Remove Ebony and Change/Remove Keys
By far, i think ebony moris are one of the least fair things in the game, having the ability to kill all the survivors off instantly after one hook (even more so if the killer is really good), mori animations probably take a while to make and ivory doesnt seem as bad as ebony, but please remove ebony, its so unfun and unfair to everyone, as i said ivory could easily be kept (and the yellow one too)
And for the keys, i think they should be either removed or changed completely, i had an idea ages ago about having an opening sequence for both purple/pink keys, but to make purple/pink keys different, make the purple opening sequence longer, and for you to not jump in instantly maybe after opening it. (Could also have addons which decrease the time it takes to open a hatch) - And for the green keys, maybe change their model to an actual broken key or change something about them so they don't get mixed up with the other 2, and maybe make them actually useful (can't actually do anything if you find them in a chest) Thanks.
Sorry if this seems biased, just spouting out my opinions.
Lots of people asking for reworks with the keys (well, and moris). Maybe they'll actually do it eventually.
Anyway, I have my own opinion on the keys, one which I think would actually buff them while making them less frustrating:
I think its high time that keys had a true BASE FUNCTION (and the ability to open the hatch would be an exclusive passive bonus for the Ultra Rare Skeleton Key).
Maps track things, Keys (with add-ons) track players. Why not just make this their default ability? They could essentially just function as a limited-use long-range Bond (or OoO with certain add-ons). This would also mean that the Broken Key, the most worthless item in the game, would actually do something when found in a chest!
But I'm not done yet: Instead of channeling the keys like you do with maps, I think they should be something used in 'pulses' (charge and release) which activate their aura reading for 3-10 seconds (affected by rarity and add-ons). It opens up more options for tweaking their add-ons in fun ways, while also making it more transparent just how much use the Blood Amber (for tracking killer) will cost you.
Other than that, like I said, ONLY the Skeleton (Red) Key would continue to be capable of unlocking the Hatch. I think this would still be fair given its rarity.