New killer. The Ghost. New survivor. Amy Wexler. New Chapter. A Haunting To Remember.

LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283
edited January 2021 in Creations

The Ghost.

Speed. 115%


When the ghost hits a survivor, the ghost can become invisible for 10 seconds by pressing L1 after hitting the survivor. Whilst the ghost is invisible, it can still see survivors but not their scratch marks. Survivors can see specks of white mist when the ghost is invisible. Move at 120% speed when invisible. (B tech spirit but survivors can sort of see you and u can see them) If the Ghost doesn’t press L1 after hitting a survivor, the ghost will gain a token up to a maximum of 12. Each token adds 5 seconds of invisibility that can be used any time during the trial.

The ghost can also play tricks with survivors. Holding L2 whilst next to a pallet will cause the pallet to go invisible. When survivors run passed the invisible pallet, they still have the opportunity to drop it. Can only turn 5 pallets invisible.


After hitting a survivor, the closest ‘healthy’ survivor to you will scream and reveal their location to you and they will be exposed for 20 seconds. Pink addon.

Tremendously increases movement speed when invisible. Pink addon.

Considerably increases movement speed when invisible. Purple addon.

Survivors scratch marks are shown to you when invisible. Purple addon.

White mist cannot be seen by survivors when the ghost is invisible. Purple addon.

Add 10 seconds to invisibility after hitting a survivor and not going invisible straight away. Reduces amount of tokens to 6. Purple addon.

Moderately increases movement speed when invisible. Green addon.

When invisible, every other survivors aura is shown to you for 5 seconds. Green addon.

When invisible, the survivor that you just hit will have their aura shown to you for 3 seconds. Green addon.

Slightly increases movement speed when invisible. Yellow addon.

Become invisible for an extra 2.5/5/7.5 seconds after hitting a survivor. Brown/Yellow/green addon.

Let me know anymore Addons that I should add!


Wiggle Exposure

When transporting a survivor over to a hook. Every other survivor becomes exposed aslong as you are carrying that survivor.

Wiggle Exposure has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds after putting a survivor on the hook.

Never Let Go

You become obsessed with one survivor.

When a survivor is within 8/10/12 metres of a dead survivor or a hook that a survivor was sacrificed on, the obsessions aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds and they are exposed for 10/20/30 seconds.

The obsession changes if the current obsession is sacrificed/killed.

The killer may only be obsessed with one survivor at a time.

Die Alone.

If a survivor dies with no other survivor within 12/10/8 metres from them, you gain a token up to a maximum of 3.

Each token decreases survivors action speeds by 7.5%. (Repair, healing, vaulting, chest searching, sabotaging etc)

New Survivor. Amy Wexler

Electric Health

Healing a survivor whilst within 4/6/8 metres from a powered generator will give a 30/40/50% speed increase to healing.

Healing Aura

When healing a survivor and the killer is further than 24/20/16 metres from you, you and the survivor will see the killers aura for as long as you are healing.

Healing Aura has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

Trot On

Trot On activates after you have been in the killers terror radius for more than 20/17/15 seconds (must be walking, not crouched or running)

Whilst Trot On is activated, the next time you run you won’t leave scratch marks for 3/5/7 seconds.

Trot On has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.

Please Tell me what u think!

Post edited by LuluTheLion14 on


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Power: Seems like it should be extremely strong but I'd say it's probably a weaker Spirit. The fact the survivors can see the mist is a good thing. I feel like STBFL is a pretty meta perk for him. Don't understand how the white mist can juke survivors though since the way you explained it seemed like the killer was where the white mist was.

    The Secondary ability I quite like. Very interesting for mind games. You've balanced it quite well by still leaving the prompt on the screen.

    Wiggle Exposure: A fun gimmick perk. It's basically a basement build perk. The cooldown needs to be removed as it's already a very niche perk.

    Never Let Go: This perk is extremely weak. You need to kill someone then hope the obsession walks near that hook which unless they have an item is extremely unlikely. If the obsession dies they survivors know the killer has this perk and the obsession knows the killer will have this perk if they get exposed near a dead survivor. To me you basically only have 1 chance to get 1 down the whole game if the survivors aren't potatoes.

    Die Alone: Action speeds don't usually involve gen repairs so I'm assuming it's the same here. If it doesn't effect gens I feel it's too weak. If it does effect gen repairs then I feel it's still on the weaker side. 5% just isn't enough unless you kill someone with 3 or more gens remaining.

    Electric Health: Decent. Good healing speeds with a good condition. I'd say if it works on yourself also then it's pretty good.

    Healing Aura: Okay. Don't think it's as good as the other perk for a few reasons. First is that if the killers a stealth killer this perk is useless. Second if they aren't a stealth killer you can tell by the heart beat if they're getting close.

    Trot On: Extremely OP. It needs a cooldown definitely. You haven't stated if you need to be outside of a a chase while in the killers terror radius. It needs at least a 2 minute cooldown at tier 3 and the condition that you can't be in a chase while your in the killers terror radius.

    Hope this was of help mate. I really like the killer but I feel like the perks don't compliment him well. It's a killer who is strong in chase and your giving him two exposed perks? These perks are also quite weak so I don't understand their purpose. Feel like this killer would be a nightmare for solo q players but a decent challenge vs swf teams.

  • LuluTheLion14
    LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

    Hi. Thank you for replying.

    The White mist - Say u are around a pallet loop and u start going one way, the mist will follow. But if u start going back the other way, there’s already white mist there meaning the survivor could probably vault back over the pallet and u will just be there waiting. 😂

    Never let go - Thank you, I will try and improve it after writing this. 👍🏻

    Die Alone - Yes it does affect gen speed as well as others like healing, vaulting etc. I can maybe add some extra % onto it. Would 10% be too much? (maximum of 30%).

    As for the survivor perks. I’ll tweak them now. If u can give me an updated feedback after I’ve tweaked them that would be great.

    Also, I have commented on your post if u haven’t seen it already. 👍🏻