Face camping rebalance idea

Terro Member Posts: 1,171
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

Here's my suggestion:

Within a certain range of a hooked survivor, if the killer is there they slowly get blinded and deafened by the entity, until they can't see or hear anything. The UI of the game also becomes increasingly unseeable, until it's gone. The time it takes for that to happen would be the time it takes for a survivor to go through a phase on the hook. The killer will also be visible to all survivors while they are in this radius and the survivors can tell visually how blinded/deafened the killer is. To get rid of this debuff the killer just has to leave the radius and it will fade away at the same speed as it was applied.

This effect does not happen and the debuff is cleared if egc is triggered, all gens are completed or hatch is open.

The effect will also not happen if within a slightly larger radius there is a survivor(s) and if you already had the debuff it will start ticking down. This includes downed survivors.

Basically, the solution for survivors is still to just do gens but it doesn't mean the person on the hook is outright doomed. Solo survivors no longer have to waste time checking if the killer is face camping either. It also doesn't remove the more legitimate reasons to face camp. As an added benefit killers can also detect if a survivor happens to be nearby but won't know their exact location.

Edit: Also maybe remove the emblem malus for face camping.


  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    But what I wrote above nerfs it for when it's inadvisable and strengthens it for when it should be done.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,081

    Someone just threw out the same idea a few days ago so I'm just gonna copy/paste what I said then...

    From what I've heard from others (i haven't been playing for that long so I'm taking their word for it), back in the day they used to have a punishment for campers (sounds like the timer would either stop or slow down immensely when the killer was within X meters from the hooked). Survivors just abused the hell out of it and essentially would just constantly loop around the hooked area. For your solution, you just need to loop around the area long enough for the auto-blind to kick in and now the killer just got punished for having the audacity to be where the non-hooked survivors are.

    Even if you say "Well if they are in a chase, the mechanic doesn't work" but then you have survivors just hiding in the hooked area (so the killer knows you're in the area but since they are not "actively" chasing you because you're hiding, they now can't look for you because you're using the hooked person as a human shield).

    That to me is always going to be the biggest issue with punishing camping. There are times when either camping IS the best play (like EGC is active with the gates being opened and none of the other survivors are injured so you won't be able to down anyone if you go after them) or survivors will use abuse the mechanic.

  • Puffieball
    Puffieball Member Posts: 64

    The sad part is there was something in place that did help with face camping. It didn't stop it obviously but it was helpful compared to now. Not on my current account now since I wanted to make a new playstation account but on my older one I started playing dead by daylight a few years ago. Back then Borrowed time worked for both the survivor hooked and the person rescueing so once you unhooked the person if you got hit, assuming you were in the injured state, you would go into the deep wound status effect just like the hooked survivor would nowadays but they got rid of that which sucks so much.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171
    edited May 2020

    There's also a larger radius thingy that makes it so the debuff doesn't occur if survivors are running around. I just didn't specifically say the sizes cuz I don't know the exact sizes to balance things. The 3rd paragraph.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Devs already did internal testing years ago regarding punishing a killer for being in hook range, and guess what they found,...

    survivor exploited it and started not leaving the hooks to force the killer to stay and get punished, despite staying at hook being the obvious reaction to the survivor playstyle.

    yep, survivors are the reason you dont have this type of punishment for being in range of the hook.

  • Puffieball
    Puffieball Member Posts: 64

    That was before my time but I do remember hearing about that which makes sense why they toke it away. The way borrowed time use to work though I feel was a fair way of somewhat combatting it.