long you might find yourself in danger.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I think many people extremely overestimate SWF.Sure coordinated SWF are really really strong but they are very very rare too.

    Most SWF are just a chill group of friends.

    The only way to handly SWF is to buff solo survivors to a level that is similiar to SWF and then buff killers accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Pigs a decent example of what I mean but it needs to be baked into the game itself.

    Another example would be that you can only begin repairing the number of generators equal to the number of totems that have been broken (just as an example).

  • Member Posts: 275

    It's a pvp game. Some players are chill, but many of them will sweat. And they should balance the game arround these ones. You can't balance a game arround casual players

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I would rather make it possible to see your teammates loadout pre- and in-game.And add new icons (similiar to the healthy/injured/downed survivor ones) that show which survivor is getting chased,healed etc. but can only be seen from survivors like freddys sleep timer.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    They should,but as i said only after buffing solo survivors.Because giving SWF something like a repair penalty would punish the players that just want to have fun with their friends.

    And i would say that most of the SWF i versed were rather chill than tryhard.I only encountered like a handful of sweaty SWFs and i've been playing this game for a very very long time.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    I mean you can't really mention freddy because he didn't provide any secondary objectives that were directly tied to your survival.

    If the devs would ever implement a secondary objective,then it has to be something fun and interactive that would also require a bit more skill than just sitting on a gen.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    I mean, the amount of people that complains about snares would have you believe that maybe staying asleep would be more dangerous for you. Just saying.

    But yeah I agree, maybe something more than just doing skillchecks. But I don't see something like doing puzzles to solve stuff to be engaging for this game in particular.

  • Member Posts: 135

    I often perform worse in swf than I do in solo. I die much quicker a lot of the time, and a lot of information isn't really all that helpful when you're being chased by a killer.

    Obviously I'm not a god-tier survivor though (just a rank 8, idk how), and I do think it helps a lot with co-ordinating what people are doing. But...tbh when the survivors spread out and stealth, they're much harder to get at than running around next to each other.

    SWF is a cause for concern, but if you feel like it's a huge advantage at every rank...well that's just not true.

  • Member Posts: 677

    I agree. If they gave all killers the ability to teleport across the map with a cooldown on the ability as part of their base kit it would balance things out against swf and still not be too op for solo players.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    You will never be able to give solo survivor something as strong as the communication SWFs have.That's why one can only buff solo survivors to a level that is more or less comparable to them.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    That's why i think secondary objectives won't be a thing for now on.

    Balancing AND making them engaging doesn't sound like an easy task at all.

  • Member Posts: 121

    You can't nerf SWF since using voice coms will always be a huge advantage that compensates any nerfs to SWF. I think solo que should be buffed to SWF level and then killers should be buffed accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Nerfing SWF is not the right way. You can't punish people for playing with their friends. The right way is to buff solo survivors so they have as much information as SWF, then either nerf survivors on the whole or buff killers accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 5,926

    You don't fix SWF by nerfing them. you fix SWF by buffing solos with a few things like giving them bond/kindred as base kit. Give them a totem counter to see how many totems are up and then buffing killers to compensate. The only way to do this is to buff solos to close the gap a little then balance the game around it. Otherwise, if they nerf SWF, then you are punishing people who want to play with their friends. If you balance around SWF, then nobody will want to play the game solo. You need to buff solos, and balance around SWF.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I disagree. You need to seperate swf from solo gameplay and balance both differently. Why? Because one of the core points of the game is a lack of information. Your solution changes that very core of the game, that some people acutally enjoy.

  • Member Posts: 204

    they will never fix it because every suggestion they heard are said by some low rank players. They would said some things like: Ruin should be removed! ( Now they did it ), Legion, clown and leatherface are too strong! ( so they never buff them), survivor should have voice chat!!! ( so SWF are created.) You just have to accept it, they won't fix it

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    They'd argue that they've introduced so many aura perks and information perks that solos could be near SWF but we all know that's completely untrue.

    One day they'll have to acknowledge the gap between solo and SWF. But it will be too large to tackle by then.

  • Member Posts: 6,343

    You can't separate out SWF groups because more than half of the survivors are in at least a two-surv group, and no killers would willingly go against a SWF at all. So more than half of all survivors never get a match again due to mass dodging, ruining lobby times for all.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    SWF isnt an issue as long as they all run OoO. Competent solos will have the same impact than same skilled SWF, cause they know how to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    While this is true, they are objectively being given an advantage through communication. For all the times people claim colorblind options would be exploited by non-colorblind people, they tend to ignore this simple fact. Having the ability to coordinate is a very clear advantage that players otherwise would not have, and there is zero penalty or repercussion for doing so. As it stands, playing solo queue is legitimately a self imposed handicap with zero reward, while playing with comms boosts people well above their actual skill level.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Again, i disagree. If you have Ciompetent solos, and give them communication, they will perform better than they did without it, just because the lot of small information pieces add up.

    As for dodging: If there is a reason why killer would dodge, it is because of the power imbalance. But if swf were balanced different than solo survivors, then it would still be a fair game, and the killer would have no need to dodge.

    But saying its ok to give the killer 50% unfair matches because swf dont want to lose their advantage, and the killer should have the choice to play only the 50% of fair games seems very wrong to me.

  • Member Posts: 183

    I think this is inherently wrong. Remember swf isn't just 4 man groups. It's as little as 2. And PLENTY of 2 man groups are trying pretty hard to win.

    I'll agree that most 4 man swfs are just friends messing around. Most 4 man swfs I've faced have been pretty casual players. But I'd say the opposite is true with most 2 mans as most of those pairs are sweating hard.

    Regardless, the fact is that swf is an insane advantage and something needs to be done to solve that issue.

  • Member Posts: 1,131

    They will never show you who is in swf.

    Some people already go out of their way to check every profile and dodge those who are friends. Show them who is in a group and even those who are too lazy to do that will dodge them.

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