Killer Strategy: Waiting at the hatch

If i want to camp the hatch to bait out the last survivor or wait until I can see their aura with Bitter Murmur form the last gen... Camping the hatch seem like the only viable option because most of the time survivors (especially SWF) know where the hatch is and they know how to get to it. If i drop the hatch I feel like I am at a severe disadvantage and a lot of the time good survivors just hop on a gate which is a 50% chance to choose the right one and even if I do usually they can hide or just go to the other one and chip on both.


  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    As much as I personally like Bitter Murmur, just use Whispers and slam the Hatch shut immediately.

    Unless they have or find a Key, you 4k.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I usually get robbed by keys in the endgame so i don't even try to use anything strategic. I just accept the 3k and move on.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,068
    edited May 2020

    If playing doc and the survivor has a key you can camp the hatch until you suspect they are near, slam it shut, then shock them silly. Every time you shock them they can't use the key to open the hatch for 2.5 seconds, if using Discipline 2 and Carters notes (discipline 3), you can keep shocking them every 1.5 seconds otherwise you can only shock them every 2 seconds, during this time they usually realize that you won't let them have the hatch and so employ a run around tactic to get a big enough break between shocks so they can open the hatch, once they do that you give them a smack to injure or down them and keep up the shocking. If you are good at it there is no way that key gets used, so Basically it's checkmate if you play doc and bring the right add-ons for the job against a key bearer, and from my experience... they loath this tactic. No other killers have this level of control over the hatch during the endgame against a key IMO. also shock therapy is great for when the survivors are surrounding a downed teammate near or around the gate in order to prevent you from picking them up, 1 shock on all team mates, and you can pick em up before they can continue heal-blocking you.