3 Obvious New Killers

OrionPeaceMaker Member Posts: 1

Just had a spike of imagination and thought about the 3 known horrors. I'm sure there's heaps of controversy over whether they'll appear but here's what I had in mind for each one with their basic abilities:

Valak - The Demon Nun

Power: Unholy Presence

Around the map 2-4 portraits of the nun are placed, each with their own terror radius. Survivors who approach the painting unaware within 8 meters trigger it's horror causing them to scream (30 sec cool down) and their presence is revealed to the Nun who like the hag, can choose to jump to a painting.

Pennywise - The Shapeshifting Horror

Power: Shapeshift

Penny wise can shape shift into one of the 4 survivors identically. Shapeshifting takes a few seconds as the killer selects the disguise and twists into that survivor. Once disguised he has no terror radius but can slash out like a jack-in-the-box to hit a survivor turning himself back into the clown we all love and fear.

The Slender Man

Power: Terrorizing Gaze

Depending on distance and direction of the slender man to the survivor, direct vision of this killer causes a haze blinding to come upon survivors. The closer the killer is with direct vision, the blinder the survivor is. The key is to turn your back and run without looking back