Matchmaking is terminally broken: thread #743867534987348

Behaviour folks, your matchmaking is so bad. IT'S SO BAD. Like, look at this. This is me, queuing solo as a survivor. I'm the lowest-ranked guy in the group, at rank 5. And the game matches us with... a rank 18 killer? I felt awful for this guy. This is a big part of why the newbie game experience is so miserable. You NEED to be looking out for these players, and not just making their net experience a super-negative and unhappy one.
How have you guys not been able to get a handle on matchmaking? The game has a numerically healthy player base, it's four years old, and it's on multiple platforms. This should be a DREAM scenario for your queues. Instead, new players have to deal with THIS. If you were him, would you want to keep playing?
EDIT: You need to move toward a portable account-based system (a la Fortnite) that exists cross-platform, and can matchmake cross-platform. You need to do this, like, yesterday. This + a Bloodweb overhaul to make it easier to unlock and quickly target specific perks on specific characters should be among the highest-priority changes to the game.
EDIT #2: Also, with respect to the matchmaking update post from January... yeah, I see what's being said there, but this doesn't seem to be improving things, certainly not in my experience. This guy was completely new, his profile showed 11 hours in game ,and he didn't get a single hook (pretty sure he got maybe 1-2 hits at most). We absolutely destroyed him. Whatever this is, it's not a good matchmaking solution.
The worst part is when they're crazy high ranks like this AND a SWF. Something's gotta give at that point.
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Thanks, I almost forgot how bad the MM can be
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I've heard that low-rank killers being shoved into high-rank matches is due to a lack of high-rank killers but I've got nothing to verify that.
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This is four months old.
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Therefore the devs have been, and are aware of, the matchmaking issues. Posting another thread to show how broken it is doesn't suddenly speed up the coding process.
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It doesn't, but matchmaking has been broken to various degrees at least since I have started playing, which was Nov. 2018. There comes a point where a reasonable person has to stop extending the benefit of the doubt, in terms of the amount of time a problem has gone on. Behaviour is really bad at how they prioritize for this game. It needs to keep being brought up for as long as it needs to keep being brought up.
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Devs should fix matchmaking already. I got AGAIN against 3 reds 1 purple swf as rank 16 killer with less than 100h in this game. Seriously ######### is wrong with this matchmaking and devs? It's no use even trying against them, I just afked half of the match.
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This is the main game problem right now. No new player wants to play killer because rank 20s are being matched with red rank swat teams. It's not fun and is ruining any chance at furthering the playerbase
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Still, matches like that should not be happening. I had several very similar to that when I started playing killer. It's not fun, and some survivor groups abuse the killer when they know that they are not that experienced. The devs can, and should, bandaid fix the current system until they complete the new system, if they can't get their new system out in a reasonable amount of time. Do you realize how bad of an experience that is for new players. Also, it is not acceptable that with a problem as big as this, the devs have not provided an update in 4 months.