Do bugs for killer ever get fixed?

It's becoming more frustrating trying to pick up killer with ....

1st: Downed no sound bug - I've just played two games where I've downed someone and due to the survivor dedicated servers teleporting them to another nearby location to be picked up but couldn't find two Claudettes on the ground either wasting time.

2nd: Unable to pickup surivors : The game refusing the killer to allow them to be picked up and not just under the hook but downstairs in Freddys school.

3rd: Now playing killer I've noticed moments of drifting when I'm looking left/right almost to the point of 180's at times, using a new controller hasn't fixed it. Below shows me drifiting into a bale of hay twice after coming down off the hay baler.

4th: Killer grabbing survivor turning into thin air so losing a hit on them as well. Why are dedicated servers based in another country across the world and also gameplay going back and forth from each player but they are all in the same region!!!

I'd log them with this site but they seem to get deleted unfixed after 6 months, I'm hoping to hear of others that have had these problems on PS4 (or other platforms).


  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    They just did killer fixes in the last patch, didn't they? I recall specifically with Huntress, there was 2 bugs. #1 was when she hit a hatchet, she would be awarded no devious points. #2 was that her on-hit addons weren't working.

    I don't have behind the scenes information or anything, but I imagine some bugs are just more complicated/harder to squash than others, and therefore just take more time. Don't ask me specifics though because as I said, I don't know any of their top secret stuff.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Would this be the patch for huntress that hasn't fixed hatchets that go round corners since dedicated servers?

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Lack of bug fixes for killers affects number of killers.

    Lack of killers affect increased survivor lobby waiting times.

    Increased survivor lobby waiting times affect survivors...

    This negatively affects survivors...

    However the next step is...

    Affected survivors reduce in numbers which reduces survivor lobby waiting times or play killer due to insta lobbies which then returns full cycle but with fewer and fewer players.

  • MrCookie
    MrCookie Member Posts: 121

    They get fixed. When the bug impacts survivors in a negative way.

    No sound bug, not being able to pick up survivors under the hook, grabs not working most of the time - who cares about that? I wish they acknowledged these bugs and told us what are they doing about them.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    They do, just months and months down the line.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    The problem is survivor bugs tend to simply go unnoticed. I recall there was a bug a year ago that lasted for a whole month that allowed you to see the silhouette of survivors working on gens. It was ######### broken and nobody said nothing.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    There have been sound bugs in the game for months. Many of us were talking about them before Christmas. They are still in the game. Killer Audio gets messed up all the time and I feel like they've just given up on fixing it since it'll just break again after the next patch.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    they fix mm's add-on "bug"

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513

    Poor nurse still over here dead with bugs.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318
    edited May 2020

    I'm going to be facetious for a second and say killer bugs are only fixed in a timely manner when it literally breaks the game or negatively impacts survivor experience.

    Bugs that negatively affect only killers take a very long time to fix to the point where Nurse still has game-breaking bugs from YEARS ago. But they don't make survivors have less fun so it's not priority.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    ...just a nurse main passing by...

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I greatly look forward to the grab fixes. It's extremely unfair when you're Nurse and you get double stunned AND the grab gets away without being hit.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    yeah because survivors cry like crybabies everytime they are slighlty unhappy wiht something

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    for the grab issue why not give the killer the hit if they didn't get the grab? if the messages are so close that there is confusion on either client, and since the killer button press to grab is m1 then if the grab didn't land then the hit certainly would have

  • VSLl
    VSLl Member Posts: 315

    A bug with sound appeared with the Demo in September last year. How much time has passed? More than half a year. Do you understand that killers encounter bugs with sound for a huge amount of time? This bug appeared along with a bug with terrible quality of Rin's hair. Still not fixed. How many more months should pass?

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Firstly thanks for the reply @Peanits I appreciate the explaination about survivors almost being the same with different skins/height

    1st: Downed no sound bug - No matter which killer the sound bug is an issue and should be in the generic/nonspecific code for killers with downed survivors. On some maps the killer loses their down &/ precious wasted time. I do hope this high priority bug does get fixed next update/DLC it has been a while.

    2nd: Unable to pickup surivors : Recently I haven't seen this. Thanks

    3rd: Drifting. Tried two different controllers, one new. The vision drifts to the left or right at least once a game (set to high sensitivity but not moving sticks).

    4th: Killer grabbing survivor - Thanks for explaining and I understand how the communications work but it is so survivor sided I've managed to record myself escaping a spirit as a survivor which was totally unfair on the spirit as I was so slow letting go. Also the killer should not have a failed grab but a hit which I also find unfair.

  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Member Posts: 58

    The drift problem is more than likely your controllers' analog stick. Even your new one. I have two brand new ps4 controllers both with drift problems. My advice is to get on youtube and look up how to properly take apart and clean ps4 analog controllers. It's very easy to do.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    Like Sloppy on Wraith that ruined survivor games for months? Like Huntress Hatchets hitting around walls?

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Everything is possible. I think I remember that there was a window on Haddonfield that could not be vaulted by female survivors :P

    And to the grab, the annoying thing on this one is, that an M1 should trigger a swing if it does not trigger the grab, but currently it is just cancelling the whole action, which should not happen when the survivor lets go of the gen. And the mentioned server side revalidation would not fix this on the client side from my understanding. It should be more like "send an M1 and tell me if it is a grab or a swing". I even had it that I grabbed someone on a medium vaulted window, the animation was cancelled very lately and I even couldn't do a second M1 to hit through the window because the survivor was already done with his animation because of the massive delay. Stuff like that prevents me from even trying to grab, which can be essential when you for example try to save STBFL or PWYF stacks.

    But thanks for the response and detail, and I hope you never get sick of the default salt like "just survivor bugs get fixed" ;)

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Dedicated survors for killer hit latency issues duh.

    I never nerd of the sloppy wraith what was that ?

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    For months if a Wraith hit you with Sloppy Butcher the blood effect would stay for the whole time you were injured. Consoles couldn't handle that and the lag meant you could hardly play.

    Obviously that meant almost every Wraith you played had Sloppy.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    That sounds hilarious tho lol

    Only consoles ? And only if you didn't heal... interesting.

    never ran into it on ps4 tbh.