Why the Killer is Jason

Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
  • First, lets look at who the "BIG" licensed killers are... Jason, Pinhead, Candyman, Alien, It and Chucky.
  • First killer we can definitely eliminate is Chucky, he would be extremely unpleasant to play as because all you would see is grass the entire match (Imagine Pig being crouched and that is all you would see all match, but even closer to the ground). Not to mention the hooking animation. Technically, Chucky would be impossible to implement.

Now Look at the clues...

  • Candyman - There have been numerous clues the Devs have teased about Candyman. Bees and Candy teases, Color of Splash Artwork, skull on the forums page. This has been the most teased killer.
  • Pinhead - This was just teased by Matt in a tweet about 2 "Simons"
  • It - Has been teased by the "Postcard" in the mobile version of the game. Also I think the Dev's followed and unfollowed Stephen King recently.
  • Alien - Sounds were teased by the Devs with Alien sounds.

So, we know the Devs have been throwing Red Herrings everywhere. However, there's hasn't been a single tease for Jason from Friday the 13th. Is that not EXTREMELY unusual. Literally the biggest name in horror slasher villains and they haven't teased Jason from Friday the 13th AT ALL. That is beyond unusual, with all the red herrings they're throwing out, they haven't thrown out a single one about Jason.

  • I think the clue is what ISN'T getting teased, not what is getting teased.
