A rant, a mid rank killer agaisnt reds is pointless

Schulz_The_Ugly Member Posts: 61
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

The simple thing is, you cant even get better.

I finally reached R7 as killer, mainly huntress, and wow, people are beyond toxic, beyond any game i played ( I was warned back at R12 actually🤣). Everyone knows that, yet you can't even improve, the game is still designed to be frustrated in an unhealty way.

I guess this is the problem with most niche games, the learning curve is all janky

And doesn't matter if killer or surviver is easier. In four years if we still have a messy rank system, serious balance issues, heck, simple things like gen popping opacity weren't still tweaked to improve visibility.

Could you ignore it? sure! It's not a surviver fault to be godtier, but you can't leave a game, and you probably gonna get hostaged by

At the end i guess this is de comm we have and what the one we deserve.

EDIT: After some thought, I guess any mid-killer can do is play less

Post edited by Schulz_The_Ugly on


  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    You actually can and will get better from this. Yes, you will lose many games, yes it will be very frustrating, but with repetition you’ll learn that most great survivors are still predictable, which allows you to end chases more quickly.

    However, there are still a few loops each match regardless of RNG that are strong and not mindgameable...these loops great survivors will run optimally, and all you can do is 1. Abandon chase (not recommended, as others will just run here also in future chases) or 2. Endure it, get rid of the pallet so now chases are easier. Just keep your cool, I know it’s hard, and think of it like this: If you can do good vs a good survivor team (especially a well coordinated SWF), then you can do great against ANY team.

    Hang in there mate.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Eh r7 with red ranks isnt really that big of an issue imo. I was fine dealing with red ranks when i was in green ranks

  • Schulz_The_Ugly
    Schulz_The_Ugly Member Posts: 61

    That's your experience. Doesn't really add to the solution

  • Schulz_The_Ugly
    Schulz_The_Ugly Member Posts: 61

    Thanks for the tips,

    those are good advises that people should follow. But I'm not gonna burnout just to be godtier in the short run

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I totally understand, this will always be a “game” first, it is meant to be fun. Many people are not willing to sacrifice the time to grind horribly skill paired matches to improve, especially when it makes their part of the game not fun to play. If the frustration level is ruining your game experience, just play survivor for awhile, its almost always fun and much easier, and you can also become a better killer by playing survivor, it will help you anticipate things in matches.

  • Schulz_The_Ugly
    Schulz_The_Ugly Member Posts: 61

    As again, thanks for your comment. I gave it some thought

    I gave some runs rebalancing my mouse. Well i lost all of them but that's how it it. It's just a game at the end, with it's ups and downs. And if anything people should take it slowly and enjoy it.

    Not gonna deny, the learning curve for killer (and surviver) is horrid, but that doesnt make the game a failure, actually the recent map changes were awesome.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188
    edited May 2020

    How come you guys did not say this to me when I was frustrated with the game? Now that I read this post it gave me some hope :) thx

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    The reality is that all you'll learn from getting wiped by good red rank or SWF groups is that you can't beat those groups.

    Even the best killers in the game will get 0-1k on these groups fairly regularly.

    You can go learn the "proper" way to run common loops, or get better at mindgames and it'll raise the bar a little bit for you, but you'll still be destroyed by the groups that finish 3 gens during your first chase.

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    This isn't teaching low rank killers anything. It's just encouraging them to quit the game

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Sorry my friend, I didn’t know! lol. I stopped playing PC and am console (PS4) now, the PS4 has a serious lack of killer players resulting in long survivor queues, so I am willing to do anything (within reason) to get players more resilient and patient to play the weaker role.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    This is only teaching low rank killers that the only way to get better, is to play it. You don’t become the best basketball player by playing inferior opponents, you don’t become the best staring contest competitor by versing someone with Turretsyndrome, you don’t become a better killer unless you play opposition better than you. Facts.

    The message is for lesser experienced players to ‘hang in there’, the more experienced players don’t need and probably don’t want my advice.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522
    edited May 2020

    "Hang in there" makes it sound like it's a job, or something important in life.

    There's no reason that a new player should feel like they need to "hang in there" just to get to a point where a game is enjoyable. People quitting is the fault of the game, not the fault of players for wanting to enjoy a game.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I totally agree with you. Perhaps something I’ve said you misinterpreted. For example, I love the game, and I love challenges, I want and NEED my game experience to be difficult, so it’s easy for me (for love of the game), to endure the nasty losses I’ve experienced to get to the level I’m at now. Not everyone is the same way, every person has different views and different opinions.

    However, I have to assume this guy has love for the game also, otherwise he wouldn’t bother making a post for discussion here at all, and would’ve already quit playing the game.

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    But guess what. A basketball player who is 6'0 can actually get better than when they are versing someone 6'0. Who would have known? Im an experince player but your advice is just trash. A rank 15 killer should be versing a rank 15 survivor. Not a rank 1 survivor. You're just encouraging them to stop playing the game because who want's to lose just because someone is waay higher rank than you are.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Wow, dodging around the entire point aren’t we?

    Example: I, like many others that have not played since debut in 2016...was a yellow rank killer playing against red survivors. Guess what happened!? I lost...ALOT. I became better, and now I’ll kill 2 everygame (exaggerating, more like 96%) regardless of the killer I choose to play no matter what the survivor’s skill level is at, and no matter if they’re a well-coordinated SWF or not. I’ve done it thousands if times now including strong survivor maps, including before DS and MoM and instaheals were nerfed.

    If you want to quit because the difficulty is too strenuous for you resulting in not enjoying your gameplay experience, that is your choice. Not everyone will share your opinion, not everyone will share mine.

    Bottom line: experience makes you better, enough said. If you wish to continue debating this topic, please be specific and logical with your input rather than voicing how it only pertains to you.

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    If you actually read my comment this does not pretain to me. But i'v had so many friends that quit the game because they were going against red ranks when they literally just started. How exactly is that fair? You don't gain anything from going against someone so high up it would take you way too long just to get to their level. And how am i dodging the point? YOU DON'T LEARN FROM GOING AGAINST HIGH LEVELS. Point blank period. If im a rank 15 and im going against a rank 1 im not learning anything. What instead im learning is that i should have never bought the game. I also don't believe for a second you can get 2 kills 96% of the time. Heres a challenge. Play cannibal or clown without any addons because most survivors don't bring items. Learn that

  • Stitch7833
    Stitch7833 Member Posts: 632

    im not being funny but alot of the red ranks suck, i must of done about 10 solo survivor games and out of the 30 survivors i had on my teams about 2 of them could lead on a chase more than 8 seconds. alot of red ranks should be green rank. but ranking has always matched within 6 ranks so if youre 7 then you will see reds often, not to mention everyone is red now anyway

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    You can disagree all you wish, playing better survivors DOES make you a better killer. And don’t worry, when I said I’d kill 2 everygame...that does include Clown but not Cannibal, I’ll 4k that or 3 and an early hatch out.

  • blasto
    blasto Member Posts: 41

    At rank 7 you’re a couple of games away from being red rank.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606
    edited May 2020

    Im Rank 1. Im_Here___RUN. The rank 7 you’re referring to is my get to R1 with no perks account, it has one less underscore in the name.

    Edit: Apologies, he’s 5 now.

  • Schulz_The_Ugly
    Schulz_The_Ugly Member Posts: 61

    the diference in skill lvl is huge.. being purple doesnt mean much actually

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    So one of the most recent videos I did was 4 consecutive mid-tier killer games, back to back with no video edits (about an hour). Includes (in order): Pig, Wraith, Trapper, Cannibal. All games VS reds (or at least 3 being red), 4k 3 of the games, 3k and a key hatch out on the Trapper game...this was 1 month ago, before the map reworks even.

    I’m just trying to make a simple point, with practice (if you’re patient enough and enjoy the play enough to do it), you can win a game VS red survivors with mid and even low-tier killers.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I have quite a bit of hours put in (I joined when Clown was the newest killer, so been a while but I'm not a founder or anything) and I still have plenty of progress to make on my characters. As far as I'm concerned, I don't care if somebody at rank 1 with tons of hours put in wants to bring a souped up flashlight with all the 2nd chance perks and wants to beat me that way and talk smack. As you said, this game's got a learning curve, so all I have to worry about is being good and once I'm not stuck with crap perks on most of my killers, I'll be able to be one of those killers that can afford to bring an ebony mori every game. Not that I would just always mori people off 1st hook, but I never use my moris anyway, so I might as well use it as a safety precaution more than anything.

    I'd consider myself a mid-rank killer, since I usually end up around rank 5-9 or so by the time rank reset hits. I just don't think what you said about not being able to improve is true. You can improve a lot, you just have to tough it out until you can get good stuff on killers you like to be able to compete. Certain killers don't have as much dependency on addons but I can tell you from experience, playing as a Trapper for example, and having brown or no addons vs. the more expensive ones makes a huge difference.

    Your comment is unbelievably out of touch. "A basketball player who is 6'0" has nothing to do with rankings in DbD, as the devs themselves even say rank has more to do with time played than skill. Even then, a rank 1 player can still play like crap. Somebody being a lower rank in DbD is absolutely no comparison to somebody having a height disadvantage in Basketball, because the number next to your name in DbD doesn't inherently give you any sort of advantage or disadvantage. So right at the beginning, what you said already falls flat.

    If you say you don't learn anything from high levels, you're simply showing that you just refuse to learn anything from playing against them.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    how can you seriously get better when sooner or later you get huntress on lerys. or even haddonfield against swf that use balanced landing. You simply have zero control over those games so theres literally no point in playing. Its just frustrating because the devs that do the pr stuff are clearly survivor sided or dont even play their game to a level that most of their veteran players can achieve

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    I will keep on trying:) thx for giving me some hope bud:D any tips I can also learn from you? I Play on pc:) I know you don't play on pc but is there any other tips I can Learn?

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    Wow way to read my comment and not the one ahead of mines. Im just gonna assume you failed an english class because if you read the comment above mine they were talking about basketball first. Do yourself a favor and leave me be

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    You still made a horrible comparison between DbD and basketball. I didn't comment on his because it actually made sense when he was referencing it, and I commented on yours because yours was just a terrible take.

    His example was of playing against inferior opponents. I personally read that as opponents who aren't as skilled. IDK how you interpreted it. Your example, however, was of somebody playing against somebody else with a natural physical disadvantage. As I said, you aren't at a complete disadvantage just because your number is lower.

    But yes, just tell me I "failed an english class" because we're totally in school right now. Totally not because you have nothing to actually say in response to the points I brought up. Anyway, I will do you that favor and leave you be now. I don't want to waste my time on somebody who clearly isn't worth it and clearly doesn't want to add anything meaningful to the conversation.

  • dollidahlia
    dollidahlia Member Posts: 343

    Thats funny since you haven't added anything up either. If you go against someone your same skill its completely fair and respectable. What is there not to get? You are going to learn more against someone your own skill and can outplay them. If you go against a high tier and lose over and over you're not learning anything.

    Now like i said. Leave me be, idc if you "don't want to waste your time" because 1.) We can't go anywhere due to corona and 2.) You act like you had a life to begin with. So bye bye